2015-07-13 112 views

我有一個窗口2008 R2服務器,並安裝了AD和ADFS 2.0。 配置好ADFS後,再與其他系統集成。 我在整合時遇到了問題。從Windows事件日誌中發現以下錯誤消息。AD FS 2.0證書問題

An error occurred during an attempt to build the certificate chain for the relying party trust 'http://carlos-carlosad-ca.com/adfs/services/trust' certificate identified by thumbprint 'BD188AC26E0BDDC167D1A224493AB206515243F4'. Possible causes are that the certificate has been revoked, the certificate chain could not be verified as specified by the relying party trust's encryption certificate revocation settings or certificate is not within its validity period. 
You can use Windows PowerShell commands for AD FS 2.0 to configure the revocation settings for the relying party encryption certificate. 
Relying party trust's encryption certificate revocation settings: None 
The following errors occurred while building the certificate chain: 
MSIS2013: A required certificate is not within its validity period when verifying against the current system clock. 
User Action: 
Ensure that the relying party trust's encryption certificate is valid and has not been revoked. 
Ensure that AD FS 2.0 can access the certificate revocation list if the revocation setting does not specify "none" or a "cache only" setting. 
Verify your proxy server setting. For more information about how to verify your proxy server setting, see the AD FS 2.0 Troubleshooting Guide (http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=182180). 



