2017-05-31 128 views

我想使用RestResource註釋spring數據rest。如您所知,默認情況下會公開所有CRUD方法。但我只需要findAll方法。一種方法是將所有其他方法的導出值設置爲false,如下所示:如何設置導出的默認值爲false其餘資源spring data rest

public interface QuestionRepository extends CRUDRepository<Question,Long> { 

@RestResource(exported = false) 
void delete(Long id); 

@RestResource(exported = false) 
void create(Question q); 





@RestController(exported = false). 



public class SpringRestConfiguration extends 
RepositoryRestConfigurerAdapter { 
public void configureRepositoryRestConfiguration(RepositoryRestConfiguration config) { 

定義您的通用休息存儲庫。它必須只實現Repository接口,它是空的,而不是CrudRepository或PagingAndSortingRepository,所以你可以精確地控制哪些方法將被公開,並且公開的方法不依賴於你正在使用的Spring Data版本,或者將使用。

爲了保證非展覽,你必須使用@RestResource(exported = false)註解每種方法。這是一個有點麻煩,但對於所有做一次(你可以複製粘貼,我採取一切TE方法CrudRepository定義和PagingAndSorting):

public interface RestRepositoryMethodExportedFalse<T, ID extends Serializable> 
extends Repository<T, ID> { 

* Returns all entities sorted by the given options. 
* @param sort 
* @return all entities sorted by the given options 
@RestResource(exported = false) 
Iterable<T> findAll(Sort sort); 

* Returns a {@link Page} of entities meeting the paging restriction 
* provided in the {@code Pageable} object. 
* @param pageable 
* @return a page of entities 
@RestResource(exported = false) 
Page<T> findAll(Pageable pageable); 

* Saves a given entity. Use the returned instance for further operations as 
* the save operation might have changed the entity instance completely. 
* @param entity 
* @return the saved entity 
@RestResource(exported = false) 
<S extends T> S save(S entity); 

* Saves all given entities. 
* @param entities 
* @return the saved entities 
* @throws IllegalArgumentException 
*    in case the given entity is {@literal null}. 
@RestResource(exported = false) 
<S extends T> Iterable<S> save(Iterable<S> entities); 

* Retrieves an entity by its id. 
* @param id 
*   must not be {@literal null}. 
* @return the entity with the given id or {@literal null} if none found 
* @throws IllegalArgumentException 
*    if {@code id} is {@literal null} 
@RestResource(exported = false) 
T findOne(ID id); 

* Returns whether an entity with the given id exists. 
* @param id 
*   must not be {@literal null}. 
* @return true if an entity with the given id exists, {@literal false} 
*   otherwise 
* @throws IllegalArgumentException 
*    if {@code id} is {@literal null} 
@RestResource(exported = false) 
boolean exists(ID id); 

* Returns all instances of the type. 
* @return all entities 
@RestResource(exported = false) 
Iterable<T> findAll(); 

* Returns all instances of the type with the given IDs. 
* @param ids 
* @return 
@RestResource(exported = false) 
Iterable<T> findAll(Iterable<ID> ids); 

* Returns the number of entities available. 
* @return the number of entities 
@RestResource(exported = false) 
long count(); 

* Deletes the entity with the given id. 
* @param id 
*   must not be {@literal null}. 
* @throws IllegalArgumentException 
*    in case the given {@code id} is {@literal null} 
@RestResource(exported = false) 
void delete(ID id); 

* Deletes a given entity. 
* @param entity 
* @throws IllegalArgumentException 
*    in case the given entity is {@literal null}. 
@RestResource(exported = false) 
void delete(T entity); 

* Deletes the given entities. 
* @param entities 
* @throws IllegalArgumentException 
*    in case the given {@link Iterable} is {@literal null}. 
@RestResource(exported = false) 
void delete(Iterable<? extends T> entities); 

* Deletes all entities managed by the repository. 
@RestResource(exported = false) 
void deleteAll(); 



public interface QuestionRepository extends RestRepositoryMethodExportedFalse<Question,Long>{ 

* Here is the only method I expose 
@RestResource(exported = true) 
Question findOne(Long id); 




你應該實施GET /questions要求定製控制器將返回findAll方法的唯一結果,例如:

public class QuestionController { 

    private final @NonNull QuestionRepository repository; 
    private final @NonNull PagedResourcesAssembler<Question> assembler; 
    private final @NonNull EntityLinks links; 

    ResponseEntity<?> get(Pageable pageable) { 
     return ResponseEntity.ok(assembler.toResource(repository.findAll(pageable), 
       (ResourceAssembler<Question, ResourceSupport>) question -> 
        new Resource<>(question, 


@RepositoryRestResource(exported = false) 
public interface QuestionRepository extends JpaRepository<Question, Long> { 
