2015-07-13 54 views



  1. 我想找到一個特定的半徑範圍內的所有修復(比方說15米),狍的acutall位置,與他們consecutiv進行約30分鐘(因此6次修訂)的條件。顯然,修復的數量可以沿着軌跡變化。如果滿足條件,我想將修補的數量寫入新列,並且希望在另一列中標記(0 =否,1 =是)。

  2. 如果滿足條件,我想計算所述pointcloud的重心(以x,y座標表示),並將其寫入此數據框或另一個數據框。

據另一網友質疑(Listing number of obervations by location)我能找到半徑範圍內的解決方法,但我想不出辦法如何確保他們連續

下面是一些行我數據框(在房地產有超過10000行,因爲我這個子集的data.frame ID的不與一個開始):

FID No CollarID  Date  Time Latitude__ Longitude_ Height__m_ DOP  FixType 
1 0 667  7024 2013-10-22 06:01:49 47.26859 8.570701  609.94 10.6  GPS-3D 
2 1 668  7024 2013-10-22 06:06:04 47.26861 8.570634  612.31 10.4  GPS-3D 
3 2 669  7024 2013-10-22 06:11:07 47.26871 8.570402  609.43 9.8  GPS-3D 
4 3 670  7024 2013-10-22 06:16:14 47.26857 8.570796  665.40 4.4 val. GPS-3D 
5 4 671  7024 2013-10-22 06:20:36 47.26855 8.570582  653.65 4.6 val. GPS-3D 
6 5 672  7024 2013-10-22 06:25:50 47.26850 8.570834  659.03 4.8 val. GPS-3D 
7 6 673  7024 2013-10-23 06:00:53 47.27017 8.569882  654.86 3.6 val. GPS-3D 
8 7 700  7024 2013-10-26 12:00:18 47.26904 8.569596  651.88 3.8 val. GPS-3D 
9 8 701  7024 2013-10-26 12:05:41 47.26899 8.569640  652.76 3.8 val. GPS-3D 
10 9 702  7024 2013-10-26 12:10:40 47.26898 8.569534  650.42 4.6 val. GPS-3D 
11 10 703  7024 2013-10-26 12:16:17 47.26896 8.569606  653.77 11.4  GPS-3D 
12 11 704  7024 2013-10-26 12:20:18 47.26903 8.569792  702.49 9.8 val. GPS-3D 
13 12 705  7024 2013-10-26 12:25:47 47.26901 8.569579  670.12 2.4 val. GPS-3D 
14 13 706  7024 2013-10-26 12:30:18 47.26900 8.569477  685.65 2.0 val. GPS-3D 
15 14 707  7024 2013-10-26 12:35:23 47.26885 8.569400  685.15 6.2 val. GPS-3D 
    Temp___C_  X  Y ID Trajectory distance  speed  timelag timevalid 
1   19 685667.7 235916.0 RE01  RE01 5.420858 0.021258268 4.250000   1 
2   20 685662.6 235917.8 RE01  RE01 21.276251 0.070218649 5.050000   1 
3   20 685644.9 235929.5 RE01  RE01 34.070730 0.110979577 5.116667   1 
4   20 685675.0 235913.5 RE01  RE01 16.335573 0.062349516 4.366667   1 
5   20 685658.8 235911.3 RE01  RE01 19.896906 0.063365941 5.233333   1 
6   20 685677.9 235905.7 RE01  RE01 199.248728 0.002346781 1415.050000   0 
7   22 685603.2 236090.4 RE01  RE01 126.831124 0.000451734 4679.416667   0 
8   22 685583.4 235965.1 RE01  RE01 6.330467 0.019598970 5.383333   1 
9   22 685586.8 235959.8 RE01  RE01 8.270701 0.027661208 4.983333   1 
10  23 685578.8 235957.8 RE01  RE01 5.888147 0.017472246 5.616667   1 
11  22 685584.3 235955.7 RE01  RE01 16.040998 0.066560158 4.016667   1 
12  23 685598.3 235963.6 RE01  RE01 16.205330 0.049256322 5.483333   1 
13  23 685582.2 235961.6 RE01  RE01 7.742184 0.028568946 4.516667   1 
14  23 685574.5 235960.9 RE01  RE01 18.129019 0.059439406 5.083333   1 
15  23 685568.8 235943.7 RE01  RE01 15.760165 0.051672673 5.083333   1 
    Date_text Time_text   DateTime Flucht FluchtALL 
1 22.10.2013 06:01:49 22.10.2013 06:01:49  0   0 
2 22.10.2013 06:06:04 22.10.2013 06:06:04  0   0 
3 22.10.2013 06:11:07 22.10.2013 06:11:07  0   0 
4 22.10.2013 06:16:14 22.10.2013 06:16:14  0   0 
5 22.10.2013 06:20:36 22.10.2013 06:20:36  0   0 
6 22.10.2013 06:25:50 22.10.2013 06:25:50  0   0 
7 23.10.2013 06:00:53 23.10.2013 06:00:53  0   0 
8 26.10.2013 12:00:18 26.10.2013 12:00:18  0   0 
9 26.10.2013 12:05:41 26.10.2013 12:05:41  0   0 
10 26.10.2013 12:10:40 26.10.2013 12:10:40  0   0 
11 26.10.2013 12:16:17 26.10.2013 12:16:17  0   0 
12 26.10.2013 12:20:18 26.10.2013 12:20:18  0   0 
13 26.10.2013 12:25:47 26.10.2013 12:25:47  0   0 
14 26.10.2013 12:30:18 26.10.2013 12:30:18  0   0 
15 26.10.2013 12:35:23 26.10.2013 12:35:23  0   0 


