2016-09-22 66 views


using UnityEngine; 
using System.Collections; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 

public class DrawLine : MonoBehaviour 
    private LineRenderer line; 
    private bool isMousePressed; 
    private List<Vector3> pointsList; 
    private Vector3 mousePos; 

    // Structure for line points 
    struct myLine 
     public Vector3 StartPoint; 
     public Vector3 EndPoint; 
    // ----------------------------------- 
    void Awake() 
     // Create line renderer component and set its property 
     line = gameObject.AddComponent<LineRenderer>(); 
     line.material = new Material(Shader.Find("Particles/Additive")); 
     line.SetColors(Color.green, Color.green); 
     line.useWorldSpace = true; 
     isMousePressed = false; 
     pointsList = new List<Vector3>(); 
//  renderer.material.SetTextureOffset(
    // ----------------------------------- 
    void Update() 
     // If mouse button down, remove old line and set its color to green 
      isMousePressed = true; 
      line.SetColors(Color.green, Color.green); 
     else if(Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0)) 
      isMousePressed = false; 
     // Drawing line when mouse is moving(presses) 
      mousePos = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition); 
      if (!pointsList.Contains (mousePos)) 
       pointsList.Add (mousePos); 
       line.SetVertexCount (pointsList.Count); 
       line.SetPosition (pointsList.Count - 1, (Vector3)pointsList [pointsList.Count - 1]); 
        isMousePressed = false; 
        line.SetColors(Color.red, Color.red); 
    // ----------------------------------- 
    // Following method checks is currentLine(line drawn by last two points) collided with line 
    // ----------------------------------- 
    private bool isLineCollide() 
      // if (gameObject.tag == "default") { 

         if (pointsList.Count < 2) 
           return false; 
         int TotalLines = pointsList.Count - 1; 
         myLine[] lines = new myLine[TotalLines]; 
         if (TotalLines > 1) { 
           for (int i = 0; i < TotalLines; i++) { 
             lines [i].StartPoint = (Vector3)pointsList [i]; 
             lines [i].EndPoint = (Vector3)pointsList [i + 1]; 
         for (int i = 0; i < TotalLines - 1; i++) { 
           myLine currentLine; 
           currentLine.StartPoint = (Vector3)pointsList [pointsList.Count - 2]; 
           currentLine.EndPoint = (Vector3)pointsList [pointsList.Count - 1]; 
           if (isLinesIntersect (lines [i], currentLine)) 
             return true; 
      // } 
     return false; 

    // ----------------------------------- 
    // Following method checks whether given two points are same or not 
    // ----------------------------------- 
    private bool checkPoints (Vector3 pointA, Vector3 pointB) 
     return (pointA.x == pointB.x && pointA.y == pointB.y); 
    // ----------------------------------- 
    // Following method checks whether given two line intersect or not 
    // ----------------------------------- 
    private bool isLinesIntersect (myLine L1, myLine L2) 
     if (checkPoints (L1.StartPoint, L2.StartPoint) || 
      checkPoints (L1.StartPoint, L2.EndPoint) || 
      checkPoints (L1.EndPoint, L2.StartPoint) || 
      checkPoints (L1.EndPoint, L2.EndPoint)) 
      return false; 

     return((Mathf.Max (L1.StartPoint.x, L1.EndPoint.x) >= Mathf.Min (L2.StartPoint.x, L2.EndPoint.x)) && 
       (Mathf.Max (L2.StartPoint.x, L2.EndPoint.x) >= Mathf.Min (L1.StartPoint.x, L1.EndPoint.x)) && 
       (Mathf.Max (L1.StartPoint.y, L1.EndPoint.y) >= Mathf.Min (L2.StartPoint.y, L2.EndPoint.y)) && 
       (Mathf.Max (L2.StartPoint.y, L2.EndPoint.y) >= Mathf.Min (L1.StartPoint.y, L1.EndPoint.y)) 

enter image description here 現在如何打印的東西時,我行與場景中的一些gameobjects碰撞??? 這意味着當這條線與我的gameobject碰撞時,我想說去另一個場景。



除了提供url之外,您還應該提供代碼示例。有時候,網址可能不再有效,這會使這個答案無用。 – Programmer


我的線沒有任何碰撞腳本,我做了一些檢測碰撞時,線互相碰撞。但是,線不會與其他遊戲對象碰撞它只是與它自己碰撞像我已上傳的照片。 – NewHacker


@NewHacker光線投射是爲了擊中對象而不是其他線。這不會干擾您當前的線路交叉測試。 – Serlite