2016-12-27 43 views


這裏是我的fabfile(節點和樞紐的名單。節點有多個主機。集線器只有一個主機)從fabric.api導入CD,ENV,執行,角色,運行,設置 導入請求 進口JSON ,任務,runs_once

buildconfig_location = '' 

def get_environment_configuration(environment_name): 
    request = requests.get("{}/api/v1/environments/{}".format(buildconfig_location, environment_name)) 
    environment_configuration = json.loads(request.text) 

    return environment_configuration 

def get_hub_servers(server_list): 
    hub = [ 
     for server in server_list 
     if server['active'] and server['unit_tests']] 

    return hub 

def get_node_servers(server_list): 
    nodes = [ 
     for server in server_list 
     if server['active'] and server['unit_tests'] is False] 

    return nodes 

def set_hosts(environment_configuration): 

    env.roledefs = { 
     'hub': [ 
      for server in environment_configuration['servers'] 
      if server['active'] and server['unit_tests']], 
     'node': [ 
      for server in environment_configuration['servers'] 
      if server['active'] and server['unit_tests'] is False], 

def start_node(): 
    with settings(user="automation1"): 
     with cd('/home/automation1/inventory.robot/grid'): 
      output = run('nohup ./start_node.sh > node_out 2>&1 &') 

def start_hub(): 
    with settings(user="automation1"): 
     with cd('/home/automation1/inventory.robot/grid'): 
      run('nohup ./start_hub.sh > hub_out 2>&1 &') 

def robot_test(): 
    with settings(user="automation1"): 
     with cd('/home/automation1/inventory.robot/grid'): 
      run('python grid.py') 

def kill_node(): 
    with settings(user="automation1"): 
     with cd('/home/automation1/inventory.robot/grid'): 

def robot_test(): 
    environment_configuration = get_environment_configuration('Selenium') 
    nodes = get_node_servers(environment_configuration['servers']) 
    hubs = get_hub_servers(environment_configuration['servers']) 

    execute(start_hub, hosts=hubs) 
    execute(start_node, hosts=nodes) 
    execute(robot_test, hosts=hubs) 

    all = hubs + nodes 
    execute(kill_node, hosts=(hubs + nodes)) 


