2015-11-04 93 views


    File: pa07.py 
    Author: Casey Gilles 
    Description: Converts a single sentance into pig latin. 
    Deadline: November 4, 2015. 

#function findFirstVowel 
#Inputs: word from the input start_sentance 
#Outputs: Index of first vowel found. If no vowels are found, -1 is #returned. 
#Description: Returns the index of first vowel found in a word. If no vowels returns -1. 

def findFirstVowel(word): 
    vowels = "aeiou" 
    for char in word: 
     if char in vowels or char in vowels.upper(): 
      index = word.find(char) 
      return index 
     return -1 

    function translateWord 
    Inputs: Index from the word used in the findFirstVowel function and the word itself. 
    Outpus: The input translated into piglatin 
    Description: Takes in an index and a word as inputs. Determines which rule to follow 
      and based on that rule modifies the word in a certain way 

def translateWord(word): 
    index = findFirstVowel(word) 
    if index == -1: 
     translated_word = word 
    elif word[0] in "aeiou" or word[0] in "AEIOU": 
     translated_word = word + "way" 
     translated_word = word.replace(word[:index],'') + word[:index]+"ay" 
    return translated_word 

function pigLatinTranslator 
Inputs: Sentance issued by the user to be translated. 
Outputs: Original sentance translated into pag latin but with the same  formatting. 
Description: This function takes in a sentance and translates the sentance into pig latin. 

def pigLatinTranslator(input_sentance): 
    count = 0 
    input_sentance = input_sentance.replace('.','') 
    sentance_list = input_sentance.split(' ') 
    for item in sentance_list: 
     new_word = translateWord(item) 
     count = count + 1 
    temp_sent = ' '.join(sentance_list) 
    final_translated_sentance = temp_sent[0].upper()+temp_sent[1:].lower()+'.' 
    return final_tranlated_sentance 




def findFirstVowel(word): 
    vowels = "aeiou" 
    for char in word: 
     if char in vowels or char in vowels.upper(): 
      index = word.find(char) 
      return index   

    return -1   #only if all characters have been searched 

然後在pigLatinTranslator我認爲這個問題是「對每個」 -loop名單及將物品進入該名單上的結合。

def pigLatinTranslator(input_sentence): 
    #count = 0 
    input_sentence = input_sentence.replace(".","") 

    sentence_list = input_sentence.split(" ") 

    res_list = []  #The list for the results 

    for item in sentence_list: 
     new_word = translateWord(item) 

     #count = count + 1 

    #temp_sent = " ".join(sentence_list) 
    temp_sent = " ".join(res_list) 
    final_translated_sentence = temp_sent[0].upper()+temp_sent[1:].lower()+"." 
    return final_translated_sentence 


return temp_sent[0].upper()+temp_sent[1:].lower() 

哦,你的代碼示例似乎已經崩潰了 –


沒有堆棧溢出告訴我有一個錯誤,所以我不得不發佈它,然後編輯代碼:) –


真棒強迫工作流程,不要介意我然後:) –


你必須在代碼的一些縮進錯誤,但我以爲他們發生了,當你發佈的代碼這裏。順便說一句,我糾正了你的「句子」的拼寫 - 我發現「感知」有點分散注意力。 :)



    File: pa07.py 
    Author: Casey Gilles 
    Description: Converts a single sentence into pig latin. 
Deadline: November 4, 2015. 

def findFirstVowel(word): 
    function findFirstVowel 
    Inputs: word from the input start_sentence 
    Outputs: Index of first vowel found. If no vowels are found, -1 is #returned. 
    Description: Returns the index of first vowel found in a word. If no vowels returns -1. 

    vowels = "aeiou" 
    for char in word: 
     if char in vowels or char in vowels.upper(): 
      index = word.find(char) 
      return index 
     return -1 

def translateWord(word): 
    function translateWord 
    Inputs: Index from the word used in the findFirstVowel function and the word itself. 
    Outputs: The input translated into piglatin 
    Description: Takes in an index and a word as inputs. Determines which rule to follow 
      and based on that rule modifies the word in a certain way 

    index = findFirstVowel(word) 
    if index == -1: 
     translated_word = word 
    elif word[0] in "aeiou" or word[0] in "AEIOU": 
     translated_word = word + "way" 
     translated_word = word.replace(word[:index],'') + word[:index]+"ay" 
    return translated_word 

def pigLatinTranslator(input_sentence): 
    function pigLatinTranslator 
    Inputs: Sentance issued by the user to be translated. 
    Outputs: Original sentence translated into pag latin but with the same  formatting. 
    Description: This function takes in a sentence and translates the sentence into pig latin. 

    input_sentence = input_sentence.replace('.','') 
    sentence_list = input_sentence.split(' ') 
    new_sentence_list = [] 
    for item in sentence_list: 
     new_word = translateWord(item) 
    temp_sent = ' '.join(new_sentence_list) 
    final_translated_sentence = temp_sent[0].upper()+temp_sent[1:].lower()+'.' 
    return final_translated_sentence 

test = 'This is a test sentence.' 
output = pigLatinTranslator(test) 


Isthay isway away estay entencesay. 


if char in vowels or char in vowels.upper(): 


if char.lower() in vowels: 


final_translated_sentence = temp_sent.capitalize() + '.' 
