2011-11-28 128 views

我試圖讓Three20與MonoTouch的工作,所以我發現這個網站:的MonoTouch:Three20 - 找不到命令



Last login: Mon Nov 28 21:32:41 on ttys000 
MacBookPro:~ mojo$ /Users/mojo/Downloads/mono-monotouch-bindings-b98b8a8/Makefile ; exit; 
/Users/mojo/Downloads/mono-monotouch-bindings-b98b8a8/Makefile: line 1: ATMHud: command not found 
/Users/mojo/Downloads/mono-monotouch-bindings-b98b8a8/Makefile: line 5: all:: command not found 
/Users/mojo/Downloads/mono-monotouch-bindings-b98b8a8/Makefile: line 7: ios:: command not found 
/Users/mojo/Downloads/mono-monotouch-bindings-b98b8a8/Makefile: line 8: IOS: command not found 
make: *** No rule to make target `build'. Stop. 
/Users/mojo/Downloads/mono-monotouch-bindings-b98b8a8/Makefile: line 9: DUAL: command not found 
make: *** No rule to make target `build-specific'. Stop. 
/Users/mojo/Downloads/mono-monotouch-bindings-b98b8a8/Makefile: line 11: osx:: command not found 
/Users/mojo/Downloads/mono-monotouch-bindings-b98b8a8/Makefile: line 12: OSX: command not found 
make: *** No rule to make target `build-specific'. Stop. 
/Users/mojo/Downloads/mono-monotouch-bindings-b98b8a8/Makefile: line 14: build:: command not found 
/Users/mojo/Downloads/mono-monotouch-bindings-b98b8a8/Makefile: line 15: DIRS: command not found 
/Users/mojo/Downloads/mono-monotouch-bindings-b98b8a8/Makefile: line 17: build-specific:: command not found 
/Users/mojo/Downloads/mono-monotouch-bindings-b98b8a8/Makefile: line 18: DIRS: command not found 
/Users/mojo/Downloads/mono-monotouch-bindings-b98b8a8/Makefile: line 20: clean:: command not found 
/Users/mojo/Downloads/mono-monotouch-bindings-b98b8a8/Makefile: line 21: IOS: command not found 
/Users/mojo/Downloads/mono-monotouch-bindings-b98b8a8/Makefile: line 21: OSX: command not found 
/Users/mojo/Downloads/mono-monotouch-bindings-b98b8a8/Makefile: line 21: DUAL: command not found 




我是一個Unix小白 - 但我認爲Three20是越野車...

MacBookPro:mono-monotouch-bindings-b98b8a8 mojo$ make 
make build DIRS="AdJitsu ATMHud FacebookConnect GebePrinter MGSplitViewController PayPal RedLaser Tapku TestFlight Three20" 
for i in AdJitsu ATMHud FacebookConnect GebePrinter MGSplitViewController PayPal RedLaser Tapku TestFlight Three20; do (cd $i; make); done 
make[2]: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop. 
make[2]: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop. 
make[2]: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop. 
make[2]: Nothing to be done for `all'. 
make[2]: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop. 
make[2]: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop. 
make[2]: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop. 
make[2]: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop. 
make[2]: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop. 
make[2]: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop. 
make[1]: *** [build] Error 2 
make: *** [ios] Error 2 
MacBookPro:mono-monotouch-bindings-b98b8a8 mojo$ cd Three20 
MacBookPro:Three20 mojo$ cd binding 
MacBookPro:binding mojo$ make 
git clone [email protected]:facebook/three20.git 
Cloning into three20... 
Permission denied (publickey). 
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly 
make: *** [three20] Error 128 
MacBookPro:binding mojo$ 



「我得到了很多錯誤」讓我們完全沒有必要去嘗試和幫助你。請編輯您的問題,讓它真正成爲包含我們可以使用的信息的一個問題,否則它很可能最終會被封閉而不是真正的問題。謝謝。 –


@Ken ...我更新了它。 – MojoDK




cd \your-dir\monotouch-bindings\ 


To build the bindings, run the make command from within the bindings directory.


我現在得到這個錯誤:make [2]:***沒有指定目標,也沒有找到makefile。停止。 – MojoDK


這意味着你沒有進入一個包含Makefile的目錄。 – jstedfast


@jstedfast - 我更新了我的問題..我無法縫合使其工作。嗯。 – MojoDK