for (i in seq(nrow(df))) 
    # circle's centre 
    xcentre <- df[i,'X'] 
    ycentre <- df[i,'Y'] 

    # checking how many fixes lie within 15 m of the above centre, noofcloserest column will contain this value 
    df[i,'noofclosepoints'] <- sum(
    (df[,'X'] - xcentre)^2 + 
     (df[,'Y'] - ycentre)^2 
    <= 15^2 
) - 1 

    cat(i,': ') 
    # this prints the true/false vector for which row is within the radius, and which row isn't 
    cat((df[,'X'] - xcentre)^2 + 
     (df[,'Y'] - ycentre)^2 
     <= 15^2) 









## You read you time serie using the handy `read.zoo` 
## Note the use of the index here 
dx <- 
read.zoo(text="Date  Time DOP  X  Y noofclosepoints 
4705 09.07.2014 11:05:33 3.4 686926.8 231039.3    14 
4706 09.07.2014 11:10:53 3.2 686930.5 231042.5    14 
4707 09.07.2014 11:16:29 15.8 686935.2 231035.5    14 
4708 09.07.2014 11:20:08 5.2 686932.9 231035.6    14 
4709 09.07.2014 11:25:17 4.8 686933.8 231038.6    14 
4710 09.07.2014 11:30:16 2.2 686938.0 231037.0    15 
4711 09.07.2014 11:35:13 2.0 686930.9 231035.8    14 
4712 09.07.2014 11:40:09 2.0 686930.6 231035.7    14 
4713 09.07.2014 11:45:25 3.4 686907.2 231046.8    0 
4714 09.07.2014 11:50:25 3.2 686936.1 231037.1    14", 
     index = 1:2,format="%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S",tz="") 

## You apply your rolling to all columns 
## for each window you compute the distance between the current 
## point and others , then you return the number of points within the radius 
as.xts(rollapplyr(dx,7,function(x) { 
    curr <- tail(x,1) 
    others <- head(x,-1) 
    dist <- sqrt((others[,"X"]-curr[,"X"])^2 + (others[,"Y"]-curr[,"Y"])^2) 


#      [,1] 
# 2014-07-09 11:35:13 6 
# 2014-07-09 11:40:09 6 
# 2014-07-09 11:45:25 0 
# 2014-07-09 11:50:25 5 

哇一個窗口,這是快!不幸的是,當運行'as.xts'時,我得到一個錯誤:'在其他錯誤[,「X」] - curr [,「X」]: 二元運算符的非數字參數,不知道錯在哪裏。也許這與我剛剛將我的數據框轉換爲動物園對象的事實有關。我無法按照您的建議轉換它,僅僅是因爲我的數據框有11806行。我再次發佈了我的數據框的前15行。 –


@BenjaminSigrist'as.xts'用於漂亮的打印。你刪除它時有什麼?你是否第一次嘗試我的代碼? (這裏給出的數據)。 – agstudy


你的代碼工作正常,沒有問題。如果我刪除'as.xts',同樣的事情發生:'在其他錯誤[,「X」] - curr [,「X」]:二進制運算符的非數字參數 –
