2016-12-26 60 views



class Custom { 
    constructor (arr) { 
     this.arr = arr; 
    method (str) { 
     this.arr.forEach(item => { 
      console.log(`${item} ${str}`); 
    [Magic.here]() { 
     // this part should invoke the constructor of this class with a single item of the array passed into it as an array of one as argument. 

let c = new Custom(['something', 'other thing', 'hello?']); 

c[1].method('exists?') // -> other thing exists? 

現在,我不能完全肯定這是可能的。我設法想出了我自己的不太好的解決方案,通過extend ing ArrayProxy也進入了我的想法,但不能得到一個工作解決方案。



你似乎正在圍繞着元素周圍的包裝混合包裝。它會是'c.method()'或'c [1] .method()'?他們絕對應該有不同的階級。 – Bergi


如果你閱讀了我的代碼演示中的[Magic.here]'部分的推薦內容,你會意識到我確實想從getter調用構造函數,就像這樣:'c [0]''returns a'new自定義(this.arr [0])'基本上,然後可以單獨調用'method'。 –


是的,但從構造函數的參數名稱和數組的示例調用我意識到'Custom'是數組包裝器的構造函數,而不是從getter調用的元素的構造函數。 – Bergi




const isArrayIndex = str => (str >>> 0) + '' === str && str < 4294967295; 
const arrayCustomizer = { 
    get(target, property, receiver) { 
     var el = Reflect.get(target, property, receiver); 
     if (isArrayIndex(property) && el != null) 
      el = new Custom(el); 
     return el; 
class Custom { 
    constructor(v) { 
     this.value = v; 
    valueOf() { 
     return this.value; 
    method(arg) { 
     console.log(this.value + " " + arg.replace("?", "!")); 

let c = new Proxy(['something', 'other thing', 'hello?'], arrayCustomizer); 

嘿!我設法抽象出你的方法,並得到了一個工作的例子,但是......當我創建這個'Proxy'時,它隱藏了主實例的所有類屬性,就像'c.method()'將不再存在。我目前對'Proxy'的知識是有限的,但我會接受你的答案,如果你能給我一個解決上述問題的方法,我將永遠感激。 :) –


'c'只是一個數組,它從來沒有'.method'屬性(我不明白爲什麼它需要)。只有它的元素是'Custom'的實例。 – Bergi



const array = ['a', 'b', 'c']; 
const proxy = new Proxy(array, { 
    get(target, property) { 
    console.log(`Proxy get trap, property ${property}`); 
    return Reflect.get(target, property); 

proxy[1]; // logs "Proxy get trap, property 1"

無論你在get陷阱回報將是評估proxy[index]的結果,因此,例如,而不是返回Reflect.get(target, property)你可以返回一些對象。




* The class I want to proxy on 

class Random { 
    constructor (arr) {this.arr=arr} 
    method() {this.arr.forEach(el=>{console.log(el)})} 

// Creating a separate function for initializing the class. This will have to be used instead of the regular class' constructor if we want to use the proxy as well. 

function init (arr) { 
    // Creating a new instance of random class based on arr, passing it into proxy 
    var p = new Proxy(new Random(arr), { 
    // Modifying the get function on handler 
    get: function (target, name) { 
     // Checking if the name is a numeric reference 
     if (typeof name === 'string' && /^-?\d+$/.test(name)) { 
     // ... it is, so we call init with the selected item in the array on our class object 
     let r = init([target.arr[name]]); 
     // finally we return the new proxy from init 
     return r; 
     else { 
     // otherwise we are looking at a direct reference, maybe to a method or scope variable, like random.method() 
     return target[name] 
    // we return the proxy 
    return p; 

let random = init(['hello', 'amazing', 'world']) 

console.log(random[0]); // proxy reference to array of hello 
console.log(random[1]); // proxy reference to array of amazing 

random.method(); // logs out all 3 items of array 
random[2].method(); // logs out third item

