2017-10-21 101 views



# I also put print("ERROR in Question")) if there is no match at all 
scoreraw <- function(Question, Answer) { 

    switch(Question, "Today is my favourite day?" = 
    {switch(Answer,"Strongly Agree" = 3,"Agree"= 2, "Disagree" = 1, "Strongly 
Disagree" = 0)}, 
    "I hate Tuesdays?"= 
    {switch(Answer,"Strongly Agree" = 0,"Agree"= 1, "Disagree" = 2, "Strongly 
Disagree" = 3)}, 
    print("ERROR in Question")) 


# We expect the value to be 3 based on the Question and Answer argument 
scoreraw("Today is my favourite day?","Strongly Agree") 
    # [1] 3 

#Let us now create a dummy dataset of questions 

x <- c("Strongly Agree","Agree","Disagree","Strongly Disagree") 
y <- c("Strongly Agree","Agree","Disagree","Strongly Disagree") 

c <- data.frame(x,y) 

# Just changing the names to match the questions in the switch statement 
colnames(c) <- c("Today is my favourite day?", "I hate Tuesdays?") 

# The two factors were converted to characters since factors are treated as 
# integers by default (I may be incorrect here) 
c$`Today is my favourite day?` <- as.character(c$`Today is my favourite day`) 
c$`I hate Tuesdays?` <- as.character(c$`I hate Tuesdays`) 

# Today is my favourite day? I hate Tuesdays? 
# 1    Strongly Agree Strongly Agree 
# 2      Agree    Agree 
# 3     Disagree   Disagree 
# 4   Strongly Disagree Strongly Disagree 


# Today is my favourite day? I hate Tuesdays? 
# 1       3    0 
# 2       2    1 
# 3       1    2 
# 4       0    3 


#Example of selecting column name and row value manually 
# [1] 0 


# I also put print("ERROR in Question")) if there is no match at all 
scoreraw <- function(Question, Answer) { 

    switch(Question, "Today is my favourite day?" = 
    {switch(Answer,"Strongly Agree" = 3,"Agree"= 2, "Disagree" = 1, "Strongly 
Disagree" = 0)}, 
    "I hate Tuesdays?"= 
    {switch(Answer,"Strongly Agree" = 0,"Agree"= 1, "Disagree" = 2, "Strongly 
Disagree" = 3)}, 
    print("ERROR in Question")) 

#Let us now create a dummy dataset of questions 

x <- c("Strongly Agree","Agree","Disagree","Strongly Disagree") 
y <- c("Strongly Agree","Agree","Disagree","Strongly Disagree") 

c <- data.frame(x,y) 

# Just changing the names to match the questions in the switch statement 
colnames(c) <- c("Today is my favourite day?", "I hate Tuesdays?") 

# The two factors were converted to characters since factors are treated as 
# integers by default (I may be incorrect here) 
c$`Today is my favourite day?` <- as.character(c$`Today is my favourite 
c$`I hate Tuesdays?` <- as.character(c$`I hate Tuesdays`) 

call_scoreraw <- function(n, DF) { 
    sapply(DF[[n]], function(x) scoreraw(colnames(DF)[n], x)) 

#I included unlist as I noticed the output can also be a list 
a <- unlist(call_scoreraw(1, c)) 
b <- as.data.frame(a) 


call_scoreraw <- function(n, DF) { 
    Storage <- numeric(ncol(DF)) 
    for (i in n:ncol(DF)){ 
    Storage[i] <- sapply(DF[,i], function(x) scoreraw(colnames(DF)[i], x)) 



函數'scoreraw'中有一個輸入錯誤,它應該是'Tuesdaydays'而不是'tuesdays'。 –


謝謝我現在改變了錯字。 @RuiBarradas – MrReference




call_scoreraw <- function(n, DF) { 
    if(length(n) > 1){ 
     t(sapply(n, function(i){ 
      sapply(DF[[i]], function(x) scoreraw(colnames(DF)[i], x)) 
    } else { 
     sapply(DF[[n]], function(x) scoreraw(colnames(DF)[n], x)) 

call_scoreraw(2, c) 
# Strongly Agree    Agree   Disagree Strongly Disagree 
#    0     1     2     3 

call_scoreraw(1:2, c) 
#  Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree 
#[1,]    3  2  1     0 
#[2,]    0  1  2     3 


res <- call_scoreraw(1:2, c) 
res2 <- as.data.frame(res) 

如果您想將此call_scoreraw函數應用於arbiturary數量的列,那麼該怎麼辦? - 我想自動化這個功能,這樣我就不需要手動索引我想要選擇的列。換句話說,隱式的FOR循環。 @RuiBarradas – MrReference


我試了一下代碼,它運行良好。對於我自己的學習,你能解釋一下代碼的這部分嗎?(sapply(n,function(i)sapply(DF [[i]]),function(x)scoreraw(colnames(DF)[i]), (i),即這個部分......函數(i)sapply(DF [[i) ]],函數(x)scoreraw(colnames(DF)[i],x)) – MrReference


@MrReference第一個'sapply'通過矢量'n'循環,第二個通過矢量' [I]]'。因此,對於''n'中的每個'i'和'DF [[i]]中的每個''''應用函數'scoreraw',它包含兩個參數,一個列名和一個標量。 –
