2015-03-03 107 views



/** Package private constructor */ 
function HVal() {}; 

/** Abstract functions that must be defined in inheriting classes 
* hashCode: int - Hash code is value based 
* toZinc: String - Encode value to zinc format 
* equals: boolean - Equality is value based 

/** String - String format is for human consumption only */ 
HVal.prototype.toString = function() { return this.toZinc(); }; 

/** int - Return sort order as negative, 0, or positive */ 
HVal.prototype.compareTo = function(that) { return this.toString().localeCompare(that); }; 

/** boolean - check for type match */ 
HVal.prototype.typeis = function (check, prim, obj) { return typeof(check)==prim || check instanceof obj; }; 

/** Add hashCode function to Javascript String object */ 
String.prototype.hashCode = function() { 
    var hash = 0, i, chr, len; 
    if (this.length == 0) return hash; 
    for (i = 0, len = this.length; i < len; i++) { 
    chr = this.charCodeAt(i); 
    hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + chr; 
    hash |= 0; // Convert to 32bit integer 
    return hash; 

/** Export for use in other modules */ 
module.exports = new HVal(); 


var hval = require('./HVal'); 

/** Private constructor */ 
function HBin(mime) { 
    /** MIME type for binary file */ 
    this.mime = mime; 
HBin.prototype = hval; 

/** Construct for MIME type */ 
HBin.prototype.make = function(mime) { 
    if (!hval.typeis(mime, 'string', String) || mime.length == 0 || mime.indexOf('/') < 0) 
    throw new Error("Invalid mime val: \"" + mime + "\""); 
    return new HBin(mime); 

/** int - Hash code is based on mime field */ 
HBin.prototype.hashCode = function() { return mime.hashCode(); }; 

/** String - Encode as "Bin(<mime>)" */ 
HBin.prototype.toZinc = function() { 
    var s = "Bin("; 
    for (var i=0; i<this.mime.length; ++i) 
    var c = this.mime.charAt(i); 
    if (c > 127 || c == ')') throw new Error("Invalid mime, char='" + c + "'"); 
    s += c; 
    s += ")"; 
    return s.toString(); 

/** boolean - Equals is based on mime field */ 
HBin.prototype.equals = function(that) { 
    if (!typeOf(that) == HBin) return false; 
    return this.mime === that.mime; 

/** Export for use in other modules */ 
module.exports = new HBin(); 


var hval = require('./HVal'); 

/** Private constructor */ 
function HBool(val) { 
    /** Boolean value */ 
    this.val = val; 
HBool.prototype = hval; 

/** Construct from boolean value */ 
HBool.prototype.make = function(val) { 
    if (!hval.typeis(val, 'boolean', Boolean)) 
    throw new Error("Invalid boolean val: \"" + val + "\""); 
    return new HBool(val); 

/** int - Hash code is same as java.lang.Boolean */ 
HBool.prototype.hashCode = function() { return this.val ? 1231 : 1237; }; 

/** String - Encode as T/F */ 
HBool.prototype.toZinc = function() { return this.val ? "T" : "F"; }; 

/** boolean - Equals is based on reference */ 
HBool.prototype.equals = function(that) { return this === that; }; 

/** String - String format is for human consumption only */ 
HBool.prototype.toString = function() { return this.val ? "true" : "false"; }; 

/** Export for use in other modules */ 
module.exports = new HBool(); 


var hbin = require('./HBin'); 
var hbool = require('./HBool'); 

console.log('BIN: ' + hbin.make("test/test").toString()); 
console.log('T: ' + hbool.make(true).toString()); 
console.log('F: ' + hbool.make(false).toString()); 

輸出 - 未能在第一次的console.log

    throw new Error("Invalid boolean val: \"" + val + "\""); 
Error: Invalid boolean val: "test/test" 
    at HVal.HBool.make (HBool.js:19:11) 
    at Object.<anonymous> (index.js:4:28) 




var hval = require('./HVal'); 



module.exports = new HVal(); 


module.exports = HVal; 


var HVal = require('./HVal'); 
var HBool = require('./HBool'); 


var hbool = new HBool(); 


HBool.prototype = hval; 


HBool.prototype = Object.create(HVal.prototype); 

你可以在這裏看到一個工作演示(模塊去掉,使演示更容易顯示): http://jsfiddle.net/jfriend00/ty5wpkqm/


if (!hval.typeis(mime, 'string', String) || mime.length == 0 || mime.indexOf('/') < 0) 


if (!this.typeis(mime, 'string', String) || mime.length == 0 || mime.indexOf('/') < 0) 



/** boolean - Equals is based on mime field */ 
HBin.prototype.equals = function(that) { 
    if (!typeOf(that) == HBin) return false; 
    return this.mime === that.mime; 

首先,你有沒有創建一個名爲typeOf()一個新的全局函數在JavaScript中內置的機制是小寫typeof?其次,typeof(that)將永遠不會爲HBin。在Javascript中不報告這種類型。一個對象會報告typeof(that) === "object"。你或許可以使用instanceof

/** boolean - Equals is based on mime field */ 
HBin.prototype.equals = function(that) { 
    return that instanceof HBin && this.mime === that.mime; 

這時候,當分離到了4個個別所有的代碼合併到一個單一的文件,而不是工作。當分開時,我收到錯誤: 'HBin.prototype = Object.create(HVal.prototype); TypeError:對象原型可能只是一個對象或null:undefined' – 2015-03-03 08:17:01


@ShawnJacobson - 你是否改變你的'module.exports'我如何解釋?如果你正確地做到了,它會很好地工作。你的錯誤信息是因爲'HVal'(應該來自模塊導出)不是正確的值。 – jfriend00 2015-03-03 08:21:21


我的不好。我很接近,但忘了移動「新」關鍵字,我只刪除了括號。謝謝@ jfriend00 !!! – 2015-03-03 08:24:45