[] Executing task 'start_hub' 
[] run: nohup ./start_hub.sh > hub_out 2>&1 & 
[] Executing task 'start_node' 
[] run: nohup ./start_node.sh > node_out 2>&1 & 
[] Executing task 'start_node' 
[] run: nohup ./start_node.sh > node_out 2>&1 & 
[] Executing task 'start_node' 
[] run: nohup ./start_node.sh > node_out 2>&1 & 
[] Executing task 'start_node' 
[] run: nohup ./start_node.sh > node_out 2>&1 & 
[] Executing task 'start_node' 
[] run: nohup ./start_node.sh > node_out 2>&1 & 
[] Executing task 'start_node' 
[] run: nohup ./start_node.sh > node_out 2>&1 & 
[] Executing task 'start_node' 
[] run: nohup ./start_node.sh > node_out 2>&1 & 
[] Executing task 'start_node' 
[] run: nohup ./start_node.sh > node_out 2>&1 & 
[] Executing task 'start_node' 
[] run: nohup ./start_node.sh > node_out 2>&1 & 
[] Executing task 'robot_test' 
[] Executing task 'start_hub' 
[] run: nohup ./start_hub.sh > hub_out 2>&1 & 
[] Executing task 'start_node' 
[] run: nohup ./start_node.sh > node_out 2>&1 & 
[] Executing task 'start_node' 
[] run: nohup ./start_node.sh > node_out 2>&1 & 
[] Executing task 'start_node' 
[] run: nohup ./start_node.sh > node_out 2>&1 & 
[] Executing task 'start_node' 
[] run: nohup ./start_node.sh > node_out 2>&1 & 
[] Executing task 'start_node' 
[] run: nohup ./start_node.sh > node_out 2>&1 & 
[] Executing task 'start_node' 
[] run: nohup ./start_node.sh > node_out 2>&1 & 
[] Executing task 'start_node' 
[] run: nohup ./start_node.sh > node_out 2>&1 & 
[] Executing task 'start_node' 
[] run: nohup ./start_node.sh > node_out 2>&1 & 
[] Executing task 'start_node' 
[] run: nohup ./start_node.sh > node_out 2>&1 & 
[] Executing task 'robot_test' 
[] Executing task 'start_hub' 
[] run: nohup ./start_hub.sh > hub_out 2>&1 & 
[] Executing task 'start_node' 
[] run: nohup ./start_node.sh > node_out 2>&1 & 
[] Executing task 'start_node' 
[] run: nohup ./start_node.sh > node_out 2>&1 & 
[] Executing task 'start_node' 
[] run: nohup ./start_node.sh > node_out 2>&1 & 
[] Executing task 'start_node' 
[] run: nohup ./start_node.sh > node_out 2>&1 & 
[] Executing task 'start_node' 
[] run: nohup ./start_node.sh > node_out 2>&1 & 
[] Executing task 'start_node' 
[] run: nohup ./start_node.sh > node_out 2>&1 & 
[] Executing task 'start_node' 
[] run: nohup ./start_node.sh > node_out 2>&1 & 
[] Executing task 'start_node' 
[] run: nohup ./start_node.sh > node_out 2>&1 & 
[] Executing task 'start_node' 
[] run: nohup ./start_node.sh > node_out 2>&1 & 
[] Executing task 'robot_test' 
[] Executing task 'start_hub' 
[] run: nohup ./start_hub.sh > hub_out 2>&1 & 
[] Executing task 'start_node' 
[] run: nohup ./start_node.sh > node_out 2>&1 & 
[] Executing task 'start_node' 
[] run: nohup ./start_node.sh > node_out 2>&1 & 
[] Executing task 'start_node' 
[] run: nohup ./start_node.sh > node_out 2>&1 & 
[] Executing task 'start_node' 
[] run: nohup ./start_node.sh > node_out 2>&1 & 
[] Executing task 'start_node' 
[] run: nohup ./start_node.sh > node_out 2>&1 & 
[] Executing task 'start_node' 
[] run: nohup ./start_node.sh > node_out 2>&1 & 
[] Executing task 'start_node' 
[] run: nohup ./start_node.sh > node_out 2>&1 & 
[] Executing task 'start_node' 
[] run: nohup ./start_node.sh > node_out 2>&1 & 
[] Executing task 'start_node' 
[] run: nohup ./start_node.sh > node_out 2>&1 & 
[] Executing task 'robot_test' 
Disconnecting from [email protected] done. 
Disconnecting from [email protected] done. 
Disconnecting from [email protected] done. 
Disconnecting from [email protected] done. 
Disconnecting from [email protected] done. 
Disconnecting from [email protected] done. 
Disconnecting from [email protected] done. 
Disconnecting from [email protected] done. 
Disconnecting from [email protected] done. 
Disconnecting from [email protected] done. 

如果我註釋掉 '執行(robot_test,主機=集線器)' 我得到的輸出更接近我的期望。我知道這與execute和該頁面上的警告有關,但我不明白問題在這裏。





def robot_test(): 
    environment_configuration = get_environment_configuration('Selenium') 
    nodes = get_node_servers(environment_configuration['servers']) 
    hubs = get_hub_servers(environment_configuration['servers']) 

    execute(start_hub, hosts=hubs) 
    execute(start_node, hosts=nodes) 

    all = hubs + nodes 
    execute(kill_node, hosts=(hubs + nodes)) 



你釘了它。我處於其他事情的中間,並意外地使用了robot_test這個名稱來提供兩種不同的方法。 – user7344353


您只需將runs_once修飾器添加到應該只運行一次的每個函數中。例如: -

def start_node(): 
    with settings(user="automation1"): 
     with cd('/home/automation1/inventory.robot/grid'): 
      output = run('nohup ./start_node.sh > node_out 2>&1 &') 

def start_hub(): 
    with settings(user="automation1"): 
     with cd('/home/automation1/inventory.robot/grid'): 
      run('nohup ./start_hub.sh > hub_out 2>&1 &') 

def robot_test(): 
    with settings(user="automation1"): 
     with cd('/home/automation1/inventory.robot/grid'): 
      run('python grid.py') 



from fabric.context_managers import env 

env.hosts = hubs 
env.hosts = nodes 
env.hosts = hubs 

start_node,start_hub,robot_test和kill_node應該爲每個主機運行一次。我的問題是這些每個主機運行多次*而不是每個主機運行一次。 – user7344353
