2011-01-20 54 views



on addFolder(fname, fpath) 
    tell application "Xcode" 
    tell project "Unity-iPhone" 
    set my_targets to targets 
    set s_target to item 1 of my_targets 
    set compile_phase to compile sources phase of s_target 
    set link_phase to get link binary with libraries phase of s_target 
    tell root group 
    set a to make new file reference with properties {full path:fpath & fname, name:fname, file type:"wrapper.folder"} 
    add a to link_phase 
    end tell 
    end tell 
    end tell 
    end addFolder 



我很想知道你是怎麼解決這個問題的...... – 2012-01-12 17:17:20


這個Xcode插件可能有幫助:https://github.com/larsxschneider/Xcode-Scripting-Interface – 2011-11-28 08:23:29




--this is for xcode 3.x 
tell application "Xcode" 
    tell active project document 
     tell root group 
      --Note: Large folders make it seems that the script is hanging. Give it some time to list all items in the given folder. 
      make new file reference with properties {name:"My Desktop Folder", full path:(POSIX path of (path to desktop folder)), file type:"wrapper.folder"} 
     end tell 
    end tell 
end tell 


--this is for Xcode 4.x 
tell application "Xcode" 
    tell project 1 
     tell root group 
      --Note: big folders make it seems that the application (not the script like in Xcode 3) is hanging. Give it some time to list all items in the given folder. 
      make new file reference with properties {name:"My Desktop Folder", full path:(POSIX path of (path to desktop folder)), file kind:"folder"} 
     end tell 
    end tell 
end tell 

選項只是將文件複製到該項目如果需要複製到目標文件夾「 (如果它們不在那裏),然後對複製的文件進行文件引用而不是原始文件。您可以使用Finder或cp或ditto等shell命令執行相同的操作,然後對複製的文件進行引用。然後我不會使用完整路徑,而是使用相對路徑。使用相對路徑將項目移動到另一個文件夾不會給您帶來任何問題。
