2013-06-28 53 views


#include <iostream> 
#include <fstream> 
#include <cstdio> 
#include <cstring> 
#include <vector> 
#include <stdint.h> 
#include <cmath> 

using namespace std; 

#define SWAPPED_US(x) (((x) >> 8) | ((x) << 8)) 
#define SWAPPED_UL(x) ((((x) >> 24) & 0xff) | (((x) << 8) & 0xff0000) | (((x) >> 8) & 0xff00) | (((x) << 24) & 0xff000000)) 

#pragma pack(push, 1) 
typedef struct { 
    char ID [4]; 
    uint32_t Size; 
    char Format [4]; 
    char SubID_1 [4]; 
    uint32_t SubSize_1; 
    uint16_t AudioFmt; 
    uint16_t Channel; 
    uint32_t Frequency; 
    uint32_t bytesRate; 
    uint16_t BlockAlign; 
    uint16_t BitsPerSample; 
    char SubID_2 [4]; 
    uint32_t SubSize_2; 
} RIFF_header; 
#pragma pack(pop) 

int getFileSize(FILE *inFile){ 
    int fileSize = 0; 
    return fileSize; 

int main() 
    FILE *fpoint; 
    fpoint = fopen ("test.wav", "rb"); 
    RIFF_header *wave_file; wave_file = new RIFF_header; 
    fread ((void*)wave_file, sizeof (RIFF_header), (size_t)1, fpoint); 

    wave_file->SubSize_2 = SWAPPED_UL(wave_file->SubSize_2); // I think it's big-endianess so we have to swap byte 

    cout << "Size of file:  " << getFileSize(fpoint) << endl; 
    cout << "Header:   " << wave_file->ID[0] 
         << wave_file->ID[1] 
         << wave_file->ID[2] 
         << wave_file->ID[3] << endl; 

    cout << "Format:   " << wave_file->Format[0] 
         << wave_file->Format[1] 
         << wave_file->Format[2] 
         << wave_file->Format[3] << endl; 

    cout << "Sub-chunk1 ID:   " << wave_file->SubID_1[0] 
          << wave_file->SubID_1[1] 
         << wave_file->SubID_1[2] 
         << wave_file->SubID_1[3] << endl; 

    cout << "Sub-chunk1 Size: " << wave_file->SubSize_1 << endl; 

    cout << "Audio Format:  " << wave_file->AudioFmt << endl; 

    cout << "Channel:  " << wave_file->Channel << endl; 

    cout << "Sample Rate:  " << wave_file->Frequency << endl; 

    cout << "Byte Rate:   " << wave_file->bytesRate << endl; 

    cout << "BlockAlign:  " << wave_file->BlockAlign << endl; 

    cout << "Bits per sample: " << wave_file->BitsPerSample << endl; 

    cout << "Sub-chunk2 ID:   " << wave_file->SubID_2[0] 
         << wave_file->SubID_2[1] 
         << wave_file->SubID_2[2] 
         << wave_file->SubID_2[3] << endl; 
    cout << "Sub-chunk2 Size: " << wave_file->SubSize_2 << endl; 
    return 0; 

子塊的大小是存儲在標題爲little- endian,而不是big-endian。 – Michael


什麼是你總是得到什麼神奇的大小?也許你的頭結構的對齊關閉了一些字節,並且你讀了其他的東西然後你認爲(所有東西都是傾斜的)? –


那個號碼是2147418112,我交換字節後,是65407. – user2530847



檢查你太SubSize_1 ......有時是16個字節,有時18.如果你有錯,你SubSize_2將是錯誤的......


你能告訴我爲什麼嗎? – user2530847


只是取決於寫的WAV標頭的應用程序...一個是舊的格式,但它仍然普遍可以接受 – mark


,但我已經下載了一些源代碼,它仍然保持相同:( – user2530847