2011-09-20 48 views

我在哪裏可以找到Google Analytics for Android的javadoc?我在project homepage上搜索它,但無法在任何地方找到它。GoogleAnalyticsTracker javadoc


我不知道一個存在。你想做什麼? – sho


幾乎所有的方法都是在網站上使用和詳細描述的 - 有沒有特定的東西在找? – CrackerJack9


@ CrackerJack9 the javadoc;) – siamii



Anaylytics有一個Google Code頁面,它向您展示瞭如何使用API​​。 Analytics-api-sample。您可能需要從SVN中檢查它才能使用它。


這只是easytracker的javadoc ... – qedejavu




ga_api_key (String) - the account ID used for tracking. You need this set for 
         EasyTracker to start tracking your application. 

ga_debug (Bool) - Set to true if you wish to see debug messages from the 
        GoogleAnalytics library in the Android log. Default is false. 

ga_dryRun (Bool) - Set to true if you want to test your tracking code without 
        actually sending data to Google Analytics. Default is false. 

ga_anonymizeIp (Bool) - Set to true to remove the last octet of the device's IP 
         Address from tracking data. Default is false. 

ga_sampleRate(Integer) - Set to a number between 0 and 100, inclusive. Zero 
         will turn off all tracking while 100 will have every 
         application instance track. Any number in between will 
         limit the number of application instances that actually 
         send tracking data to approximately that percentage. 
         Default is 100. 

ga_dispatchPeriod (Integer) - Set to the time period in seconds to wait between 
           dispatches. Setting to zero will turn off 
           automatic dispatching. Default is 60. 

ga_auto_activity_tracking (Bool) - Set to true to track time spent in each 
            Activity. Set to false to track application- 
            level information only. Default is false. 

您可以找到針對Android的javadoc的谷歌Analytics(分析)在「GoogleAnalyticsAndroid.zip」文件中的「javadocs.zip」的文件,其中的「libGoogleAnalyticsV2.jar」的由來中。 立即下載here