2013-03-19 111 views

在我的公司,我們使用TortoiseSVN自動合併關閉這種方式(http://tortoisesvn.tigris.org/faq.html#noautomerge)。但是,當我正在合併版本的範圍(特徵分支)時,龜甲自動合併,儘管我的設置。在更新期間,自動合併正確失敗,正如我所料 烏龜版本,合併工具設置,diff工具設置在附件中。 請幫幫我。 感謝烏龜SVN自動合併 - 禁用不起作用

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### Section for configuring external helper applications. 
### Set editor-cmd to the command used to invoke your text editor. 
### This will override the environment variables that Subversion 
### examines by default to find this information ($EDITOR, 
### et al). 
# editor-cmd = editor (vi, emacs, notepad, etc.) 
### Set diff-cmd to the absolute path of your 'diff' program. 
### This will override the compile-time default, which is to use 
### Subversion's internal diff implementation. 
# diff-cmd = diff_program (diff, gdiff, etc.) 
diff-cmd = "C:\\SVNNoMerge.bat" 
diff3-cmd = "C:\\SVNNoMerge.bat" 
### Diff-extensions are arguments passed to an external diff 
### program or to Subversion's internal diff implementation. 
### Set diff-extensions to override the default arguments ('-u'). 
# diff-extensions = -u -p 
### Set diff3-cmd to the absolute path of your 'diff3' program. 
### This will override the compile-time default, which is to use 
### Subversion's internal diff3 implementation. 
# diff3-cmd = diff3_program (diff3, gdiff3, etc.) 
### Set diff3-has-program-arg to 'yes' if your 'diff3' program 
### accepts the '--diff-program' option. 
# diff3-has-program-arg = [yes | no] 
### Set merge-tool-cmd to the command used to invoke your external 
### merging tool of choice. Subversion will pass 5 arguments to 
### the specified command: base theirs mine merged wcfile 
# merge-tool-cmd = merge_command 





我有這個(我添加了原配置文件的幫助部分) – Cicik 2013-03-19 15:47:06


你能幫我嗎?我不知道如何自己解決問題。 – Cicik 2013-04-02 14:11:41