2017-11-25 125 views

我有一個List<TermNode>其中包含操作的所有操作數,如+*。也就是說,它不是一個二叉樹結構,而是一個樹,其中每個節點可能包含多個子節點。 A TermNode可以是變量,運算符,函數或數字。一個數字和一個變量節點包含一個空的兒童列表(將孩子視爲一個操作的參數)。列表分組由對象字段和計數的發生

public class TermNode { 

    * The value this {@link TermNode} holds. 
    private String value; 

    * The arguments of this {@link TermNode}. 
    * This {@link List} is empty if the {@link TermTypeEnum} of this {@link TermNode} 
    * is either {@link TermTypeEnum}.NUMBER or {@link TermTypeEnum}.VARIABLE. 
    private List<TermNode> children; 

    * The {@link TermTypeEnum} of this {@link TermNode}. 
    private TermTypeEnum type; 

    public TermNode(ComplexNumber number) { 
     this(number.toString(), new ArrayList<TermNode>(), TermTypeEnum.NUMBER); 

    public TermNode(String variable) { 
     this(variable, new ArrayList<TermNode>(), TermTypeEnum.VARIABLE); 

    public TermNode(Operator operator, List<TermNode> children) { 
     this(operator.getOperator(), children, TermTypeEnum.OPERATOR); 

    public TermNode(Function function, List<TermNode> children) { 
     this(function.getName(), children, TermTypeEnum.FUNCTION); 

    public TermNode(String value, List<TermNode> children, TermTypeEnum type) { 
     this.value = value; 
     this.children = children; 
     this.type = type; 

    public TermNode(TermNode node) { 
     this.value = node.getValue(); 
     this.children = node.getChildren(); 
     this.type = node.getType(); 

    * @return The value of this {@link TermNode}. 
    public String getValue() { 
     return value; 

    * @return The {@link List} of arguments for this {@link TermNode}. 
    public List<TermNode> getChildren() { 
     return children; 

    * @return The {@link TermTypeEnum} of this {@link TermNode}. 
    public TermTypeEnum getType() { 
     return type; 

    * @return True, if this {@link TermNode} represents a {@link ComplexNumber}. 
    public boolean isNumber() { 
     return this.type == TermTypeEnum.NUMBER; 

    * @return True, if this {@link TermNode} represents a variable. 
    public boolean isVariable() { 
     return this.type == TermTypeEnum.VARIABLE; 

    * @return True, if this {@link TermNode} represents an {@link Operator}. 
    public boolean isOperator() { 
     return this.type == TermTypeEnum.OPERATOR; 

    * @return True, if this {@link TermNode} represents a {@link Function}. 
    public boolean isFunction() { 
     return this.type == TermTypeEnum.FUNCTION; 

    * @return A {@link HashSet} object to compare two {@link TermNode} elements in equality. 
    public HashSet<TermNode> getHash() { 
     return new HashSet<>(children); 


爲了簡化像x + x + x + xsin(x) * sin(x)我已經開始執行,其更新像x + x + x + x一個節點到4 * x節點的方法的表達式。

首先表達,我將提供一個例子用表達x + x + x + x

  1. 計算反向polnish符號/後修復順序的表達。

    結果是x x x x + + +

  2. TermNodes(參見上面的代碼TermNode)創建表達式樹/術語樹。算法是以下之一:

    public void evaluate() { 
        Stack<TermNode> stack = new Stack<TermNode>(); 
        for(String token : rpn) { 
         if(OperatorUtil.containsKey(token)) { 
          Operator operator = OperatorUtil.getOperator(token); 
          List<TermNode> children = new ArrayList<TermNode>() {{ 
          TermNode node = simplifyOperator(operator, children); 
         } else if(FunctionUtil.containsKey(token.toUpperCase())) { 
          Function function = FunctionUtil.getFunction(token.toUpperCase()); 
          List<TermNode> children = new ArrayList<TermNode>(function.getNumParams()); 
          for(int i = 0; i < function.getNumParams(); i++) { 
          TermNode node = simplifyFunction(function, children); 
         } else { 
          if(VariableUtil.containsUndefinedVariable(token.toUpperCase())) { 
           stack.push(new TermNode(token)); 
          } else { 
           stack.push(new TermNode(new ComplexNumber(token))); 
  3. 某處在simplifyOperator方法我想摺疊具有相同的值的變量。對於上面的表達式中,樹是這個樣子:

