2017-10-09 40 views

當我運行的dpkg --list「的linux-image *」刪除滿足的依賴關係,我可以看到下面的列表:如何從Linux的

un linux-image       <none>     <none>     (no description available) 
un linux-image-3.0      <none>     <none>     (no description available) 
ii linux-image-3.16.0-30-generic  3.16.0-30.40~14.04.1 amd64     Linux kernel image for version 3.16.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP 
ii linux-image-3.16.0-77-generic  3.16.0-77.99~14.04.1 amd64     Linux kernel image for version 3.16.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP 
ii linux-image-4.4.0-59-generic   4.4.0-59.80~14.04.1  amd64     Linux kernel image for version 4.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP 
ii linux-image-4.4.0-75-generic   4.4.0-75.96~14.04.1  amd64     Linux kernel image for version 4.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP 
ii linux-image-4.4.0-78-generic   4.4.0-78.99~14.04.2  amd64     Linux kernel image for version 4.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP 
ii linux-image-4.4.0-79-generic   4.4.0-79.100~14.04.1 amd64     Linux kernel image for version 4.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP 
iF linux-image-4.4.0-81-generic   4.4.0-81.104~14.04.1 amd64     Linux kernel image for version 4.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP 
iF linux-image-4.4.0-87-generic   4.4.0-87.110~14.04.1 amd64     Linux kernel image for version 4.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP 
**in linux-image-4.4.0-89-generic   <none>     amd64     (no description available)** 
ii linux-image-extra-3.16.0-30-generic 3.16.0-30.40~14.04.1 amd64     Linux kernel extra modules for version 3.16.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP 

當我嘗試使用以下命令我得到錯誤 命令刪除sudo易於得到刪除的linux-image-4.4.0-75-通用


[email protected]:~$ **sudo apt-get remove linux-image-4.4.0-75-generic** 
sudo: /var/lib/sudo writable by non-owner (040777), should be mode 0700 
[sudo] password for vf-root: 
Reading package lists... Done 
Building dependency tree  
Reading state information... Done 
You might want to run 'apt-get -f install' to correct these: 
The following packages have unmet dependencies: 
linux-image-extra-4.4.0-75-generic : Depends: linux-image-4.4.0-75-generic but it is not going to be installed 
linux-image-extra-4.4.0-89-generic : Depends: linux-image-4.4.0-89-generic but it is not going to be installed 
linux-image-generic-lts-xenial : Depends: linux-image-4.4.0-89-generic but it is not going to be installed 
**E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).** 

即使我運行這個apt-get的-f install命令我得到了Linux的圖像 - 這類似的錯誤4.4.0-89-通用

在dpkg --list'linux-image *'列表中,我可以看到這個linux-image-4.4.0-89-generic image uninstalled ..刪除清除所有這些命令不工作,任何人都可以請給我有任何解決這個問題的方法?


我投票關閉這一問題作爲題外話,因爲它應該是http://askubuntu.com/ –


的StackOverflow約爲幫助人們修復他們現有的編程代碼。調試'dpkg'問題的請求, 教程,研究,工具,建議,庫和代碼都是無關緊要的。 ***請***閱讀https://stackoverflow.com/help/on-topic,http://stackoverflow.com/help/how-to-ask,http://stackoverflow.com/help/dont-問,http://stackoverflow.com/help/mcve並採取[旅遊](http://stackoverflow.com/tour)之前發佈更多的Q在這裏。祝你好運。 – shellter


Stack Overflow是編程和開發問題的網站。這個問題似乎與題目無關,因爲它不涉及編程或開發。請參閱幫助中心的[我可以詢問哪些主題](http://stackoverflow.com/help/on-topic)。也許[超級用戶](http://superuser.com/)或[Unix&Linux堆棧交換](http://unix.stackexchange.com/)會是一個更好的地方。 – jww


apt-get -f install 
apt-get autoremove 



當我運行「apt-get -f install」命令時我面臨以下錯誤檢查/etc/kernel/postrm.d。 run-parts:執行/etc/kernel/postrm.d/initramfs-tools 4.4.0-89-generic /boot/vmlinuz-4.4.0-89-generic run-parts:執行/ etc/kernel/postrm。 d/zz-update-grub 4.4.0-89-generic /boot/vmlinuz-4.4.0-89-generic 處理過程中遇到錯誤: /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-image-4.4.0 -89-generic_4.4.0-89.112〜14.04.1_amd64.deb E:子進程/ usr/bin/dpkg返回錯誤代碼(1) – Swpno


這不行,任何人都可以幫我解決。 – Swpno