2016-11-04 62 views

我有一個問題,我的代碼不檢查所有存儲對象條形碼。我希望它檢查所有的螺栓,支架,螺絲刀和錘子條形碼,並檢查它與輸入一個,如果它相同,然後顯示相應的對象。但它總是適用於最後一個。我不知道是什麼導致了這一點。行數量有多少輸入(可以點擊一個按鈕來添加新的輸入)輸入有名稱輸入1輸入2輸入3 ...等等...For循環不檢查每個對象的屬性

var storage = { 
    bolts: { 
    barcode: 57263144, 
    price: 0.5, 
    name: '100mm Bolts', 
    stock: 8642, 
    brackets: { 
    barcode: 13245627, 
    price: 0.2, 
    name: 'Plain Brackets', 
    stock: 5201, 
    screwdriver: { 
    barcode: 52678349, 
    price: 15, 
    name: 'Screwdriver', 
    stock: 30, 
    hammer: { 
    barcode: 86583916, 
    price: 25, 
    name: 'Hammer', 
    stock: 5, 

function check(){ 
    Object.keys(storage).forEach(function(key) { 
    for (var i = 1; i <= rowAmount; i++){ 

     var barcodeCheck = document.getElementById("input"+i).value; 

     var input = document.getElementById("input"+i).value; 

     if (input.length > 8){ 
     document.getElementById("input"+i).style.backgroundColor = "red"; 
     else { 
     document.getElementById("input"+i).style.backgroundColor = "white"; 

     if (barcodeCheck == storage[key].barcode){ 
     document.getElementById("name"+i).innerHTML = "Name: "+storage[key].name; 
     document.getElementById("price"+i).innerHTML = "Price: £"+storage[key].price+"/one"; 
     document.getElementById("stock"+i).innerHTML = "In stock: "+storage[key].stock; 
     else { 
     document.getElementById("name"+i).innerHTML = ""; 
     document.getElementById("price"+i).innerHTML = ""; 
     document.getElementById("stock"+i).innerHTML = ""; 


什麼是「rowAmount」,它在哪裏定義? – Craicerjack


rowAmount是有多少輸入(我有一個按鈕,增加了新的輸入)每個新的輸入被稱爲input1 input2 input3 ... – killereks


請包括[mcve]。這個問題的最小部分將包括提到的@Craicerjack的'rowAmount'和代碼運行的HTML。作爲一個附註,你在1毫秒內再次調用'check'來關閉你的'check'函數。這可能會導致頁面響應性的一些嚴重問題。 –




你也有這個功能不斷運行。 1ms的調查太過緊張,您的應用程序的性能將會受到影響。



var storage = { 
    bolts: { 
    barcode: 57263144, 
    price: 0.5, 
    name: '100mm Bolts', 
    stock: 8642, 
    brackets: { 
    barcode: 13245627, 
    price: 0.2, 
    name: 'Plain Brackets', 
    stock: 5201, 
    screwdriver: { 
    barcode: 52678349, 
    price: 15, 
    name: 'Screwdriver', 
    stock: 30, 
    hammer: { 
    barcode: 86583916, 
    price: 25, 
    name: 'Hammer', 
    stock: 5, 

function check(){ 
    var match = false; 

    for (var key in storage) { 
    for (var i = 1; i <= rowAmount; i++) { 
     //barcodeCheck and input had the same value 
     //I also removed the .value. You'll see why in a sec 
     var input = document.getElementById("input"+i); 

     if (input.value.length > 8) { 
     input.style.backgroundColor = "red"; 
     else { 
     input.style.backgroundColor = "white"; 

     if (input.value == storage[key].barcode){ 
     document.getElementById("name"+i).innerHTML = "Name: "+storage[key].name; 
     document.getElementById("price"+i).innerHTML = "Price: £"+storage[key].price+"/one"; 
     document.getElementById("stock"+i).innerHTML = "In stock: "+storage[key].stock; 

     match = true; 

    if (match) break; 

    //Only reset if you've checked them all and come up short 
    if (!match) 
    document.getElementById("name"+i).innerHTML = ""; 
    document.getElementById("price"+i).innerHTML = ""; 
    document.getElementById("stock"+i).innerHTML = ""; 

    //Nobody's going to notice a 250ms delay in your poll 
    setTimeout(check, 250); 

沒有工作,https://jsfiddle.net/zh2nvkp1/這是我的整個代碼,問題是當我只輸入條形碼中的最後一個存儲(在這種情況下,錘子)顯示,其餘項目不顯示。 – killereks


哦,我忘了添加jquery到小提琴。 – killereks


固定。一旦找到匹配項,您需要結束執行。 –



function check(){ 
Object.keys(storage).forEach(function(key) { 
for (var i = 1; i <= rowAmount; i++){ 

    var barcodeCheck = document.getElementById("input"+i).value; 

    var input = document.getElementById("input"+i).value; 

    if (input.length > 8){ 
    document.getElementById("input"+i).style.backgroundColor = "red"; 
    else { 
    document.getElementById("input"+i).style.backgroundColor = "white"; 

    if (barcodeCheck == storage[key].barcode){ 
    document.getElementById("name"+i).innerHTML = "Name: "+storage[key].name; 
    document.getElementById("price"+i).innerHTML = "Price: £"+storage[key].price+"/one"; 
    document.getElementById("stock"+i).innerHTML = "In stock: "+storage[key].stock; 
break outer_loop; //This will end the for loop and allow the found values to stay instead of over writing them on the next loop iteration and jump out of both loops 
    else { 
    document.getElementById("name"+i).innerHTML = ""; 
    document.getElementById("price"+i).innerHTML = ""; 
    document.getElementById("stock"+i).innerHTML = ""; 



input { 
    float: left; 
    border: none; 
    border-bottom: 2px solid black; 
    outline: none; 
    font-size: 24px; 
    width: 100%; 
    text-align: center; 
    transition: width cubic-bezier(0.92,0,0.29,0.99) 0.6s; 
    font-family: 'Indie Flower', cursive; 
    font-weight: 900; 
    clear: both; 

