2016-02-12 139 views


該函數需要一個座標矩陣並返回一個鄰接矩陣。 (如果有點和邊連接點i和點j,則adj(i,j)= 1,否則爲0.)



Delaunay Triangulation的一個例子是here


#include <iostream> 
#include <opencv2/core.hpp> 
#include <opencv2/imgproc.hpp> 
#include <opencv2/highgui.hpp> 

using namespace std; 
using namespace cv; 

Mat delaunay(const Mat& points, int imRows, int imCols) 
/// Return the Delaunay triangulation, under the form of an adjacency matrix 
/// points is a Nx2 mat containing the coordinates (x, y) of the points 
    Mat adj(points.rows, points.rows, CV_32S, Scalar(0)); 

    /// Create subdiv and insert the points to it 
    Subdiv2D subdiv(Rect(0,0,imCols,imRows)); 
    for(int p = 0; p < points.rows; p++) 
     float xp = points.at<float>(p, 0); 
     float yp = points.at<float>(p, 1); 
     Point2f fp(xp, yp); 

    /// Get the number of edges 
    vector<Vec4f> edgeList; 
    int nE = edgeList.size(); 

    /// Check adjacency 
    for(int e = 1; e <= nE; e++) 
     int p = subdiv.edgeOrg(e); // Edge's origin 
     int q = subdiv.edgeDst(e); // Edge's destination 

     if(p < points.rows && q < points.rows) 
      adj.at<int>(p, q) = 1; 
//  else 
//  { 
//   cout<<p<<", "<<q<<endl; 
//   assert(p < points.rows && q < points.rows); 
//  } 
    return adj; 

int main() 
    Mat points = Mat(100, 2, CV_32F); 
    randu(points, 0, 99); 

    int rows = 100, cols = 100; 
    Mat im(rows, cols, CV_8UC3, Scalar::all(0)); 
    Mat adj = delaunay(points, rows, cols); 

    for(int i = 0; i < points.rows; i++) 
     int xi = points.at<float>(i,0); 
     int yi = points.at<float>(i,1); 
     /// Draw the edges 
     for(int j = i+1; j < points.rows; j++) 
      if(adj.at<int>(i,j) > 0) 
       int xj = points.at<float>(j,0); 
       int yj = points.at<float>(j,1); 
       line(im, Point(xi,yi), Point(xj,yj), Scalar(255,0,0), 1); 
     /// Draw the nodes 
     circle(im, Point(xi, yi), 1, Scalar(0,0,255), -1); 
    namedWindow("im", CV_WINDOW_NORMAL); 
    return 0; 






#include <map> 
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp> 
using namespace std; 
using namespace cv; 

struct lessPoint2f 
    bool operator()(const Point2f& lhs, const Point2f& rhs) const 
     return (lhs.x == rhs.x) ? (lhs.y < rhs.y) : (lhs.x < rhs.x); 

Mat delaunay(const Mat1f& points, int imRows, int imCols) 
/// Return the Delaunay triangulation, under the form of an adjacency matrix 
/// points is a Nx2 mat containing the coordinates (x, y) of the points 
    map<Point2f, int, lessPoint2f> mappts; 

    Mat1b adj(points.rows, points.rows, uchar(0)); 

    /// Create subdiv and insert the points to it 
    Subdiv2D subdiv(Rect(0, 0, imCols, imRows)); 
    for (int p = 0; p < points.rows; p++) 
     float xp = points(p, 0); 
     float yp = points(p, 1); 
     Point2f fp(xp, yp); 

     // Don't add duplicates 
     if (mappts.count(fp) == 0) 
      // Save point and index 
      mappts[fp] = p; 


    /// Get the number of edges 
    vector<Vec4f> edgeList; 
    int nE = edgeList.size(); 

    /// Check adjacency 
    for (int i = 0; i < nE; i++) 
     Vec4f e = edgeList[i]; 
     Point2f pt0(e[0], e[1]); 
     Point2f pt1(e[2], e[3]); 

     if (mappts.count(pt0) == 0 || mappts.count(pt1) == 0) { 
      // Not a valid point 

     int idx0 = mappts[pt0]; 
     int idx1 = mappts[pt1]; 

     // Symmetric matrix 
     adj(idx0, idx1) = 1; 
     adj(idx1, idx0) = 1; 
    return adj; 

int main() 
    Mat1f points(10, 2); 
    randu(points, 0, 99); 

    int rows = 100, cols = 100; 
    Mat3b im(rows, cols, Vec3b(0,0,0)); 
    Mat1b adj = delaunay(points, rows, cols); 

    for (int i = 0; i < points.rows; i++) 
     int xi = points.at<float>(i, 0); 
     int yi = points.at<float>(i, 1); 

     /// Draw the edges 
     for (int j = i + 1; j < points.rows; j++) 
      if (adj(i, j)) 
       int xj = points(j, 0); 
       int yj = points(j, 1); 
       line(im, Point(xi, yi), Point(xj, yj), Scalar(255, 0, 0), 1); 

    for (int i = 0; i < points.rows; i++) 
     int xi = points(i, 0); 
     int yi = points(i, 1); 

     /// Draw the nodes 
     circle(im, Point(xi, yi), 1, Scalar(0, 0, 255), -1); 

    imshow("im", im); 
    return 0; 

非常感謝,三木! :d – Khue