2017-01-03 38 views

其實我試圖導出一個Excel文件使用卡洛斯銀ExcelXmlWriter。卡洛斯Ag Excel Xml作家在c#


  public void ExportToExcel() 
     Workbook book = new Workbook(); 
     Worksheet sheet = book.Worksheets.Add("Sample"); 
     WorksheetRow row = sheet.Table.Rows.Add(); 
     row.Cells.Add("Hello World"); 

這是上面的代碼我嘗試。但它不導出一個excel文件。即使它沒有顯示錯誤也。那麼,我如何克服這個問題? 在此先感謝!




using CarlosAg.ExcelXmlWriter; 

    class TestApp { 
     static void Main(string[] args) { 
      Workbook book = new Workbook(); 
      Worksheet sheet = book.Worksheets.Add("Sample"); 
      WorksheetRow row = sheet.Table.Rows.Add(); 
      row.Cells.Add("Hello World"); 

是啊,我也提到了命名空間。但仍然沒有出口。它只是執行並返回它的頁面。不導出任何xls文件 – Muzz


好的,你可以嘗試其他方式,你會得到想法 – Munikrishna


我會盡快更新 – Munikrishna

please try for another method, mentioned below 

Private void ExportDatasettoExcel(DataSet dsExcel) 
      //Add a workbook 
     string fileName = @"C:\Sample.xls"; 
      CarlosAg.ExcelXmlWriter.Workbook book = new CarlosAg.ExcelXmlWriter.Workbook(); 

      // Specify which Sheet should be opened and the size of window by default 
      book.ExcelWorkbook.ActiveSheetIndex = 1; 
      book.ExcelWorkbook.WindowTopX = 100; 
      book.ExcelWorkbook.WindowTopY = 200; 
      book.ExcelWorkbook.WindowHeight = 7000; 
      book.ExcelWorkbook.WindowWidth = 8000; 

      // Some optional properties of the Document 
      book.Properties.Author = "Murali"; 
      book.Properties.Title = "Excel Export"; 
      book.Properties.Created = DateTime.Now; 

     //Add styles to the workbook 
      WorksheetStyle s31 =book.Styles.Add("s31"); 
      s31.Font.FontName = "Tahoma"; 
      s31.Font.Size = 8; 
      s31.Font.Color = "#000000"; 
      s31.Alignment.Horizontal = StyleHorizontalAlignment.Center; 
      s31.Alignment.Vertical = StyleVerticalAlignment.Center; 
      s31.Alignment.WrapText = true; 
      s31.Borders.Add(StylePosition.Bottom, LineStyleOption.Continuous, 1); 
      s31.Borders.Add(StylePosition.Left, LineStyleOption.Continuous, 1); 
      s31.Borders.Add(StylePosition.Right, LineStyleOption.Continuous, 1); 
      s31.Borders.Add(StylePosition.Top, LineStyleOption.Continuous, 1); 
      s31.NumberFormat = "@"; 

      // Add styles for header of the Workbook 
      WorksheetStyle style = book.Styles.Add("HeaderStyle"); 
      style.Font.FontName = "Tahoma"; 
      style.Font.Size = 12; 
      style.Font.Bold = true; 
      style.Alignment.Horizontal = StyleHorizontalAlignment.Center; 
      style.Font.Color = "White"; 
      style.Interior.Color = "Blue"; 
      style.Interior.Pattern = StyleInteriorPattern.DiagCross; 

      // Add a Worksheet with some data 
      Worksheet sheet = book.Worksheets.Add("Sample Data"); 
      // we can optionally set some column settings 
      sheet.Table.Columns.Add(new WorksheetColumn(100)); 
      sheet.Table.Columns.Add(new WorksheetColumn(100)); 
      sheet.Table.Columns.Add(new WorksheetColumn(250)); 

      //Add row with some properties 
      WorksheetRow row = sheet.Table.Rows.Add(); 
      row.Index = 0; 
      row.Height = 26; 
      row.AutoFitHeight = false; 

     //Add header text for the columns 
      WorksheetCell wcHeader = new WorksheetCell("Column 1", "HeaderStyle"); 
      wcHeader = new WorksheetCell("Column 2", "HeaderStyle"); 
      wcHeader = new WorksheetCell("Column 3", "HeaderStyle"); 

     //Loop through each table in dataset 
      for (int i = 0; i < dsExcel.Tables.Count; i++) 
     //Loop through each row in datatable     
        foreach (DataRow dtrrow in dsExcel.Tables[i].Rows) 
      //Add row to the excel sheet 
      row = sheet.Table.Rows.Add(); 
         row.Height = 30; 
         row.AutoFitHeight = false; 
      //Loop through each column 
         foreach (DataColumn col in dsExcel.Tables[i].Columns) 

           WorksheetCell wc = new WorksheetCell(dtrrow[col.ColumnName].ToString(), DataType.String, "s31"); 
     //Save the work book 