2013-04-22 97 views


但在完整版本中它不重繪圖像。事實上,腳本運行時看起來沒有任何事情發生。我試過Me.Refresh(),Invalidate(),Timer.Enabled = True/FalseMe.Update()。這些都沒有工作。最後一步是最令人沮喪的:我最後打電話給我的SetPanelLocation()方法,以確保面板最終位於最終位置,無論運動是否奏效。這個調用也沒有發生,即使在這個例程失敗之後,我可以從另一個用戶事件調用相同的方法,並且它再次開始工作,因爲沒有任何錯誤。


Public Class clsFeedImgBox 
    Inherits PictureBox 

    Private iRank As Integer 'rank in whatever feed this file gets put in 
    Private iRankTarget As Integer 'rank to move to when rank feed event starts 
    Private iTopStart As Integer 'starting top location before feed event 
    Private iTopTarget As Integer 'final Top location after feed event 
    Private WithEvents tMyTimer As New System.Timers.Timer 
    Private WithEvents oParent As FeedBase 'splitter panel, all location info comes from the parent 

    Public Sub New(ByRef sender As FeedBase, ByVal rank as Integer) 
    'set objects 
    oParent = sender 
    'set .Image property to pre-made thumbnail 
    Image.FromFile(ThumbPath) 'ThumbPath is a property which is set by this point (some code has been removed) 
    'setup initial position 
    'set autosize 
    Me.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage 
    'set Image Scroll timer interval to 20 fps (1000/20 = 50) 
    tMyTimer.Interval = 50 
    End Sub 

    Public Sub scroll(ByVal newRank As Integer) 
    'setPanelLocation(newRank) <== this works, timed movements don't 
    iRankTarget = newRank 
    iTopStart = Me.Top 
    iTopTarget = oParent.ImgTop(newRank) 'gets an integer for the new Top location 
    End Sub 

    Private Sub myScrollStep() Handles tMyTimer.Elapsed 
    'tMyTimer.Enabled = False 'this idea with the enabled = True at the end didn't work 
    iTickCount += 1 
    Dim iScrollPerc As Integer 'scroll % between Start and End * 100 
    iScrollPerc = oParent.ScrollStep(iTickCount, Rank) 'this part works 
    Console.WriteLine(strThumbName & " scrollPerc: " & iScrollPerc.ToString) 
    If iScrollPerc >= 100 Then 
     'scroll event complete 
     Console.WriteLine(strThumbName & " SetFinalLocation") 
     Me.setPanelLocation(iRankTarget) '<== This line doesn't work here, but works when called by other means 
     'stop Feed updates 
     'reset iTickCount for next movement 
     iTickCount = 0 
     'scrolling still going 
     Dim newTop As Integer 
     newTop = Math.Round(iTopTarget - (((100 - iScrollPerc) * (iTopTarget - iTopStart))/100)) 'this part works 
     'Console.WriteLine(strThumbName & " TopTarget: " & newTop) 
     Me.Top = newTop 'Nothing happens here 
    End If 
    'Me.Left = oParent.ImgLeft 
    'Me.Width = oParent.ImgWidth 
    'Me.Height = oParent.ImgHeight 'that didn't work 
    'Me.Refresh() 'this didn't work 
    'Invalidate() 'this didn't do much good either 
    'Me.Update() 'Aaaaand no cigar, time for StackOverflow 
    'tMyTimer.Enabled = True 
    End Sub 

    Public Sub setPanelLocation(ByVal rank As Integer) 
    iRank = rank 
    End Sub 

    Public Sub MyRePaint() 
    'repaint image box with everything in it's current rank 
    Me.Left = oParent.ImgLeft 
    Me.Top = oParent.ImgTop(iRank) 
    Me.Width = oParent.ImgWidth 
    Me.Height = oParent.ImgHeight 
    End Sub 
End Class 

什麼給了?必須有一些VB.NET的內部工作,這將幫助我弄清楚這一點。我使用VS 2012和Win8的




一個 Slider控制