2014-10-08 68 views

我是Apex新手需要Apex測試類的幫助。該控制器類的偉大工程,但我不能找到一種方法,將其複製到測試課,而不會出現錯誤「列表中包含了用於分配的sObject無行」 下面是實際的控制器類:列表中沒有行分配給SObject測試類錯誤

public with sharing class GoogleMap_Meeting_Controller { 

    public List<Meeting__c> MeetingsList {get;set;} 
    public List<Meeting__c> MeetingsList2 {get;set;} 

    public GoogleMap_Meeting_Controller() { 

     Id id = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id'); 
     MeetingsList = [SELECT Id, Name, Group__r.Id, Meeting_Date__c, GPS_Meeting_Location__Latitude__s, GPS_Meeting_Location__Longitude__s FROM Meeting__c WHERE Group__r.Id =:id ORDER BY Meeting_Date__c DESC LIMIT 10 OFFSET 1]; 
     MeetingsList2 =[SELECT Id, Name, Group__r.Id, Meeting_Date__c, GPS_Meeting_Location__Latitude__s, GPS_Meeting_Location__Longitude__s FROM Meeting__c WHERE Group__r.Id =:id ORDER BY Meeting_Date__c DESC LIMIT 1]; 
    } // end constructor 
} // end class 


public with sharing class GoogleMap_Meeting_Controller_Tester { 

    static testMethod void myTest() { 
     Meeting__c MeetingsList = new Meeting__c(); 
     Meeting__c MeetingsList2 = new Meeting__c(); 

     //Id id = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id'); 
     MeetingsList = [SELECT Id, Name, Group__r.Id, Meeting_Date__c,  GPS_Meeting_Location__Latitude__s, GPS_Meeting_Location__Longitude__s FROM Meeting__c WHERE Group__r.Id ='a0Lc0000002zI9O' ORDER BY Meeting_Date__c DESC LIMIT 10 OFFSET 1]; 
     MeetingsList2 =[SELECT Id, Name, Group__r.Id, Meeting_Date__c, GPS_Meeting_Location__Latitude__s, GPS_Meeting_Location__Longitude__s FROM Meeting__c WHERE Group__r.Id ='a0Lc0000002zI9O' ORDER BY Meeting_Date__c DESC LIMIT 1]; 
    } // end constructor   
} // end class 




MeetingsList = [SELECT Id, Name, Group__r.Id, Meeting_Date__c, GPS_Meeting_Location__Latitude__s, GPS_Meeting_Location__Longitude__s FROM Meeting__c WHERE Group__r.Id =:id ORDER BY Meeting_Date__c DESC LIMIT 10 OFFSET 1]; 
MeetingsList2 =[SELECT Id, Name, Group__r.Id, Meeting_Date__c, GPS_Meeting_Location__Latitude__s, GPS_Meeting_Location__Longitude__s FROM Meeting__c WHERE Group__r.Id =:id ORDER BY Meeting_Date__c DESC LIMIT 1]; 


List< MeetingsList> = [SELECT Id, Name, Group__r.Id, Meeting_Date__c, GPS_Meeting_Location__Latitude__s, GPS_Meeting_Location__Longitude__s FROM Meeting__c WHERE Group__r.Id =:id ORDER BY Meeting_Date__c DESC LIMIT 10 OFFSET 1]; 
List< MeetingsList2> =[SELECT Id, Name, Group__r.Id, Meeting_Date__c, GPS_Meeting_Location__Latitude__s, GPS_Meeting_Location__Longitude__s FROM Meeting__c WHERE Group__r.Id =:id ORDER BY Meeting_Date__c DESC LIMIT 1]; 

不要寫 「版主請幫忙」。選擇代碼塊並按下「Ctrl + K」。對於將來的任何問題,請隨時訪問像[旅舍](http://chat.meta.stackexchange.com/rooms/89/tavern-on-the-meta)等聊天室並詢問。 – 2014-10-16 07:18:14