      _______ OPERATOR _______ 
         /   "+"   \ 
         /  /  \   \ 
         "x"   "x"  "x"   "x" 
  4. 的目標是通過在TreeNode評估children領域這棵樹轉換爲簡單的樹:這個表達式由一個OPERATOR TermNode與運營商+與。其中包含了VARIABLE TermNode與價值x 倍(未四次相同TermNode兒童List<TermNode>,僅有4 TermNodes具有完全相同的價值觀,兒童和類型下面是當我的問題進來:

    private TermNode rearrangeTerm(Operator operator, List<TermNode> children) { 
        Map<TermNode, Integer> occurrences = children.stream() 
          .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(term -> term, Collectors.summingInt(term -> 1))); 
        List<Pair<TermNode, Integer>> simplification = occurrences.entrySet().stream() 
          .map(entry -> new Pair<TermNode, Integer>(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue())).collect(Collectors.toList()); 
        List<TermNode> rearranged = simplification.stream().map(pair -> rearrangeTerm(operator, pair)).collect(Collectors.toList()); 
        return new TermNode(operator.getOperator(), rearranged, TermTypeEnum.OPERATOR); 

    此方法正在被傳遞的參數rearrangeTerm(operator, children)到方法,其中,操作者是我們+運營商和children是我們的含有可變x四倍TermNode元素列表調用。

    此時term -> termCollectors.groupingBy不會將TermNode元素按其字段值(值,子級和類型)分組,而是將其作爲TermNode引用自身。所以問題是,我怎麼能TermNode元素由他們的字段(兩個TermNode元素是相等的,如果所有他們的領域匹配(在子列表中的元素的順序可能是不同的,但重要的是,發生的每個TermNode匹配的子項列表中的元素,當然TermNode類型也必須匹配,這裏的問題只是如何更改rearrangeTerm方法,以便Map僅包含一個條目(「x」, 4)用於表達x + x + x + x


您能否提供一個代數表達式以及您希望它產生的對象列表?根據您對node1的定義,「對(node1,4),Pair(node2,2)}」對應的代數表達式是什麼,即四次「x」和兩次「sin(x) node2'? –


@AlexandreDupriez修改了我的OP並添加了一個完整的示例。 – CRoemheld


我正在投票關閉這個簡單的事實,即您提供的代碼無法編譯 - 缺少大量的類。但是,如果你添加那些你的問題還是模糊的,你可以添加更多的「範圍」,使其更好 – Eugene



謝謝您的回答,我最終不得不重寫equals(Object obj)hashCode()我的TermNode類。


public boolean equals(Object other) { 
    if(this == other) { 
     return true; 

    if((other == null) || (other.getClass() != this.getClass())) { 
     return false; 

    TermNode node = (TermNode)other; 

    return this.value.equals(node.getValue()) 
      && PlotterUtil.isEqual(this.children, node.getChildren()) 
      && this.type == node.getType(); 

由於TermNode類包含一個List<TermNode>場,一個需要檢查的參數列表等於爲好,但忽視的順序因爲參數或者是單個值,如數字或單個變量,或者它們包含在另一個TermNode中,如Operator。 A Function不應該忽略參數的順序。爲了檢查兩個列表的相等性,我使用了here中的這段代碼。

public static boolean isEqual(List<TermNode> one, List<TermNode> two) { 
    if(one == null && two == null) { 
     return true; 

    if((one != null && two == null) || (one == null && two != null)) { 
     return false; 

    if(one.size() != two.size()) { 
     return false; 

    one = getSortedList(one); 
    two = getSortedList(two); 

    return one.equals(two); 


Map<TermNode, Integer> occurrences = 
     .groupingBy(term -> term, Collectors.summingInt(term -> 1)) 

解決了這個問題,因爲Map<TermNode, Integer>檢查經由equals(Object obj)term -> term相等的按鍵,一個對象的hashCode()方法。




private List<String> flattened; 

private List<String> flatten(TermNode node){ 
    if(node.getChildren() > 0){ 
     // some recursion here 
    } else { 
     // probably some checks here 
     flattened.add(node.value + node.type) 

// this will give you a sorted String from all the values 
public String toCompareBy(){ 
    return flatnned.sorted()... 


Map<TermNode, Integer> occurrences = children.stream() 
      term -> term, 
      Collectors.summingInt(term -> 1))); 


       Collectors.summingInt(x -> 1), 
       (left, right) -> { 
        return left + right;// or left + 1 
       () -> new TreeMap<>(Comparator.comparing(TermNode::toCompareBy)) 

不幸的是,這些對象由*三個字段組成:'value','children'和'type' 'children'是應用於操作符或函數的參數列表。 – CRoemheld
