2017-09-01 141 views

我得到的標題中提到,每當我從另一個引用特定子錯誤對象「_Worksheet」的方法「範圍」失敗。每當這個Sub被隔離運行時,它就能正常工作。Excel VBA。運行時錯誤「1004」:當子被稱爲


Sub UnitExtraction() 

    'On Sheet2 exists a table. This table has a Unit column. 
    'The Unit column holds either of the values of: 1, 
    '2, 3, 4, or 5. The purpose of this Sub routine is to 
    'extract the rows corresponding to each Unit and store 
    'them into a respective range, and then paste these Ranges 
    'to the right of the original table in numerical order. 

    'LastRow is necessary because the size of the original table can 
    Dim LastRow As Long 
    Dim ChartRange1 As Range 
    Dim ChartRange2 As Range 
    Dim ChartRange3 As Range 
    Dim ChartRange4 As Range 
    Dim ChartRange5 As Range 

    LastRow = Sheet2.UsedRange.Rows.Count 

    'The original table has 6 columns starting at Y1. 
    'Each Unit range is initialized with the original 
    'table's headers. 
    Set ChartRange1 = Sheet2.Range("Y1:AD1") 
    Set ChartRange2 = Sheet2.Range("Y1:AD1") 
    Set ChartRange3 = Sheet2.Range("Y1:AD1") 
    Set ChartRange4 = Sheet2.Range("Y1:AD1") 
    Set ChartRange5 = Sheet2.Range("Y1:AD1") 

    'For some reason this doesn't work unless run in isolation. 
    'This is the loop that fills each range with its rows. 
    'We start at Row 2 (below the headers) and continue to 
    'the last row of the table. The Z column corresponds 
    'to the Unit column in the table, hence the number 26. 
    'As you can see we are simply looping through each row 
    'checking to see which number is held in the Unit 
    'column and then storing that row in the correct 
    'range object. 
    For i = 2 To LastRow 
     If Sheet2.Cells(i, 26).Value = 1 Then 
      Set ChartRange1 = Union(ChartRange1, _ 
       Sheet2.Range(Cells(i, 25), Cells(i, 30))) 
     ElseIf Sheet2.Cells(i, 26).Value = 2 Then 
      Set ChartRange2 = Union(ChartRange2, _ 
       Sheet2.Range(Cells(i, 25), Cells(i, 30))) 
     ElseIf Sheet2.Cells(i, 26).Value = 3 Then 
      Set ChartRange3 = Union(ChartRange3, _ 
       Sheet2.Range(Cells(i, 25), Cells(i, 30))) 
     ElseIf Sheet2.Cells(i, 26).Value = 4 Then 
      Set ChartRange4 = Union(ChartRange4, _ 
       Sheet2.Range(Cells(i, 25), Cells(i, 30))) 
     ElseIf Sheet2.Cells(i, 26).Value = 5 Then 
      Set ChartRange5 = Union(ChartRange5, _ 
       Sheet2.Range(Cells(i, 25), Cells(i, 30))) 
     End If 

End Sub 





目前有4種不同的「查詢」潛艇將在UnitExtraction調用。運行的Query Sub基於Sheet1上的User selected選項按鈕,決定從數據庫中檢索哪些統計信息。但是無論運行的特定查詢如何,這個小組仍然會運行從所有單元的原始表中提取每個單元。



我沒有看到'Sheet2'任何地方定義,它是全球可能? –


工作表#是Excel工作表的代碼名稱。如果你願意,這是一個「硬名稱」,即使用戶更改工作表名稱時也是如此。我通常更喜歡使用代碼名稱,這樣用戶可以隨意更改電子表格的「軟名稱」。 http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/10-things/10-ways-to-reference-excel-workbooks-and-sheets-using-vba/ – ReducingDirt


非常有趣!每天學些新東西。感謝您的鏈接! :) –


Sheet2.Range(Cells(i, 25), Cells(i, 30))) 


Sheet2.Range(Sheet2.Cells(i, 25), Sheet2.Cells(i, 30))) 

時Sheet 2中不是活動片,因爲範圍()或細胞()不具有特定的工作表限定符你的代碼無法總是指向活動片(除了在一個工作表的代碼模塊,在那裏他們默認爲該表)

What is the default scope of worksheets and cells and range?


哇,有趣..這解決了它。我認爲嵌套在Sheet2.Range中的單元格就足夠作爲Sheet限定符了。感謝您提供快速且有用的答案Tim! – ReducingDirt


我認爲通常假定外部'Range()'表限定符調用「通過」調用內部'Cells()'調用:不幸的是,情況並非如此。 –