2009-08-27 79 views



柯南·道爾說,福爾摩斯的性格是由約瑟夫·貝爾博士,對他們來說,多伊爾曾作爲在愛丁堡皇家醫院職員工作的啓發。就像福爾摩斯一樣,貝爾因爲從最小的觀察得出大的結論而被注意到。[1]邁克爾哈里森在1971年在埃勒裏女王的神祕雜誌上的一篇文章中指出,這個角色受到了謀殺案中的「諮詢偵探」Wendell Scherer的啓發,該案涉嫌在1882年在英國受到了大量的報紙關注。




能否請您具體地指定一個句子短語的情況下是什麼? (而不僅僅是舉例 - 儘管給出的例子當然也是有用的) – 2009-08-27 20:09:57


你說的「判例」究竟是什麼意思? – Triptych 2009-08-27 20:12:35


我認爲OP想知道如何確定/解析哪些單詞應該有一個大寫字母。 – ChrisW 2009-08-27 20:18:36




for s in re.finditer(r"([A-Z][a-z]+[. ]+)+([A-Z][a-z]+)?", text): 
    print s.group(0) 


Conan Doyle 
Dr. Joseph Bell 
Edinburgh Royal Infirmary. Like Holmes 
Michael Harrison 
Ellery Queen 
Mystery Magazine 
Wendell Scherer 


我有一個類似的問題:Separating Sentences


請注意,在一般情況下修復「Like Holmes」錯誤實際上是一個相當困難的問題。對於OP,做研究句子塊和命名實體提取更多信息,並檢查nltk。 – Triptych 2009-08-27 20:40:09


我確實想到了這個解決方案,但是當我嘗試它時,卻陷入了一些誤報並錯過了一些真實案例。我錯過了一個例子,我們也需要看像醫生協會 – ramdaz 2009-08-27 20:55:40


同意三聯。 NLP庫(如NLTK)(http://www.nltk.org/)應該用於命名實體識別。 – 2009-08-28 06:21:40


「重新」方法很快就失去了動力。命名實體識別是一個非常複雜的話題,超越了答案的範圍。如果你認爲你對這個問題有很好的解決方法,請將它指向Flann O'Brien又名Myles na cGopaleen,Sukarno,Harry S. Truman,J. Edgar Hoover,JK Rowling,數學家L'Hopital,Joe di Maggio, Algernon Douglas-Montagu-Scott和Hugo Max Graf von und zu Lerchenfeld aufKöferingundSchönberg。


import re 

text1 = """Conan Doyle said that the character of Holmes was inspired by Dr. Joseph Bell, for whom Doyle had worked as a clerk at the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary. Like Holmes, Bell was noted for drawing large conclusions from the smallest observations.[1] Michael Harrison argued in a 1971 article in Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine that the character was inspired by Wendell Scherer, a "consulting detective" in a murder case that allegedly received a great deal of newspaper attention in England in 1882.""" 

text2 = """Flann O'Brien a.k.a. Myles na cGopaleen, I Zingari, Sukarno and Suharto, Harry S. Truman, J. Edgar Hoover, J. K. Rowling, the mathematician L'Hopital, Joe di Maggio, Algernon Douglas-Montagu-Scott, and Hugo Max Graf von und zu Lerchenfeld auf Koefering und Schoenberg.""" 

pattern1 = r"(?:[A-Z][a-z]+[. ]+)+(?:[A-Z][a-z]+)?" 

joiners = r"' - de la du von und zu auf van der na di il el bin binte abu etcetera".split() 

pattern2 = r"""(?x) 
     (?:[ .]|\b%s\b)* 
    """ % r'\b|\b'.join(joiners) 

def get_names(pattern, text): 
    for m in re.finditer(pattern, text): 
     s = m.group(0).strip(" .'-") 
     if s: 
      yield s 

for t in (text1, text2): 
    print "*** text: ", t[:20], "..." 
    print "=== Ned B" 
    for s in re.finditer(pattern1): 
     print repr(s.group(0)) 
    print "=== John M ==" 
    for name in get_names(pattern2, t): 
     print repr(name) 


C:\junk\so>\python26\python extract_names.py 
*** text: Conan Doyle said tha ... 
=== Ned B 
'Conan Doyle ' 
'Holmes ' 
'Dr. Joseph Bell' 
'Doyle ' 
'Edinburgh Royal Infirmary. Like Holmes' 
'Bell ' 
'Michael Harrison ' 
'Ellery Queen' 
'Mystery Magazine ' 
'Wendell Scherer' 
'England ' 
=== John M == 
'Conan Doyle' 
'Dr. Joseph Bell' 
'Edinburgh Royal Infirmary. Like Holmes' 
'Michael Harrison' 
'Ellery Queen' 
'Mystery Magazine' 
'Wendell Scherer' 
*** text: Flann O'Brien a.k.a. ... 
=== Ned B 
'Flann ' 
'Brien ' 
'Myles ' 
'Sukarno ' 
'Harry ' 
'Edgar Hoover' 
'Joe ' 
'Algernon Douglas' 
'Hugo Max Graf ' 
'Lerchenfeld ' 
'Koefering ' 
=== John M == 
"Flann O'Brien" 
'Myles na cGopaleen' 
'I Zingari' 
'Harry S. Truman' 
'J. Edgar Hoover' 
'J. K. Rowling' 
'Joe di Maggio' 
'Algernon Douglas-Montagu-Scott' 
'Hugo Max Graf von und zu Lerchenfeld auf Koefering und Schoenberg'