2014-10-07 61 views

我想禁用,並設置爲灰色,或設置爲只讀,一些任務複選框,正在此圖像中檢查複選框:ReadOnly或Disabled-Grayed Task複選框?

enter image description here




; VS Optional Features 
Name: blend; Description: Blend; GroupDescription: VS Optional Features:; Flags: Unchecked 
Name: foundationclass; Description: Microsoft Foundation Classes for C++; GroupDescription: VS Optional Features:; Flags: Unchecked 
Name: lightswitch; Description: Microsoft LightSwitch; GroupDescription: VS Optional Features:; Flags: Unchecked 
Name: officedevelopertools; Description: Microsoft Office Developer Tools; GroupDescription: VS Optional Features:; Flags: Unchecked 
Name: sqldatatools; Description: Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools; GroupDescription: VS Optional Features:; Flags: Unchecked 
Name: webdevelopertools; Description: Microsoft Web Developer Tools; GroupDescription: VS Optional Features:; Flags: Unchecked 
Name: silverlightsdk; Description: SilverLight Developer Kit; GroupDescription: VS Optional Features:; Flags: Unchecked 
Name: Win8SDK; Description: Tools For Maintaining Store Apps For Windows 8; GroupDescription: VS Optional Features:; Flags: Unchecked 
Name: WindowsPhone80; Description: Windows Phone 8.0 SDK; GroupDescription: VS Optional Features:; Flags: Unchecked 

; VS Hidden Features 
Name: netfx4; Description: .NET FX 4; GroupDescription: VS Hidden Features: 
Name: netfx45; Description: .NET FX 4.5; GroupDescription: VS Hidden Features: 
Name: bliss; Description: Bliss; GroupDescription: VS Hidden Features: 
Name: helpviewer; Description: Microsoft Help Viewer 2.1; GroupDescription: VS Hidden Features: 
Name: portablelibrary; Description: Microsoft Portable Library Multi-Targeting Pack; GroupDescription: VS Hidden Features: 
Name: report; Description: Microsoft Report Viewer Add-On for Visual Studio 2013; GroupDescription: VS Hidden Features:; Flags: Unchecked 
Name: silverlight; Description: Microsoft Silverlight 5 SDK; GroupDescription: VS Hidden Features:; Flags: Unchecked 
Name: sqldac; Description: Microsoft SQL DAC; GroupDescription: VS Hidden Features:; Flags: Unchecked 
Name: sqldom; Description: Microsoft SQL DOM; GroupDescription: VS Hidden Features:; Flags: Unchecked 
Name: sqllocaldb; Description: Microsoft SQL Server 2013 Express LocalDB; GroupDescription: VS Hidden Features:; Flags: Unchecked 
Name: sqlmanagementobjects; Description: Microsoft SQL Server 2013 Management Objects; GroupDescription: VS Hidden Features:; Flags: Unchecked 
Name: sqlclr; Description: Microsoft SQL Server 2013 System CLR Types; GroupDescription: VS Hidden Features:; Flags: Unchecked 
Name: sqltran; Description: Microsoft SQL Server 2013 Transact-SQL; GroupDescription: VS Hidden Features:; Flags: Unchecked 
Name: sqlce; Description: Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition; GroupDescription: VS Hidden Features:; Flags: Unchecked 
Name: c_compilers; Description: Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Compilers; GroupDescription: VS Hidden Features:; Flags: Unchecked 
Name: c_core; Description: Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Core Libraries; GroupDescription: VS Hidden Features:; Flags: Unchecked 
Name: c_debug; Description: Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Debug Runtime; GroupDescription: VS Hidden Features:; Flags: Unchecked 
Name: c_designtime; Description: Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Designtime; GroupDescription: VS Hidden Features:; Flags: Unchecked 
Name: c_extendedlibraries; Description: Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Extended Libraries; GroupDescription: VS Hidden Features:; Flags: Unchecked 
Name: intellitrace; Description: Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 IntelliTrace; GroupDescription: VS Hidden Features: 
Name: storyboarding; Description: Microsoft Visual Studio Team Foundation Server 2013 Storyboarding; GroupDescription: VS Hidden Features:; Flags: Unchecked 
Name: sdk3; Description: SDK Tools 3; GroupDescription: VS Hidden Features: 
Name: sdk4; Description: SDK Tools 4; GroupDescription: VS Hidden Features: 
Name: analytics; Description: Visual Studio Analytics; GroupDescription: VS Hidden Features:; Flags: Unchecked 
Name: dotfuscator; Description: Visual Studio Dotfuscator; GroupDescription: VS Hidden Features:; Flags: Unchecked 
Name: javascript; Description: Visual Studio Extensions for Windows Library for JavaScript; GroupDescription: VS Hidden Features:; Flags: Unchecked 
Name: profiler; Description: Visual Studio Profiler; GroupDescription: VS Hidden Features:; Flags: Unchecked 
Name: winsdk; Description: Windows Software Development Kit; GroupDescription: VS Hidden Features:; Flags: Unchecked 





enter image description here

// Disable Tasks 

procedure CurPageChanged(CurPageID: Integer); 

    // if we have entered the tasks selection page, disable the specified Tasks. 
    if CurPageID = wpSelectTasks then 
    WizardForm.TasksList.ItemEnabled[11] := False; 
    WizardForm.TasksList.ItemEnabled[12] := False; 
    WizardForm.TasksList.ItemEnabled[13] := False; 
    WizardForm.TasksList.ItemEnabled[14] := False; 
    WizardForm.TasksList.ItemEnabled[15] := False; 
    WizardForm.TasksList.ItemEnabled[30] := False; 
    WizardForm.TasksList.ItemEnabled[32] := False; 
    WizardForm.TasksList.ItemEnabled[33] := False; 


