2012-03-05 91 views

我目前正在編寫一個遊戲,在snaky-ways中查找矩陣中的輸入單詞。這裏是遊戲的簡要解釋。C++中的Word Hunting Game算法


m e r e t z 
e x i t a v 
p p w a b i 
y u u b l l 
a l l l a l 
z k v e l o 



bool Search(tmatrix<char>& m, tmatrix<int>& c, const string& w, int i, int j, int index) // m is the matrix to search in // w is the word // i and j are coordinates of matrix { 
if(m[i][j] == w[index]) 
    c[index][0] = i; // c matrix is to keep coordinates of words 
    c[index][1] = j; 

    if(index != w.length()-1) 
      if((i < m.numrows()-1) && (m[i+1][j] == w[index+1])) 
       return Search(m, c, w, i+1, j, index+1); 
      else if((j < m.numcols()-1) && (i < m.numrows()-1) && (m[i+1][j+1] == w[index+1])) 
       return Search(m, c, w, i+1, j+1, index+1); 
      else if((j < m.numcols()-1) && (m[i][j+1] == w[index+1])) 
       return Search(m, c, w, i, j+1, index+1); 
       return false; 
     return true; 
return false; 


int main() 
    bool IsFound = false;     //to check whether the word is found or not in the matrix 
      tmatrix<int> coord(word.length(), 2); //another matrix to keep coordinates of found word's coordinates. 
                //it works with the index of words and the row index of matrix. 

      for(int i = 0; i < m.numrows(); i++) 
       for(int j = 0; j < m.numcols(); j++) 
        int index = 0;  //another variable to keep index number 
        IsFound = Search(m, coord, word, i, j, index);  //searches matrix for word and if found, makes IsFound's return value true 
         cout << "The word "<< word << " is found!\n"; 
         cout << "Indices in which this word is found in the matrix are:\n"; 
         for(; index < word.length(); index++) 
          cout << word[index] << ":\t" << coord[index][0] << "," << coord[index][1] << endl; 
         break;  //whenever it finds a match in matrix, it finishes search in loops 

這隻能,首先if語句列表上出現的方向。將else if更改爲if對我無效。


void Search(tmatrix<char>& m, tmatrix<int>& c, const string& w, int i, int j, int index) { 
if(m[i][j] == w[index]) 
    c[index][0] = i; 
    c[index][1] = j; 

    if(index != w.length()-1) 
      if((i < m.numrows()-1) && (m[i+1][j] == w[index+1])) 
       Search(m, c, w, i+1, j, index+1); 
      if((j < m.numcols()-1) && (i < m.numrows()-1) && (m[i+1][j+1] == w[index+1])) 
       Search(m, c, w, i+1, j+1, index+1); 
      if((j < m.numcols()-1) && (m[i][j+1] == w[index+1])) 
       Search(m, c, w, i, j+1, index+1); 
     IsFound = true; 
} } 





我沒有完全明白,你是否建議我在調用主函數或遞歸調用之前添加一個額外的布爾矩陣? – 2012-03-05 01:05:18


問題是你必須知道是否使用了字符。其他的方法是,你也可以替換char whit null char或類似的,然後一旦你從遞歸返回就把它放回去。 – 2012-03-05 01:20:22