2016-11-10 80 views

我想根據滾動骰子的次數(全部通過數組)打印星號。我在星號之前遇到了骰子面(i)印刷的問題。另外,我從零開始得到兩個零,並且不知道它們來自哪裏。 我會很感激的幫助。Java:數組星號打印的值


public class Histogram { 

    public static void main(String[] args) { 
     // TODO Auto-generated method stub 

     int numRoles = 100; 
     int[] amountRoles = new int[7]; // amountRoles Holds the array 

     for (int i = 1; i < 7; i++) 
     amountRoles[i] = 0; // Set 0 
      for (int i = 0; i < numRoles; i++) 
       int die1 = (int)(Math.random()*6+1); 
       amountRoles[die1]++; // Increments 
      System.out.println("The die was rolled " + numRoles + " times, its six value's counts are:"); 
      for (int i = 1; i < 7; i++) 
       System.out.print("Side " + i + " was rolled " + amountRoles[i]+ " times out of " + numRoles + "."); 
       // Prints each sides value (i) alongside with how many times it was rolled (amountRoles[i]). 
       System.out.println(); // Formatting Line 
     for (int i = 0; i < amountRoles.length; i++) // Iterates through amountRoles 
      for(int j = 0; j < amountRoles[i]; j++) // Loop through amountRoles[i] 
       System.out.print("" + "*"); 
      System.out.println(i + " " + amountRoles[i]); 


The die was rolled 100 times, its six value's counts are: 
Side 1 was rolled 11 times out of 100. 
Side 2 was rolled 19 times out of 100. 
Side 3 was rolled 19 times out of 100. 
Side 4 was rolled 17 times out of 100. 
Side 5 was rolled 16 times out of 100. 
Side 6 was rolled 18 times out of 100. 
0 0 (Where are these zeroes coming from?) 
***********1 11 
*******************2 19 
*******************3 19 
*****************4 17 
****************5 16 
******************6 18 


[1]  ******************* 19 
[2]  ************ 12 
[3]  ********************* 21 
[4]  ******************** 20 
[5]  ************* 13 
[6]  *************** 15 

提示:爲什麼你需要一個大小爲7的數組來保存6面骰子滾動特定結果的次數? – Paul


根據@Paul評論,這是'0 0'來自哪裏,你開始'i = 0',這沒有價值,因此你得到'0 0' –


我認爲你的潛在挑戰因爲java中的數組是基於零的,但你有點像對待它們一樣。換句話說,數組的第一個元素位於索引0處,因此您應該將索引處的索引值設置爲1。另外,使用'System.out.print(「some string」);'後面緊跟'System.out .println();'有點笨重。取而代之,使用'System.out.println(「some string」);' – Taylor



只回答你的問題我看到一個沒有其他問題代碼,您從int i = 0獲得0 0。將其更改爲int i = 1,不再有更多0 0


for (int i = 1; i < amountRoles.length; i++) // Iterates through amountRoles 
    System.out.print("[" + i + "]"); 
    for(int j = 0; j < amountRoles[i]; j++) // Loop through amountRoles[i] 
     System.out.print("" + "*"); 
    System.out.println(" " + amountRoles[i]); 



System.out.println(); // Formatting Line 



for (int i = 1; i < amountRoles.length; i++) // Iterates through amountRoles 
     String asterCount = ""; 
     for(int j = 0; j < amountRoles[i]; j++) // Loop through amountRoles[i] 
      asterCount += ("*"); 
     System.out.println("[" +i +"]"+ " "+ asterCount + " "+ amountRoles[i]); 

我喜歡count變量的想法,但OP也可以在那裏打印,因爲count變量只用於print語句中,一個格式化首選項,與彙總數組相反,他只是使用'*'顯示數組。 –