// Disable Tasks - END 



// Disable Tasks 

procedure CurPageChanged(CurPageID: Integer); 

    // if we have entered the tasks selection page, disable the specified Tasks. 
    if CurPageID = wpSelectTasks then 
    WizardForm.TasksList.ItemEnabled[11] := False; 
    WizardForm.TasksList.ItemEnabled[12] := False; 
    WizardForm.TasksList.ItemEnabled[13] := False; 
    WizardForm.TasksList.ItemEnabled[14] := False; 
    WizardForm.TasksList.ItemEnabled[15] := False; 
    WizardForm.TasksList.ItemEnabled[30] := False; 
    WizardForm.TasksList.ItemEnabled[32] := False; 
    WizardForm.TasksList.ItemEnabled[33] := False; 


// Disable Tasks - END 

// Installer UI Customizations 

    Custom_Height = 570; 
    Page_Color = $7b2b68; 
    Page_Color_Alternative1 = clblack; 
    Page_Color_Alternative2 = clwhite; 
    Font_Color = $fffbff; 

    DefaultOuterHeight: Integer; 

procedure InitializeWizard(); 


    DefaultTop := WizardForm.Top; 
    DefaultLeft := WizardForm.Left; 
    DefaultHeight := WizardForm.Height; 
    DefaultBackTop := WizardForm.BackButton.Top; 
    DefaultNextTop := WizardForm.NextButton.Top; 
    DefaultCancelTop := WizardForm.CancelButton.Top; 
    DefaultBevelTop := WizardForm.Bevel.Top; 
    DefaultOuterHeight := WizardForm.OuterNotebook.Height; 

// Page sizes 
    WizardForm.Height := Custom_Height; 
    WizardForm.InnerPage.Height := WizardForm.InnerPage.Height + (Custom_Height - DefaultHeight); 
    WizardForm.LicensePage.Height := WizardForm.LicensePage.Height + (Custom_Height - DefaultHeight); 

// Control locations 
    WizardForm.BackButton.Top := DefaultBackTop + (Custom_Height - DefaultHeight); 
    WizardForm.Bevel.Top := DefaultBevelTop + (Custom_Height - DefaultHeight); 
    WizardForm.CancelButton.Top := DefaultCancelTop + (Custom_Height - DefaultHeight); 
    WizardForm.LicenseAcceptedRadio.Top := WizardForm.LicenseAcceptedRadio.Top + (Custom_Height - DefaultHeight); 
    WizardForm.LicenseNotAcceptedRadio.Top := WizardForm.LicenseNotAcceptedRadio.Top + (Custom_Height - DefaultHeight); 
    WizardForm.NextButton.Top := DefaultNextTop + (Custom_Height - DefaultHeight); 
    WizardForm.Top := DefaultTop - (Custom_Height - DefaultHeight) div 2; 

// Control Sizes 
    WizardForm.InfoBeforeMemo.Height := (Custom_Height - (DefaultHeight/2)); 
    WizardForm.InnerNotebook.Height := WizardForm.InnerNotebook.Height + (Custom_Height - DefaultHeight); 
    WizardForm.LicenseMemo.Height := WizardForm.LicenseMemo.Height + (Custom_Height - DefaultHeight); 
    WizardForm.OuterNotebook.Height := WizardForm.OuterNotebook.Height + (Custom_Height - DefaultHeight); 
    WizardForm.Taskslist.Height := (Custom_Height - (DefaultHeight/2)); 
    WizardForm.WizardBitmapImage.Height := (Custom_Height - (DefaultHeight/5)); 

// Page colos 
    WizardForm.color := Page_Color_Alternative1; 
    WizardForm.FinishedPage.Color := Page_Color; 
    WizardForm.InfoBeforeMemo.Color := clGray; 
    WizardForm.InnerPage.Color := Page_Color; 
    WizardForm.LicensePage.Color := Page_Color; 
    WizardForm.MainPanel.Color := Page_Color; 
    WizardForm.SelectComponentsPage.Color := Page_Color; 
    WizardForm.SelectDirPage.Color := Page_Color; 
    WizardForm.Taskslist.Color := Page_Color; 
    WizardForm.WelcomePage.color := Page_Color; 

// Font colors 
    WizardForm.Font.color := Font_Color; 
    //WizardForm.InfoBeforeMemo.font.Color := Font_Color; 
    WizardForm.Licensememo.font.Color := Font_Color; 
    WizardForm.MainPanel.font.Color := Font_Color; 
    WizardForm.PageDescriptionLabel.font.color := Font_Color; 
    WizardForm.PageNameLabel.font.color := Font_Color; 
    WizardForm.Taskslist.font.Color := Font_Color; 
    WizardForm.WelcomeLabel1.font.color := Font_Color; 
    WizardForm.WelcomeLabel2.font.color := Font_Color; 


// Installer UI Customizations - END 

我可以找到的唯一方法(源代碼)是['this'](http://stackoverflow.com/a/25866202/960757)(在該行下)。 – TLama 2014-10-07 01:27:17


@TLama謝謝你!現在我可以禁用指定的項目,但由於此代碼而導致出現錯誤,請問您能否看到我的問題更新? – ElektroStudios 2014-10-07 03:45:45


好吧,如果塊需要一個開始/結束運營商,這種語言是奇怪的,因爲我看到其他如果塊沒有開始/結束似乎工作。 @TLama請隨時張貼答案將其標記爲已接受,再次感謝 – ElektroStudios 2014-10-07 04:23:12
