2013-04-07 50 views


var test = parseInt($interval.val(),10)+1000; 
var test2 = test; 
function runInterval() { 
    $(".slider #" + count_image).show("slide", { 
     direction: "right" 
    }, 500); 
    test2 = test; 
    if ($("#parrafo").text() == "Play") { 
     $(".slider #" + count_image).delay($interval.val()).hide("slide", { 
      direction: "left" 
     }, 500); 
     if (count_image == max_images) count_image = 1; 
     else count_image = count_image + 1; 
    $interval = $("select#mySelect option:selected"); 
    test = parseInt($interval.val(), 10) + 1000; 
    s = setInterval(runInterval, test2); 
s = setInterval(runInterval, test2); 

聽起來像間隔,你的幻燈片代碼太耦合了。點擊按鈕後,您是否可以設置一個變量來表示它已被點擊,然後即使回調被觸發,photoslider也不會執行任何操作。 – 2013-04-07 17:30:26


這就是間隔功能: 功能runInterval() { $(+ count_image」滑塊# 「).show(」 滑動,{方向: 「右」},500); TEST2 =測試; 如果($ (「#parrafo」)。text()==「Play」) {(「。slider#」+ count_image).delay($ interval.val())。hide(「slide」,{direction:「左 「},500); 如果(count_image == max_images) count_image = 1;否則 count_image = count_image + 1; \t \t } $間隔= $(」 選擇#mySelect選項:選擇「); test = parseInt($ interval.val( ),10)+ 1000; clearInterval(s); \t \t \t s = setInterval(runInterval,test2); } s = setInterval(runInterval,test2); – 2013-04-07 21:19:17


請問您可以在原始問題中粘貼代碼嗎?如果可能,請使用http://jsbeautifier.org/等格式。 – 2013-04-07 21:23:48



Here's a demo。我認爲它工作就像你想要的。我正在使用div s而不是img s,這應該沒什麼區別。


<div class="slider"> 
    <div id="0" class="img">0</div> 
    <div id="1" class="img hidden">1</div> 
    <div id="2" class="img hidden">2</div> 
    <div id="3" class="img hidden">3</div> 
    <div id="4" class="img hidden">4</div> 
<select id="mySelect"> 
<button id="parrafo">Start/Stop</button> 
<span id="status"></span> 


.hidden { 
    display: none; 
.slider, .img { 
    width: 32px; 
    height: 32px; 
.img { 
    background: blue; 
    color: white; 
    text-align: center; 
    font-size: 24px; 


var slideshowActive = false; 
var slideshowTimeoutDuration = 5000; 
var slideshowTimeout = -1; 
var currentImg = 0; 
var numImgs = 5; 
var slideDuration = 500; 

function showImg(img) { 
    $(".slider #" + img).show("slide", { 
     direction: "right" 
    }, slideDuration); 

function hideImg(img) { 
    $(".slider #" + img).hide("slide", { 
     direction: "left" 
    }, slideDuration); 

function swapImgs(currentImg) { 

    var nextImg = currentImg + 1; 
    if (nextImg >= numImgs) { 
     nextImg = 0; 

    // Show the next image after the currentImg has been hidden (after slideDuration). 
    setTimeout(function() { 
    }, slideDuration); 

    return nextImg; 

function onSlideshowTimeout() { 
    console.log("onSlideshowTimeout", new Date()); 

    if (!slideshowActive) { 
     $("#status").html("Slideshow aborted"); 

    currentImg = swapImgs(currentImg); 

    if (slideshowActive) { 
     // Continue the slideshow if active, by setting a new timeout. 
     slideshowTimeout = setTimeout(onSlideshowTimeout, slideshowTimeoutDuration); 

$("#parrafo").click(function() { 
    // Toggle the slideshow active. 
    slideshowActive = !slideshowActive; 

    // If the slideshow is now active, start it. 
    if (slideshowActive) { 
     // Only calculate the duration when the Start button is clicked. 
     var $interval = $("select#mySelect option:selected"); 
     slideshowTimeoutDuration = parseInt($interval.val(), 10) + 1000; 
     // Start the slideshow. 
     $("#status").html("Slideshow started with duration=" + slideshowTimeoutDuration + "ms"); 
     slideshowTimeout = setTimeout(onSlideshowTimeout, slideshowTimeoutDuration); 
    } else { 
     $("#status").html("Slideshow stopped"); 


enter image description here


哇!非常感謝保羅!這正是我想要的!並感謝您的評論! – 2013-04-07 22:47:03


我忘了提及,因爲它使用'setTimeout'而不是'setInterval',所以不需要取消超時(使用'clearTimeout')。相反,如果幻燈片顯示處於活動狀態,我們只會重複設置超時。 – 2013-04-07 22:49:42


非常感謝Paul!現在對我來說很清楚! :) – 2013-04-08 23:11:58