2013-04-23 104 views

即時通訊使用Microsoft Visual工作室2012年做這個項目的一個在線測試在ASP.NET VB中的IM循環通過文本框和標籤



Private Sub GoGoGo() 

    Dim Textboxname As String  ' 
    Dim textbox As Object 
    Dim TextboxText As Object 
    Dim Labelname As String 
    Dim label As Object 
    Dim LabelText As Object 
    Dim Number As Integer = 1 
    Dim MaxTime As Integer = 9 
    Dim Currentloop As Integer = 1 

    For check As Integer = Currentloop To MaxTime 

     If Currentloop <= MaxTime Then 
      Textboxname = "TextQ" + Number 
      textbox = Textboxname 
      TextboxText = textbox 
      textbox.ReadOnly = True 

     End If 

     If Currentloop <= MaxTime Then 
      Labelname = "Label" + Number 
      label = Labelname 
      LabelText = label.Text 
      label.Visible = True 

     End If 

     Number = Number + 1 

     If TextboxText = "" Then 
      label.Text = "no imput" 
      label.ForeColor = Drawing.Color.Black 

     End If 

     If TextboxText = "server" Then 
      label.Text = "Correct" 
      label.ForeColor = Drawing.Color.Green 
     End If 

     If TextboxText = "Wrong" Then 
      label.Text = "Wrong" 
      label.ForeColor = Drawing.Color.Red 
     End If 

     If check = 9 Then 
      Exit For 
     End If 


End Sub 



看起來你要使用該控件的字符串標識符來代替實際控制人。相反,您應該使用此標識符並搜索頁面上的實際控件。您可以使用FindControl method


Private Sub GoGoGo() 
    Dim oTextBox As TextBox 
    Dim oLabel As Label 

    Dim MaxTime As Integer = 9 
    Dim Currentloop As Integer = 1 

    For check As Integer = Currentloop To MaxTime 

     If Currentloop <= MaxTime Then 
      'NB You may have to use a recursive call to FindControl. See below. 
      oTextBox = CType(Page.FindControl("TextQ" & CStr(check)), TextBox) 
      OTextBox.ReadOnly = True; 
     End If 

     If Currentloop <= MaxTime Then 
      'NB You may have to use a recursive call to FindControl. See below. 
      oLabel = CType(Page.FindControl("Label" & CStr(check)), Label) 
      oLabel.Visible = True 
     End If 

     If oTextBox.Text = "" Then 
      oLabel.Text = "no imput" 
      oLabel.ForeColor = Drawing.Color.Black 

     End If 

     If oTextBox.Text = "server" Then 
      oLabel.Text = "Correct" 
      oLabel.ForeColor = Drawing.Color.Green 
     End If 

     If oTextBox.Text = "Wrong" Then 
      oLabel.Text = "Wrong" 
      oLabel.ForeColor = Drawing.Color.Red 
     End If 


End Sub 


你並不需要所有這些變量。相反,只需找到實際的控件,並直接與屬性進行交互 - 只需在需要時檢查TextBox.Text值,並直接設置Label.text屬性即可。該集合非常重要,因爲您要更新原始控件屬性,以便它顯示在頁面上。

同樣,你不需要Number - 你可以使用check,因爲這是你的循環計數變量。

是否使用+運算符或&運算符進行字符串連接取決於您。已經有good question and several answers here

您也不需要循環的退出條件 - 只要達到MaxTime,循環就會退出。如果你想讓它提前退出,只是改變你的To條件(例如Currentloop To MaxTime - 1


Page.FindControl將只與在頁面上的根元素的直接子控制工作。相反,你應該嘗試遞歸調用FindControl。您還應該確保存在編號爲TextQ1的控件 - 查看客戶端頁面的HTML源代碼,以確保存在具有此編號的TextBox


Public Function FindControlRecursive(Of ItemType)(ByVal Ctrl As Object, ByVal id As String) As ItemType 
    If String.Compare(Ctrl.ID, id, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) = 0 AndAlso TypeOf Ctrl Is ItemType Then 
      Return CType(Ctrl, ItemType) 
    End If 

    For Each c As Control In Ctrl.Controls 
      Dim t As ItemType = FindControlRecursive(Of ItemType)(c, id) 

      If t IsNot Nothing Then 
       Return t 
      End If 

    Return Nothing 
End Function 


oTextBox = FindControlRecursive(of TextBox)(Page.Controls(0), "TextQ" & CStr(check))



喜短跑代碼試試,我剛纔想了這一點,在oTextBox = CTYPE(頁。FindControl(「TextQ」+ Number),TextBox)即時獲取錯誤「從字符串」TextQ「轉換爲鍵入」Double「無效。我該怎麼做,並感謝您的幫助 – 2013-04-23 08:44:56


@BennjaminMiles自第一次回答以來,我已經稍微改變了答案。讓我知道你是怎麼辦的。然而,爲了解釋,'oTextBox = CType(Page.FindControl(「TextQ」&check),TextBox)'可能更合適。 – dash 2013-04-23 08:46:37


嗨破折號,我現在已經改變了代碼來檢查,因爲你已經說過了,但是這仍然會出現錯誤「從字符串」TextQ「轉換爲類型」Double「無效。親切的問候Benjamin Miles – 2013-04-23 09:01:37



Private Sub GoGoGo() 

    Dim Textboxname As String  ' 
    Dim textbox As TextBox 
    Dim TextboxText As Object 
    Dim Labelname As String 
    Dim label As Object 
    Dim LabelText As Object 
    Dim Number As Integer = 1 
    Dim MaxTime As Integer = 9 
    Dim Currentloop As Integer = 1 

For check As Integer = Currentloop To MaxTime 

    If Currentloop <= MaxTime Then 
     Textboxname = "TextQ" + Number 
     textbox = Ctype(Me.Controls(Textboxname), TextBox) 
     TextboxText = textbox.Text 
     textbox.ReadOnly = True 

    End If 

    If Currentloop <= MaxTime Then 
     Labelname = "Label" + Number 
     label = Labelname 
     LabelText = label.Text 
     label.Visible = True 

    End If 

    Number = Number + 1 

    If TextboxText = "" Then 
     label.Text = "no imput" 
     label.ForeColor = Drawing.Color.Black 

    End If 

    If TextboxText = "server" Then 
     label.Text = "Correct" 
     label.ForeColor = Drawing.Color.Green 
    End If 

    If TextboxText = "Wrong" Then 
     label.Text = "Wrong" 
     label.ForeColor = Drawing.Color.Red 
    End If 

    If check = 9 Then 
     Exit For 
    End If 


End Sub 

你好Mandeep,我試過這個和「textbox = Ctype(Me.Controls(Textboxname),TextBox) 」我得到這個錯誤,請指教從字符串「TextQ1」轉換爲類型'整數'是無效的。 – 2013-04-23 09:30:36


嘗試textbox = Ctype(Me.Controls(key:= Textboxname),TextBox) – 2013-04-23 09:42:58