2017-02-27 60 views

鑑於從Type-Driven Development with Idris如下:檢查向量的長度相等

import Data.Vect 

data EqNat : (num1 : Nat) -> (num2 : Nat) -> Type where 
    Same : (num : Nat) -> EqNat num num        

sameS : (eq : EqNat k j) -> EqNat (S k) (S j) 
sameS (Same n) = Same (S n) 

checkEqNat : (num1 : Nat) -> (num2 : Nat) -> Maybe (EqNat num1 num2) 
checkEqNat Z  Z  = Just $ Same Z 
checkEqNat Z  (S k) = Nothing 
checkEqNat (S k) Z  = Nothing 
checkEqNat (S k) (S j) = case checkEqNat k j of 
          Just eq => Just $ sameS eq 
          Nothing => Nothing 

exactLength : (len : Nat) -> (input : Vect m a) -> Maybe (Vect len a) 
exactLength {m} len input = case (checkEqNat m len) of 
           Just (Same m) => Just input 
           Nothing  => Nothing 

如果我更換了最後一個函數的Just (Same m)Just eq,編譯器會抱怨:

*Lecture> :r 
Type checking ./Lecture.idr 
When checking right hand side of Main.case block in exactLength at Lecture.idr:18:34 with expected type 
     Maybe (Vect len a) 

When checking argument x to constructor Prelude.Maybe.Just: 
     Type mismatch between 
       Vect m a (Type of input) 
       Vect len a (Expected type) 

       Type mismatch between 
Holes: Main.exactLength 

如何Just (Same m),即工作代碼,提供「證據」exactLengthlenm是否相等?




exactLength : (len : Nat) -> (input : Vect m a) -> Maybe (Vect len a) 
exactLength {m} len input with (_) 
    exactLength {m} len input | with_pat = ?_rhs 


exactLength : (len : Nat) -> (input : Vect m a) -> Maybe (Vect len a) 
exactLength {m} len input with (checkEqNat m len) 
    exactLength {m = m} len input | Nothing = Nothing 
    exactLength {m = len} len input | (Just (Same len)) = Just input 

你可以看到伊德里斯如何從一個事實,即checkEqNat m len返回Just (Same ...)派生,它可以再推斷{m = len}。 AFAIK只寫Just eq不是eq真的有人居住的證明。


當我與Idris合作時,發現有用的東西是當你不確定某些東西而不是解決問題時添加漏洞。比如增加一個洞Just ...分支,看看發生了什麼事情有:

exactLength : (len : Nat) -> (input : Vect m a) -> Maybe (Vect len a) 
exactLength {m} len input = case (checkEqNat m len) of 
         Just (Same m) => ?hole 
         Nothing => Nothing 

,然後更改(Same m)eq和背部,同時在看的類型檢查的結果。在eq情況是這樣的:

- + Main.hole [P] 
`--   a : Type 
       m : Nat 
      len : Nat 
      eq : EqNat m len 
      input : Vect m a 
     Main.hole : Maybe (Vect len a) 

而在(Same m)情況是這樣的:

- + Main.hole_1 [P] 
`--   m : Nat 
       a : Type 
      input : Vect m a 
     Main.hole_1 : Maybe (Vect m a) 

所以eq是一種EqNat m len的東西,沒有人知道它是否是居民或沒有,而Same m(或Same len)肯定是居民,證明m和len是平等的。