2015-02-05 69 views


我有兩個主要問題現在。一,關於分裂(這可能是一個簡單的,但它會拋出一切,如果不是固定的),當我通過低 - >中(+/- 1)和中 - >高分裂他們時,我遇到了問題基礎案例未正確測試並過早返回,導致未排序的數組。舉個例子,當我引用我的回答從另一個論壇,「如果我有喜9和低的0 5中間,然後我不得不要麼是正確的,從0分裂,5和6人至9日,或者右邊0到4,左邊5到9.我遇到的問題是,如果你再次分割它,比如從6到9,由於四捨五入,我有一個7的中間值,這意味着右邊只有6到7 ,因爲7 - 6等於1並且小於2,所以它在高 - > 2的情況下失敗,留下2個可能未分類的元素。「現在



A[] = { 28, 39, 48, 27, 9, 88, 11, 4, 7} ' Global variable, disregard bad programming practices 

Function Split(int low, int hi){ ' Adding brackets because not only am I used to java, it should help readability 
    if (hi - low) < 2 then 
     return array of elements from [low, hi] 
    end if 

    mid = (hi + low)/2 
    B[] = split(low, mid-1) ' Either I do mid-1 or mid+1, the results seem the same 
    C[] = split(mid, hi) ' Same problems as above 
    D[] = Merge(B[], C[]) 
    return D[] 
End Function 

Function Merge(B[], C[]) ' I use two arrays because I figured it'd be the easiest to work with. 
    int PosB = 0, PosC = 0, PosMax = (b.length + c.length) -1 ' PosB and PosC keep track of the positions in the cells of B and C respectively. 
                   'PosMax keeps track of the max cell that E[] (declared below) should have as well as the max number for the for loop 
    E[num] ' Declare and iniatialize an array that is supposed to hold the combined values of B and C, sorted. 
    for i = 0 to num 
     if PosC >= c.length or B[PosB] < C[PosC] ' Checks if C[] already has added everything it has to E[] and if so, proceeds to add the 
                ' supposedly already sorted array B[]'s elements to E[]. Emphasis on "supposedly". A problem here is it does not check for if PosB 
                ' is out of bounds, which is a huge problem with primitive arrays. Also checks if the current element in C is greater than the 
                ' current element in B, and if so, add the element in B and increment. 
      E[i] = B[PosB] 
      PosB += 1 ' Does not check whether or not PosB is at the end, gotta figure a way to check 
      E[i] = C[PosC] 
      PosC += 1 
     End If 
End Function 

謝謝橡皮鴨爲急需編輯,我很感激。 – 2015-02-05 21:22:48




當您訪問從6-8有你的結果(6,7,8),3個元素的位置。邏輯結果是:如果你只需要一個數組中的一個範圍描述的元素,你將不得不寫[6-6]; [6-7]意味着還有兩個元素(6和7)。讓我們看一下下面的代碼用一個例子:

if (hi - low) < 2 then 
    return array of elements from [low, hi] 

當你給6-7的範圍內,以該功能會發生什麼? 7-6 = 1 - > true - >返回。但是在6-7的範圍內仍然是兩個元素。因此,爲了解決這個問題,寫入(hi - low) < 1或更易於閱讀(hi - low) == 0就足夠了。


mid = (hi + low)/2 

如果返回一個整數的結果可能是四捨五入到較低的值((3 +4)/ 2 = 3)。如果是的話我會寫下面這樣的:

B[] = split(low, mid) 
C[] = split(mid + 1, hi) 




E[num]' I don't know what num means but I suppose it's correct here 
int PosE = 0 
'adding elements to the new array while they can be compared to each other 
while(c.length > 0 and b.length > 0) 
    if(C[PosC] < B[PosB]) 
     E[PosE] = C[PosC] 
     PosC += 1 
     E[PosE] = B[PosB] 
     PosB += 1 
    End If 
    PosE += 1 

'one of the array B or C (or both) is empty now. The remaining elements have to be added. The order doesn't matter any more. 

for i = PosC to c.length 'I don't know if this is possible in VBA but I think you know what I mean: adding all the remaining elements of C to E (if there are any) 
    E[PosE] = C[PosC] 
    PosC += 1 
    PosE += 1 

'doing the same with B; it could happen that one of those loops never run 
for i = PosB to b.length 
    E[PosE] = B[PosB] 
    PosB += 1 
    PosE += 1 




問題已經過去了幾個月,但我想我從來沒有得到答案或爲此選擇了最佳答案。儘可能給出最佳答案,儘管如此,我自己解決了這個問題。 – 2015-04-29 12:55:35