2017-07-02 55 views
Select c.CustomerName, pl.ProductName as 'Product Name', o.OrderDate as 'Order date', 
Count([Address]) as 'No of Places', SUM(pl.Price * od.OrderQty) as 'Total Amount' 
From Customer c 
Inner Join [Order] o ON o.CustomerId = c.CustomerID 
Inner Join OrderDetails od ON od.OrderId = o.OrderID 
Inner Join ProductList pl ON pl.ProductID = od.ProductId 
where c.CustomerID = (select cc.CustomerID from Customer cc where 
cc.CustomerName = 'Mr.A') 


消息8120,級別16,狀態1,行 列「Customer.CustomerName」在選擇列表中,因爲無效它不包含在聚合函數或GROUP BY子句中。


(求和,計數...等),你必須使用組在其餘列你選擇 –



你已經忘了指定group by子句,試試這個:

Select c.CustomerName, pl.ProductName as 'Product Name', o.OrderDate as 'Order date', 
Count([Address]) as 'No of Places', SUM(pl.Price * od.OrderQty) as 'Total Amount' 
From Customer c 
Inner Join [Order] o ON o.CustomerId = c.CustomerID 
Inner Join OrderDetails od ON od.OrderId = o.OrderID 
Inner Join ProductList pl ON pl.ProductID = od.ProductId 
Inner join Customer cc on c.CustomerID=cc.CustomerID and cc.CustomerName = 'Mr.A' 
group by c.CustomerName, pl.ProductName, o.OrderDate 

但我想解決這個問題使用SubQuery,你沒有在這段代碼中使用。 –


其相同,子查詢或不...使用您的查詢,但添加與我的查詢 – Esperento57


列最後我解決它,謝謝。 –
