2015-04-02 96 views

我想在C#中使用OpenSSL生成的密鑰對和Bouncy Castle實現字符串加密 - 解密。C#使用OpenSSL密鑰和充氣城堡實現RSA

OpenSSL授予我密鑰對,我在兩個文件中分開。現在我使用Bouncy Castle的Pemreader來讀取這些鍵並將它們更改爲AsymmetricKeyParameters。

下面的代碼會運行,但解密後的字符串與原來的不一樣 - 我得到了一堆?的。



 string test = "qwerty12345"; 
     AsymmetricKeyParameter keyparmeter = readPublicKey(public_path); // Read public key into string 

     /* Print the test key */ 
     Console.WriteLine("test key = " + test); 

     /* Convert test to byte array */ 
     byte[] bytes = new byte[test.Length * sizeof(char)]; 
     System.Buffer.BlockCopy(test.ToCharArray(), 0, bytes, 0, bytes.Length); 

     byte[] cipheredbytes = null; 

     /* Initiate rsa engine */ 
     RsaEngine e = new RsaEngine(); 
     e.Init(true, keyparmeter);   // initialize engine true, encrypting 

     /* Crypt! */ 
     cipheredbytes = e.ProcessBlock(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); 

     // ## NOW DECRYPTION ## 

     /* Get the private key */ 
     AsymmetricKeyParameter privkeyparameter = readPrivKey(privkey_path); 

     byte[] reversedbytes = null; 

     /* Initiate rsa decrypting engine */ 
     RsaEngine d = new RsaEngine(); 
     d.Init(false, privkeyparameter);   // initialize engine false, decrypting 

     /* Decrypt! */ 
     reversedbytes = d.ProcessBlock(cipheredbytes, 0, cipheredbytes.Length); 

     char[] chars = new char[cipheredbytes.Length/sizeof(char)]; 
     System.Buffer.BlockCopy(cipheredbytes, 0, chars, 0, cipheredbytes.Length); 
     string reversedtest = new string(chars); 

    ### PEMREADING ### 
    /* Convert PEM into AsymmetricKeyParameter */ 
    private AsymmetricKeyParameter readPublicKey(string path_to_key) 
     RsaKeyParameters asmkeypar; 

     using(var reader = File.OpenText(path_to_key)) 
      asmkeypar = (RsaKeyParameters) new PemReader(reader).ReadObject(); 

     return asmkeypar; 

    /* Convert PEM into AsymmetricKeyParameter */ 
    private AsymmetricKeyParameter readPrivKey(string path_to_key) 
     AsymmetricCipherKeyPair asmkeypar; 

     using (var reader = File.OpenText(path_to_key)) 
      asmkeypar = (AsymmetricCipherKeyPair)new PemReader(reader).ReadObject(); 

     return (RsaKeyParameters) asmkeypar.Private; 





我可以在加密上引用你的this question,它試圖列出原始/教科書RSA上所有可能的攻擊。有很多,你的代碼安全的可能性大約爲零。