.red { 
    color: red; 

* { 
    font-size: 24px; 
    font-weight: 800; 

#table > div { 
    border: 2px solid black; 
    float: left; 
    width: 300px; 
    padding: 5px; 

input[type=number]::-webkit-outer-spin-button { 
    -webkit-appearance: none; 
    margin: 0; 

.clear { 
    clear: both; 

button { 
    background-color: orange; 
    border: 2px solid black; 
    padding: 14px 16px; 
    font-size: 14px; 
    cursor: pointer; 
    transition: all 0.4s; 
button:hover { 
    border-radius: 10px; 
    background-color: yellow; 
    transform: translateY(2px); 


barcodes: 13245627, 57263144, 52678349, 86583916 <br> 
<input type=number id=barcode placeholder=Barcode> 
<div id=output></div> 
<div id=test></div> 
<button onclick=newRow();>New row</button> 
<button onclick=deleteRow();>Delete last row</button><br><br> 
<div id=table></div> 
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.1.1.min.js"></script> 

var storage = { 
    bolts: { 
    barcode: 57263144, 
    price: 0.5, 
    name: '100mm Bolts', 
    stock: 8642, 
    brackets: { 
    barcode: 13245627, 
    price: 0.2, 
    name: 'Plain Brackets', 
    stock: 5201, 
    screwdriver: { 
    barcode: 52678349, 
    price: 15, 
    name: 'Screwdriver', 
    stock: 30, 
    hammer: { 
    barcode: 86583916, 
    price: 25, 
    name: 'Hammer', 
    stock: 5, 
var rowAmount = 0; 

function display(){ 
    var barcode = document.getElementById("barcode").value; 
    var numbers = []; 
    var sum = 0; 
    for (var i = 0; i < barcode.length; i++){ 
    numbers[i] = barcode.charAt(i); 
    if (i === 0 || i === 2 || i === 4 || i === 6){ 
     numbers[i] = numbers[i] * 3; 
    sum += parseInt(numbers[i]); 

    var nearestWhole = Math.ceil(sum/10)*10; 

    var lastDigit = (nearestWhole - sum); 

    var isRight = false; 

    if (barcode.length === 8 && nearestWhole - sum === 0){ 
    isRight = true; 

    document.getElementById("test").innerHTML = numbers+"<br>Sum: "+sum+"  <br>Is right: "+isRight+"<br>Last digit: "+lastDigit+"<br>Nearest whole:  "+nearestWhole; 

    if (barcode.length > 8){ 
document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = "INVALID"; 
    isRight = false; 
    if (isRight === false && barcode.length > 7){ 
    document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = "<span class=red>Invalid  barcode</span>" 
    else { 
    document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = ""; 


function newRow(){ 
    var elem5 = '<div id=cellNumber'+rowAmount+'>'; 
    var elem = '<div class=clear></div>'; 
    var elem1 = '<div id=cell'+rowAmount+'><input type=number placeholder=Barcode id=input'+rowAmount+'></div>'; 
    var elem2 = '<div id=name'+rowAmount+'></div>'; 
    var elem3 = '<div id=price'+rowAmount+'></div>'; 
    var elem4 = '<div id=stock'+rowAmount+'></div>'; 
    var elem6 = '</div>' 
function deleteRow(){ 
    if (rowAmount === 1){ 
    document.getElementById("input1").value = ""; 
    if (rowAmount > 1){ 

function check(){ 

//Object.keys(storage).forEach(function(key) { 
for (var i = 1; i <= rowAmount; i++){ 
    for(var z=0; z < Object.keys(storage).length;z++){ 
     var key = Object.keys(storage)[z]; 

      var barcodeCheck = document.getElementById("input"+i).value; 

      var input = document.getElementById("input"+i).value; 

      if (input.length > 8){ 
      document.getElementById("input"+i).style.backgroundColor = "red"; 
      else { 
      document.getElementById("input"+i).style.backgroundColor = "white"; 

      if (barcodeCheck == storage[key].barcode){ 
      document.getElementById("name"+i).innerHTML = "Name: "+storage[key].name; 
      document.getElementById("price"+i).innerHTML = "Price: £"+storage[key].price+"/one"; 
      document.getElementById("stock"+i).innerHTML = "In stock: "+storage[key].stock; 
      break; //This will end the for loop and allow the found values to stay instead of over writing them on the next loop iteration 
     else { 
      document.getElementById("name"+i).innerHTML = ""; 
      document.getElementById("price"+i).innerHTML = ""; 
      document.getElementById("stock"+i).innerHTML = ""; 

    //Nobody's going to notice a 250ms delay in your poll 
    setTimeout(check, 250); 


我也犯了這個錯誤。此修補程序只會打破* inner *循環,因此它會檢查下一個鍵並重置。 –


我錯過了外部循環。 – Wesley


我更新了我的答案,以便在您獲取所需數據後包含outer_loop名稱位置以打破。 – Wesley