2014-12-06 84 views


String TestBank[][] = {{"What color is grass?","A. Green","B. Red","C. Pink","A"}, 
{"Whats the first month called?","A. December","B. January","C. March","B"}, 
{"What shape is a soccer ball?","A. square","B. flat","C. round","C"}}; 




你可以使用'Random''s'nextInt(int n)'。看看api [鏈接](http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/util/Random.html) – Multithreader 2014-12-06 00:32:15


我看了你發給我的鏈接,但是看起來好像很混亂我。我對Java真的很陌生,所以如果你知道我的意思,我就不是真正的代碼效率。如果你或任何人都可以根據我放下的信息創建一個示例,並向我解釋這將是非常有用的。我基本上是一個視覺學習者。 – Blue 2014-12-06 00:41:53


你好藍,歡迎來到SO。你通常希望在你的問題上更精確一些。問題的哪一部分有問題(選擇隨機問題,如何將這些問題放入數組中,如何使用JOptionPane,如何在窗口中顯示該問題,如何告知用戶分數,其他內容)?你已經嘗試了什麼?爲什麼這不起作用?爲什麼一方的「相關問題」對你沒有幫助? – fishinear 2014-12-06 01:00:45




Random random = new Random(); 
int randomQuestion = random.nextInt(nrOfQuestions); 

,並使用這個變量randomQuestion訪問您從矩陣問題: 題庫[randomQuestion] [0]



那麼如何將數字分配給我的問題呢? – Blue 2014-12-06 00:45:59


PS:在Java標準中,變量名以小寫字母開頭。 – aurelius 2014-12-06 00:46:34


好吧,你有一個矩陣,數組數組,你說你將問題存儲在每一行的第一列。所以問題的總數實際上是你在矩陣中的總行數。 – aurelius 2014-12-06 00:48:42




private static String[][] randomize(String[][] testBank, int questions) { 
    // convert top array to list of mutable size 
    List<String[]> testBankAsList = new ArrayList<>(); 
    for (String[] qoa: testBank) { 

    // randomize questions 
    Collections.shuffle(testBankAsList, new SecureRandom()); 

    // remove the tail 
    testBankAsList.subList(questions, testBankAsList.size()).clear(); 

    // convert back into array 
    String[][] shorterRandomTestBank = testBankAsList.toArray(new String[testBankAsList.size()][]); 

    return shorterRandomTestBank; 




public static void main(String[] args) { 
    String testBank[][] = {{"What color is grass?","A. Green","B. Red","C. Pink","A"}, 
      {"Whats the first month called?","A. December","B. January","C. March","B"}, 
      {"What shape is a soccer ball?","A. square","B. flat","C. round","C"}}; 
    int questions = 2; 

    String[][] shorterRandomTestBank = randomize(testBank, questions); 

    // iterate of the returned questions 
    for (String[] qoa : shorterRandomTestBank) { 
     // prints the question 

     // prints the answer 
     System.out.println(qoa[qoa.length - 1]); 





public static void main(String args[]) { 

    // We are setting this final variable because we don't want to hard code numbers into loops etc 
    final int NUMBER_OF_QUESTIONS_TO_TAKE = 2; 

    String testBank[][] = {{"What color is grass?", "A. Green", "B. Red", "C. Pink", "A"}, 
      {"Whats the first month called?", "A. December", "B. January", "C. March", "B"}, 
      {"What shape is a soccer ball?", "A. square", "B. flat", "C. round", "C"}}; 

    // Initialise the array of questions that have been randomly chosen. 
    String finalArrayOfQuestions[] = new String[NUMBER_OF_QUESTIONS_TO_TAKE]; 

    // ArrayList to store the index number of a question so we can check later if it has been already used by number generator 
    ArrayList<Integer> alreadyChosenList = new ArrayList<Integer>(); 

    // boolean that we will use for whether or not a question has already been selected 
    boolean alreadyChosen; 

    // The column number that the random number generator generates, which is then used to extract the String question 
    int rowToUse; 

    // A for loop is used to loop through the process, depending on how many questions you want to take. 
    for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_QUESTIONS_TO_TAKE; i++) { 

     // Generate a random number, repeat the process (do/while) until a random number has been generated that hasnt been generated before 
     do { 
      // Generate a random number within the range 
      Random random = new Random(); 
      rowToUse = random.nextInt(testBank.length); 

      //check not already been picked 
      alreadyChosen = alreadyChosen(rowToUse, alreadyChosenList); 
     } while (alreadyChosen); 

     // Get String representation of question chosen at random 
     String questionChosen = testBank[rowToUse][0]; 

     // Add this String to finalListOfQuestions 
     finalArrayOfQuestions[i] = questionChosen; 

     // adds to list of questions already chosen. Makes sure you don't take same question twice. 
     //alreadyChosenList[i] = alreadyChosenList[rowToUse]; 

    for (String questions : finalArrayOfQuestions) { 
     String response = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(questions); 

     The response is the answer that the user types in. Here you can check it against the arrays you have 
     Or if you dont want the user to input a response use: 
     JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, questions); 


Method takes row index to use and the ArrayList of row indexes already been used and returns true or false depending if the current one is in the arraylist 
private static boolean alreadyChosen(int rowToUse, ArrayList<Integer> alreadyChosenList) { 

    for (int indexToCheck : alreadyChosenList) { 
     if (indexToCheck == rowToUse) { 
      return true; 
    return false; 