2017-06-15 56 views

代碼正在編譯,但控制檯窗口消失。在print()函數中是否有錯誤,或者是編譯器(Dev C++)? 我嘗試以許多不同的方式在main()函數中打印,但其中一些代碼在此代碼工作時給我提供了錯誤。2D安全數組C++

using namespace std; 

const int ROW = 2; 
const int COL = 2; 

template<class T> class SA 
    int low, high; 
    T* p; 
    // default constructor 
     low = 0; 
     high = -1; 
     p = NULL; 
    // 2 parameter constructor lets us write 
    SA(int l, int h) 
     if ((h - l + 1) <= 0) 
      cout << "constructor error in bounds definition" << endl; 
     low = l; 
     high = h; 
     p = new T[h - l + 1]; 

    // single parameter constructor lets us 
    // SA x(10); and getting an array x indexed from 0 to 9 
    SA(int i) 
     low = 0; 
     high = i - 1; 
     p = new T[i]; 

    // copy constructor for pass by value and 
    // initialization 
    SA(const SA & s) 
     int size = s.high - s.low + 1; 
     p = new T[size]; 

     for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) 
      p[i] = s.p[i]; 
     low = s.low; 
     high = s.high; 

    // destructor 
     delete[] p; 

    //overloaded [] lets us write 
    //SA x(10,20); x[15]= 100; 
    T& operator[](int i) 
     if (i < low || i > high) 
      cout << "index " << i << " out of range" << endl; 
     return p[i - low]; 

    // overloaded assignment lets us assign one SA to another 
    SA & operator=(const SA & s) 
     if (this == &s) 
      return *this; 
     delete[] p; 
     int size = s.high - s.low + 1; 
     p = new T[size]; 

     for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) 
      p[i] = s.p[i]; 
     low = s.low; 
     high = s.high; 
     return *this; 
    // overloads << so we can directly print SAs 
    friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, SA s) 
     int size = s.high - s.low + 1; 
     for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) 
      cout << s.p[i] << endl; 
     return os; 
    //end of ostream 
//end class of safeArray 

//Matrix class 
template<class T> class Matrix 

    SA<SA<T> > matrx; 
    //2 param for 2D array 
    Matrix(int r, int c) 
     matrx = SA<SA<T> >(0, r - 1); 
     for (int i = 0; i < r; i++) 
      matrx[i] = SA<T>(0, c - 1); 

    SA<T> operator[](int row) 
     return (matrx[row]); 

    void read() 
     for (int i = 0; i < ROW; i++) 
      for (int j = 0; j < COL; j++) 
       cin >> this->s[i][j]; 

    void print() 
     for (int i = 0; i < ROW; i++) 
      for (int j = 0; j < COL; j++) 
       cout << this->s[i][j] << "\t" << endl; 
//class Matrix 

int main() 

    Matrix<int> A(2, 2); 

    A[0][2] = 5; 
    cout << A[0][2]; 
    Matrix <int> A; 
    cout<<"Enter matrix A:"<<endl; 
    cout<<"Matrix A is: "<<endl; 

    return 0; 

請縮進。 –


如果'new'在賦值運算符中引發異常,則此數組不再是「安全」。你爲什麼通過調用'exit()'退出整個應用程序,只是因爲構造函數的參數不正確? – PaulMcKenzie


我們可以安全地假設這個任務不允許使用「std :: vector」嗎? – user4581301




system("PAUSE"); // this is wrong. 
getch();   // this will wait for the user to press a key. 


A[0][2] = 5; // out of bounds !! valid bounds are [0..(2-1 = 1)][0..1] 
