2015-09-04 94 views
{service: { 
    categories: [ 
      name: "category1", 
      id: 1, 
      questions: [ 
        id: 1, 
        question: "example trivia question here", 
        value: 2 
       }, { 
        id: 2, 
        question: "example trivia question here", 
        value: 3 
     name: "category2", 
     id: 2, 
     questions: [ 
       id: 3, 
       question: "example trivia question here", 
       value: 5 
     name: "category3", 
     id: 3 


$scope.questionCount = 0; 

angular.forEach($scope.service, function(categories, questions) { 
    for (var i = 0; i < questions.length; i++) { 
    if (questions[i].value !== null){ 
     triviaCount = 0 
     triviaCount += 1 

您在for循環的每個迭代復位'triviaCount'爲零。 –


我覺得你想要像'angular.forEach($ scope.service.categories,function(category){...})'在頂層?然後在裏面,像你一樣的另一個循環已經經歷了這個類別的問題。實際上,在當前代碼中沒有任何地方訪問questions屬性 - 只需創建一個名爲「questions」的變量,該變量充滿了forEach中每個迭代對象的鍵。 –




var service = { 
    categories: [ 
      name: "category1", 
      id: 1, 
      questions: [ 
        id: 1, 
        question: "example trivia question here", 
        value: 2 
       }, { 
        id: 2, 
        question: "example trivia question here", 
        value: 3 
     name: "category2", 
     id: 2, 
     questions: [ 
       id: 3, 
       question: "example trivia question here", 
       value: 5 
     name: "category3", 
     id: 3 

var result = service.categories.map(function(cat) { 
    return { 
     'name' : cat.name, 
     'count' : !!cat.questions ? cat.questions.length : 0 

// [{ name="category1", count=2}, { name="category2", count=1}, { name="category3", count=0}] 

這樣的事情? (看控制檯)


category1 # of quesitons: 2 
category2 # of quesitons: 1 
category3 # of quesitons: 0 

var service = { 
    categories: [ 
      name: "category1", 
      id: 1, 
      questions: [ 
        id: 1, 
        question: "example trivia question here", 
        value: 2 
       }, { 
        id: 2, 
        question: "example trivia question here", 
        value: 3 
        id: 9, 
        question: "example trivia question here", 
        value: '', 
      name: "category2", 
      id: 2, 
      questions: [ 
        id: 3, 
        question: "example trivia question here", 
        value: 5 
        id: 7, 
        question: "example trivia question here", 
        value: '', 
      name: "category3", 
      id: 3, 
      questions: [], 
$(document).ready(function() { 
\t for(var i = 0; i < service.categories.length; i++){ 
     var questionCount = 0; 
    \t for(var j = 0; j < service.categories[i].questions.length; j++) { 
     \t if (service.categories[i].questions[j].value != '' && service.categories[i].questions[j].value != undefined) { 
      \t questionCount++; 
     console.log(service.categories[i].name, ' # of quesitons: ', questionCount); 
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>


在你的代碼中,你可以做'questionCount = service.categories [i] .questions.length'沒有循環 – Grundy


好吧。我正在跟進。但是,這似乎可以計算每個問題。我只是試圖計算具有「價值」的問題。 – NewGuy504


@ NewGuy504好的,你也試圖計算有價值的問題,2個問題有價值,所以輸出爲2,或者你是否想要計算如下問題的價值:2個問題的值爲5和3,所以輸出8? – indubitablee




    var json = { 
     service: { 
      categories: [{ 
       name: "category1", 
       id: 1, 
       questions: [{ 
        id: 1, 
        question: "example trivia question here", 
        value: 2 
       }, { 
        id: 2, 
        question: "example trivia question here", 
        value: 3 
      }, { 
       name: "category2", 
       id: 2, 
       questions: [{ 
        id: 3, 
        question: "example trivia question here", 
        value: 5 
      }, { 
       name: "category3", 
       id: 3 

    var qCount = 0; 

    categories = json.service.categories; 
    for (var category in categories) { 
     var temp = categories[category]; 
     if (temp.questions !== undefined) { 
      var questions = temp.questions; 
      for (var que in questions) { 
       if (questions[que].value !== undefined) 

    console.log(qCount); //here is your question count