2017-06-19 72 views

我試圖創建一個允許用戶從特定工作簿和工作表更新主工作簿(宏所在的位置)的宏。該工作簿和工作表的名稱可能不同,因此我呼籲從這個代碼用戶窗體改編自the ozgrid forum如何使用用戶窗體從選定的工作簿中選擇工作表

Option Explicit 

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() 
    MyFile = Me.ComboBox1.Value 
    MySheet = Me.ComboBox2.Value 
    Unload Me 
End Sub 

Private Sub CommandButton2_Click() 
    Stopped = True 
    Unload Me 
End Sub 

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() 
    Dim wkb As Workbook 
    Dim sht As Worksheet 
    Me.Label1.Caption = "Please select one of the following files and Worksheets..." 
    With Me.ComboBox1 
     For Each wkb In Application.Workbooks 
      .AddItem wkb.Name 
     Next wkb 
    End With 
    MyFile = Me.ComboBox1.Value 
    With Me.ComboBox2 
     For Each sht In Application.Worksheets 
      .AddItem sht.Name 
     Next sht 
    End With 
    MySheet = Me.ComboBox2.Value 
End Sub 

現在的問題是,在主簿調用用戶表單模塊。我與該位類型不匹配錯誤:設置WB1 = MyFile的


Option Explicit 

Public MyFile As String 
Public Stopped As Boolean 

Sub Update_Master() 
    Stopped = False 
    If Stopped Then Exit Sub 
    MsgBox MyFile 

' Update_Master Macro 
' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+m 
    Dim wb1 As Workbook, wb2 As Workbook 
    Dim TargetFile As Variant 
    Dim ws1 As Worksheet, ws2 As Worksheet 
    Dim ws1LRow As Long, ws2LRow As Long 
    Dim i As Long, j As Long 
    Dim ws1LCol As Long, ws2LCol As Long 
    Dim aCell As Range, bCell As Range 
    Dim SearchString As String 
    Dim ExitLoop As Boolean, matchFound As Boolean 

    '~~> Set EOD Workbook 
    Set wb1 = MyFile 
    Set ws1 = MySheet 
    '~~> Get the last Row and Last Column 
    With wb1 
     ws1LRow = .Range("E" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row 
     ws1LCol = .Cells(1, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column 
    End With 

    '~~> Set Master Workbook 
    Set wb2 = Workbooks("MoO - Master List - TEST.xlsm") 
    Set ws2 = wb2.Sheets("CM List") 
    '~~> Get the last Row and Last Column 
    With ws2 
     ws2LRow = .Range("E" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row 
     ws2LCol = .Cells(1, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column 
    End With 

    '~~> Loop Through Cells of Col E in workbook A and try and find it 
    '~~> in Col E of workbook B 
    For i = 2 To ws1LRow 
     SearchString = ws1.Range("E" & i).Value 

     Set aCell = ws2.Columns(5).Find(What:=SearchString, LookIn:=xlValues, _ 
        LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _ 
        MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False) 

     ExitLoop = False 

     '~~> If match found 
     If Not aCell Is Nothing Then 
      Set bCell = aCell 

      matchFound = True 

      '~~> Then compare all columns 
      For j = 6 To ws1LCol 
       If ws1.Cells(i, j).Value <> ws2.Cells(aCell.Row, j).Value Then 
        matchFound = False 
        Exit For 
       End If 

      '~~> If all columns matched then write to Col A/B 
      If matchFound = False Then 
       ws2.Cells(aCell.Row, 12).Value = ws1.Cells(i, 12).Value 
       ws2.Cells(aCell.Row, 13).Value = ws1.Cells(i, 13).Value 
      End If 

      '~~> Find Next Match 
      Do While ExitLoop = False 
       Set aCell = ws2.Columns(5).FindNext(After:=aCell) 

       '~~> If match found 
       If Not aCell Is Nothing Then 
        If aCell.Address = bCell.Address Then Exit Do 

        matchFound = True 

        '~~> Then compare all columns 
        For j = 6 To ws1LCol 
         If ws1.Cells(i, j).Value <> ws2.Cells(aCell.Row, j).Value Then 
          matchFound = False 
          Exit For 
         End If 

        '~~> If all columns matched then write to Col A/B 
        If matchFound = False Then 
         ws2.Cells(aCell.Row, 12).Value = ws1.Cells(i, 12).Value 
         ws2.Cells(aCell.Row, 13).Value = ws1.Cells(i, 13).Value 
        End If 
        ExitLoop = True 
       End If 
     End If 
End Sub 





更換Setwb1 = MyFileSet wb1=Workbooks(myFile)


取決於其是否已經打開。但是,無法將字符串分配給工作簿類型。類型不匹配只是告訴你這個錯誤,你甚至會得到錯誤的錯誤行。首先要做的是檢查=的兩邊是否是相同的類型。 –


感謝Gordon的回覆,但遺憾的是仍然無法正常工作。我確實找到了一種方法,用這個 – JBond


...'Set wb1 = Workbooks(UserForm1.ComboBox1.Value)',但現在即使在我選擇不同的工作簿時,它也被設置爲主工作簿。當我遍歷代碼時,它會返回到用戶表單代碼,但不會顯示錶單 - 所以我想它會爲每個ComboBox再次確定值。我更接近,但仍然難倒。沒有辦法從UserForm中選定的值聲明變量,然後將它們傳遞給模塊?將它們設置爲公共或全局可能? – JBond
