2016-03-04 91 views


{ import processing.serial.*; 
    Serial myPort; 
    // Create object from Serial class int val; 
    // Data received from the serial port 
    void setup() { size(860, 860); 
    // I know that the first port in the serial list on my mac 
    // is always my FTDI adaptor, so I open Serial.list()[0]. 
    // On Windows machines, this generally opens COM1. 
    // Open whatever port is the one you're using. String portName = Serial.list()[1]; 

    myPort = new Serial(this, portName, 9600); 


void draw() { 
    if ((mouseX >100)&&(mouseY>50)&&(mousePressed)) 
     // If mouse is over square,  fill(204);      
     // change color and  myPort.write('U'); 
     // send an H to indicate mouse is over square  println("U");   } rect(100, 50, 100, 100);   // UP  if ((mousePressed)&&(mouseX>50)&&(mouseY>200)) { // If mouse is over square,  fill(204); 
       // change color and  myPort.write('L');  // send an H to indicate mouse is over square  println("L");   } rect(50, 200, 100, 100);//LEFT  
    if ((mousePressed)&&(mouseX>180)&&(mouseY>200)){ // If mouse is over square,  fill(204);    
     // change color and  myPort.write('R'); 
     // send an H to indicate mouse is over square  println("R"); 
    rect(180, 200, 100, 100); 
    if ((mousePressed)&&(mouseX>100)&&(mouseY>350)) { // If mouse is over square,  fill(204);  
     // change color and  myPort.write('B'); 
     // send an H to indicate mouse is over square  println("B"); 
    rect(100, 350, 100, 100);//BACK 



請以有組織和易讀的方式呈現您的代碼 –


如何?對不起,我剛加入SO。 – Mahip


您的代碼難以辨認。請重新格式化並從左側4個空格處開始縮進,以便在此處正確顯示。 – ThisClark




if ((mouseX >100)&&(mouseY>50)&&(mousePressed)) 

請把這段代碼,仔細一看,並試着描述一下邏輯就行了。您檢查mouseX > 100mouseY > 50。但即使鼠標位於窗口的右下角,情況也是如此!大概你不希望當你點擊窗口右下角時按下「向上」按鈕。


if(mousePressed && mouseX > 100 && mouseX < 200 && mouseY > 50 && mouseY < 150){ 

有自帶的編輯器處理一個Button example。只需去File>Examples,然後查找Button示例。
