2015-02-24 69 views

確保模型的屬性只能由ASP.NET WEB.API服務設置的最佳方式是什麼?對於該服務的消費者,該屬性是隻讀的。將ASP.NET WEB.API模型屬性設置爲API的使用者的只讀屬性?


public class MyModel 
    public string CanBeSetByConsumer { get; set; } 

    // Can only be set by the service 
    public int Id { get; set; } 

public class MyModelController : ApiController 
    public MyModel Get(int id) 
     // get MyModel by Id 
     return new MyModel(); 

    public MyModel Post(MyModel myData) 
     // save myData to a store and generate an ID 
     // return myData with ID populated with a 201 Created 


    "CanBeSetByConsumer" : "SomeValue" 


    "Id" : 1234, 
    "CanBeSetByConsumer" : "SomeValue" 

我會喜歡做的是如果返回400 BAD REQUEST客戶端POST s:

    "Id" : 1234, 
    "CanBeSetByConsumer" : "SomeValue" 

一種方法是從Post模型中排除Id屬性。 – danludwig 2015-02-24 18:32:42




public class MyGetModel 
    public string CanBeSetByConsumer { get; set; } 
    public int Id { get; set; } 

public class MyPostModel 
    public string CanBeSetByConsumer { get; set; } 

public class MyModelController : ApiController 
    public MyGetModel Get(int id) 
     // get MyModel by Id 
     return new MyGetModel(); 

    public MyGetModel Post(MyPostModel myData) 
     // save myData to a store and generate an ID 
     // return myGetData with ID populated with a 201 Created 

然後,如果你有很多共同的屬性,你可以擁有這兩個從abstract class MyModel繼承。

另一種方法可以將操作篩選器添加到發佈操作中。在該操作篩選器類中,您將覆蓋OnActionExecuting方法,檢查POST值集合中Id鍵下的值,並在那裏設置您的400 BAD REQUEST響應。

public class PreventIdValueAttribute 
    : System.Web.Http.Filters.ActionFilterAttribute 
    public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext) 
     // check request for id value, and if present, 
     // set the result to a 400 bad request HttpResponseMessage 

public MyModel Post(MyModel myData) 
    // save myData to a store and generate an ID 
    // return myData with ID populated with a 201 Created 
