2017-05-25 51 views


#!/usr/bin/env python3 
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 
Created on Mon May 22 21:31:16 2017 

@author: noraasrar 
# Code starts here 


# Computer Project #5 
# Algorithm 
# prompt for an integer 
# input an integer 
# loop while not end-of-data 
#  call function to count number of digits in integer 
#  output the number of digits 
#  prompt for an integer 
#  input an integer 
# display closing message 

把它放在你的教授要你把它。 – user2357112


把它放在你把作者放在哪裏? – Skycc



唯一真正的「限購」的地方,你可以把那就是前兩行的家當和行聲明編碼下方。第一行幫助您的操作系統確定如何執行該文件,第二行tells the Python executable what file encoding to use when it reads the script


#!/usr/bin/env python3 
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 
Created on Mon May 22 21:31:16 2017 

@author: noraasrar 
# Computer Project #5 
# Algorithm 
# prompt for an integer 
# input an integer 
# loop while not end-of-data 
#  call function to count number of digits in integer 
#  output the number of digits 
#  prompt for an integer 
#  input an integer 
# display closing message 
# Code starts here