2017-08-17 43 views

如何比較和驗證兩次? 我的場景是我需要添加各種時間表。假設person 1 has schedules on today 18/08/2017 as Sch1: 0800-1600 and sch2:2200-0600sch1 starts and ends on same daysch2 starts on 18/08/2017 and ends on 19/08/2017 6am. 現在,當我嘗試編輯Schedule結束時間時,我想添加2個驗證,即安排結束時間必須大於開始時間,並且還必須大於當前系統時間。如何驗證這兩個?當我添加驗證,然後在24小時後結束時間,2017/2017/2017的上午1點,上午2點,上午3點比18/08/2017的2000,2100(下午8點和9點)的值更低。如何比較和驗證2次MVC C#中的兩個日期?


if (D.ScheduleEndTime != T.EndTime && D.ScheduleEndTime < Time) 
    return Json(new { success = "fail", message = "End Time must be greater than current time!!!" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); 
else if (D.ScheduleEndTime != T.EndTime && D.ScheduleEndTime < T.StartTime) 
    return Json(new { success = "fail", message = "End Time must be greater than start time!!!" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); 

在上面的代碼d & T. d意味着進入,而編輯和T表示在數據庫表值的值


您是否嘗試過使用System.DateTime類型? https://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/system.datetime(v=vs.110).aspx –


您的問題很不清楚。什麼是你真的有問題?你有什麼嘗試?什麼不工作?任何具體的錯誤?發生什麼行爲?這種行爲如何錯誤?在你寫問題時考慮這些類型的問題。你回答得越好,人們可以幫助你的機會就越大,具有諷刺意味的是,在這個過程中,你經常會自己找到答案。 –


sry爲不明確的格式..我會更新我的問題 – Halim





- string Date (ie: 18/08/2017) 
- int startTime (ie: 2200) 
- int endTime (ie: 0600) 


// Temp variable to manipulate, instantiated to passed in custom_datetime D. 
custom_datetime temp = D; 
// First check if the passed in date time is different than date time stored 
if ((temp.Date != T.Date) || ((temp.Date == T.Date) && (temp.endTime != T.endTime))) { 
    // Then check if the endTime is less than the startTime 
    // If it is, then the end time is the next day so increment the date in temp variable. Now use temp variable to do rest of the checks. 
    if (temp.endTime < temp.startTime) { 
     temp.Date++; // Increment to next day, so 18/08/2017 becomes 19/08/2017 

    //Check if passed in date < stored date, if it is, then it will also be less than startTime so return error. 
    if (temp.Date < T.Date) { 
     return Json(new { success = "fail", message = "End Time must be greater than current time!!!" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); 
    //Check if the passed in date is the same as the stored date. If it is, make sure the endTime is greater than the stored startTime 
    else if ((temp.Date == T.Date) && (temp.endTime <= T.startTime)) { 
     return Json(new { success = "fail", message = "End Time must be greater than current time!!!" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); 
    //Check if the passed in date < current system date or if the passed in date == current system date but the endTime <= the current time. 
    else if ((temp.Date < Time.Date) || ((temp.Date == Time.Date) && (temp.endTime <= Time.Time)) { 
     return Json(new { success = "fail", message = "End Time must be greater than current time!!!" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); 
