2017-07-02 389 views




from smb.SMBConnection import SMBConnection 

dry_run = True # Set to True to test if all files/folders can be "walked". Set to False to perform the deletion. 
userID = 'myuser' 
password = 'mypassword' 
client_machine_name = 'testclient' # Usually safe to use 'testclient' 
server_name = 'MYSERVER' # Must match the NetBIOS name of the remote server 
server_ip = '' # Must point to the correct IP address 
domain_name = ''   # Safe to leave blank, or fill in the domain used for your remote server 
shared_folder = 'smbtest' # Set to the shared folder name 

conn = SMBConnection(userID, password, client_machine_name, server_name, domain=domain_name, use_ntlm_v2=True, is_direct_tcp=True) 
conn.connect(server_ip, 445) 

def walk_path(path): 
    print 'Walking path', path 
    for p in conn.listPath(shared_folder, path): 
     if p.filename!='.' and p.filename!='..': 
      parentPath = path 
      if not parentPath.endswith('/'): 
       parentPath += '/' 

      if p.isDirectory: 
       print 'Deleting folder (%s) in %s' % (p.filename, path) 
       if not dry_run: 
        conn.deleteDirectory('smbtest', parentPath+p.filename) 
       print 'Deleting file (%s) in %s' % (p.filename, path) 
       if not dry_run: 
        conn.deleteFiles('smbtest', parentPath+p.filename) 

# Start and delete everything at shared folder root 