2012-04-09 55 views


我使用movingboxes插件的幻燈片(這是原來的插件:HTTP:// CSS-技巧。 com/moving-boxes /) 我需要將設置回調函數添加到動畫結尾的幫助。我需要添加淡化效果,當currentSlidecomplete滑動時,它應該開始褪色到同一圖像的另一個視圖,例如,surrentSlide src是images/dr1.jpg,我需要它淡入到images/dr1b.jpg並返回到images/dr1.jpg。通過每個當前幻燈片循環

像 完成:這裏

function(e, slider, tar){ 

    //fading for each currentSlide goes here;// 





編輯:檢查的jsfiddle在這裏,我使用一個jquery附加http://jsfiddle.net/r6yWC/157/ 該加載是在這裏http://jqueryfordesigners.com/image-cross-fade-transition/ 我還編輯下面的代碼段。我說這樣的類「變臉」的img標籤:

<img class="fade" src="http://chriscoyier.github.com/MovingBoxes/demo/4.jpg" alt="picture" style="background: url(http://chriscoyier.github.com/MovingBoxes/demo/2.jpg);"/> 


(function ($) { 
    $.fn.cross = function (options) { 
     return this.each(function (i) { 
      // cache the copy of jQuery(this) - the start image 
      var $$ = $(this); 

      // get the target from the backgroundImage + regexp 
      var target = $$.css('backgroundImage').replace(/^url|[\(\)'"]/g, ''); 

      // nice long chain: wrap img element in span 
      $$.wrap('<span style="position: relative;"></span>') 
       // change selector to parent - i.e. newly created span 
       // prepend a new image inside the span 
       // change the selector to the newly created image 
       // set the image to the target 
       .attr('src', target); 

      // the CSS styling of the start image needs to be handled 
      // differently for different browsers 
      if ($.browser.msie || $.browser.mozilla) { 
        'position' : 'absolute', 
        'left' : 0, 
        'background' : '', 
        'top' : this.offsetTop 
      } else if ($.browser.opera && $.browser.version < 9.5) { 
       // Browser sniffing is bad - however opera < 9.5 has a render bug 
       // so this is required to get around it we can't apply the 'top' : 0 
       // separately because Mozilla strips the style set originally somehow...      
        'position' : 'absolute', 
        'left' : 0, 
        'background' : '', 
        'top' : "0" 
      } else { // Safari 
        'position' : 'absolute', 
        'left' : 0, 
        'background' : '' 

      // similar effect as single image technique, except using .animate 
      // which will handle the fading up from the right opacity for us 
      $$.hover(function() { 
        opacity: 0 
       }, 250); 
      }, function() { 
        opacity: 1 
       }, 250); 


// **** Appearance **** 
// start with this panel 

//-----> here is your callback 
// callback after animation completes 
completed: function(e, slider, tar){ 
    var img = slider.$panels.eq(tar).find('img'); 
img.stop().animate({opacity: 0}, 1250).delay(500).animate({opacity: 1}, 2550); 


[1] https://github.com/chriscoyier/MovingBoxes/wiki

[2] http://jsfiddle.net/Mottie/r6yWC/2/


謝謝,我看文檔已經不workingout對我來說,不得不承認我是新來這個級別的JavaScript和我的努力最難rto學習...你能給我一個例子,說明如何將淡入淡出添加到回調函數中嗎?請 ? – marb 2012-04-09 17:32:01


編輯幫助嗎? – 2012-04-09 18:57:30


嗨,我在這花了3小時,真的需要讓它工作。你可以看看鏈接,並指導我做錯了什麼,請:http://jsfiddle.net/marb315/2SfVK/ – marb 2012-04-09 19:52:10