2011-09-05 60 views



  • parentItem(指向另一fileSystemItem對象)
  • isLeafYES爲文件; NO爲文件夾)
  • childrenItems(其他fileSystemItems陣列)
  • fullPathNSString;對象的文件路徑)


// NOTE: can't do "while (file = [dirEnum nextObject]) {...} because that sets 
// file to an auto-released string that doesn't get released until after ALL 
// iterations of the loop are complete. For large directories, that means our 
// memory use spikes to hundreds of MBs. So we do this instead to ensure that 
// the "file" string is released at the end of each iteration and our overall 
// memory footprint stays low. 

NSDirectoryEnumerator *dirEnum = [aFileManager enumeratorAtPath:someStartingPath]; 
BOOL keepRunning = YES; 
while (keepRunning) 
    NSAutoreleasePool *innerPool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; 

    NSString *file = [dirEnum nextObject]; 
    if (file == nil) break; 

    // ... examine "file". Create a fileSystemItem object to represent this item. 
    // If it's a folder, we need to create a fileSystemItem for each item in the folder 
    // and each fileSystemItem's "parentItem" relationship needs to be set to the 
    // fileSystemItem we're creating right here for "file." How can I do this inside 
    // the directoryEnumerator, because as soon as we go to the next iteration of the  
    // loop (to handle the first item in "file" if "file" is a folder), we lose the 
    // reference to the fileSystemItem we created in THIS iteration of the loop for 
    // "file". Hopefully that makes sense... 

    [innerPool drain]; 




如果該文件是一個目錄,則需要創建一個新的目錄枚舉器; NSDirectoryEnumerator枚舉一個目錄,而不是系統上的每個目錄。 所以是的,你將不得不使用遞歸。




此枚舉有更多的有用的選項,並允許重複使用預取屬性NSURL實例,如NSURLNameKeyNSURLIsDirectoryKeyNSURLParentDirectoryURLKey,等等。 ..它可以幫助擺脫遞歸使用。