2017-02-23 38 views


export type Id<T> = { 
    id: string 

export type Foo = Id<Foo> & { 
    val: number 

// type Foo is now {id: Id<Foo>, val: number} 

export type Bar = Id<Bar> & { 
    val: number 

// type Bar is now {id: Id<Bar>, val: number} 

// FooMap should only be able to store objects of type foo, referenced by 
// IDs of type Id<Foo> 
export type FooMap = { 
    [key: Id<Foo>]: Foo 

const foo1: Foo = { id: "foo1", val: 1 }; 
const foo2: Foo = { id: "foo2", val: 2 }; 
const bar1: Bar = { id: "bar1", val: 3 }; 

// This would pass type checking: 
const fooMap: FooMap = { 
    [foo1.id]: foo1, 
    [foo2.id]: foo2 

// But this would fail type checking: 
const badMap: FooMap = { 
    [bar1.id]: foo1 




從概念上講,我認爲你想要一個標記爲單個案例的聯合類型來表示你正在使用的各種ID--下面是F#中的一個例子:Single Case Discriminated Unions

如果我的理解正確,您希望創建地圖Map<FooId, Foo>,其中fooMap[someFooId]只能包含Foo對象。但由於FooId可能與BarId類型相同,因此地圖中可能有someBarId: Foo。您希望Flow對可能發生的情況進行類型檢查。


type FooId = FooId of string 
type BarId = BarId of string 

type Id<'T> = Id of 'T // you'd pass in FooId as the type 

type Foo = { 
    id: Id<FooId>; 
    value: string; 

type Bar = { 
    id: Id<BarId>; 
    value: string; 

let foo: Foo = { id = Id (FooId "12345"); value = "fooVal" } 
let bar: Bar = { id = Id (BarId "12345"); value = "barVal" } 
let fooMap = 
    Map.empty<Id<FooId>, Foo> 
    |> Map.add (Id (BarId "12345")) foo 


string literal `FooId`. Expected string literal `BarId`, got `FooId` instead 
string literal `BarId`. Expected string literal `FooId`, got `BarId` instead 


type FooId = "FooId"; 
type BarId = "BarId"; 
type Id<T> = { 
    id: string; 
    type: T 

type Foo = { 
    id: Id<FooId>, 
    val: any 

type Bar = { 
    id: Id<BarId>, // get type error here 
    val: any 

type FooMap = { 
    [key: Id<FooId>]: Foo // get type error here 

const fooIdBuilder = (id): Id<FooId> => ({ id, type: "FooId" }); 
const barIdBuilder = (id): Id<BarId> => ({ id, type: "BarId" }); 

const foo1: Foo = { 
    id: fooIdBuilder("12345"), 
    val: "fooval" 

const foo2: Foo = { 
    id: fooIdBuilder("23456"), 
    val: "fooval" 

const bar1: Bar = { 
    id: barIdBuilder("23456"), 
    val: "barval" 

const fooMap: FooMap = {}; 
fooMap[foo1.id] = foo1; 
fooMap[bar1.id] = foo2; 

您可以複製並粘貼到這個Try Flow


是的,你的答案是隻是我在我的思想結束了在那裏。我同意我的原始用例目前在Flow中似乎不可行,並且進一步同意在聲明站點而不是使用站點的錯誤報告具有誤導性。 :)感謝您花時間將示例代碼放在一起! – Palpatim