2017-10-09 353 views

我正在使用宏和VBA代碼創建具有特定格式的文本文件。所有創建文本文件所需的數據都是從宏單元中收集的。 我附上了宏數據文件和輸出文本文件的圖片(請參見下文)。使用Excel宏和VBA創建和寫入文本文件

excel macro with data

Desired output txt format-example


Sub ExcelToTxt() 
'Declaring variables 
Dim lCounter As Long 
Dim lLastRow As Long 
Dim destgroup As String 
Dim parmlabel as Variant 
Dim FName As Variant 

'Activate Sheet1 

'Find the last row that contains data 
With Sheet1 
    lLastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlDown).Row 
End With 

'Create txt file 
FName = Application.GetSaveAsFilename("", "txt file (*.txt), *.txt") 

'Open FName For Output As #1 
For lCounter = 2 To lLastRow 
    'Read specific data from the worksheet 
    With Sheet1 destgroup = .Cells(lCounter, 19) 
     parmlabel = .Cells(lCounter, 8) 
     If destgroup="trex_15hz" Or destgroup="trex_10hz" Or destgroup="trex_5hz" Then 
      'Write selected data to text file 
      'Write #1, parmlabel 
     End If 
    End With 
'Continue looping until the last row 
Next lCounter 

'Close the text file 
Close #1 

End Sub 




編輯你的問題,並添加代碼出現。人們不會去另一個網站看看你有什麼。 – BerticusMaximus


謝謝編輯@BerticusMaximus!我很感激。 – Jesus


爲LABEL DEFINITION塊創建一個「模板」,其中可變部分用標記表示,例如「」,「」等。使用Replace()替換每個標記與工作表行中的值,重新出口。替換完成後,將該塊寫出到您的文本文件中。 –




Sub ExcelToTxt() 
'Declaring variables 
    Dim i As Long, j As Integer 
    Dim n As Long, k As Long 
    Dim destgroup As String 
    Dim FName As String 
    Dim vDB, vR(1 To 6), vJoin(), vResult() 
    Dim sJoin As String, sResult As String 
    Dim s As Long 
    'Activate Sheet1 

    'Find the last row that contains data 
    With Sheet1 
     vDB = .Range("a1").CurrentRegion '<~~ get data to array from your data range 
     n = UBound(vDB, 1) 'size of array (row of 2 dimension array) 
    End With 

    'Create txt file 
    FName = Application.GetSaveAsFilename("", "txt file (*.txt), *.txt") 

    For i = 2 To n '<~~loop 
      destgroup = vDB(i, 2) '<~~ second column 
      If destgroup = "trex_15hz" Or destgroup = "trex_10hz" Or destgroup = "trex_5hz" Then 

       vR(1) = "; ### LABEL DEFINITION ###" '<~~ text 1st line 
       s = Val(Replace(vDB(i, 3), "label", "")) 
       vR(2) = "EQ_LABEL_DEF,02," & Format(s, "000") 
       vR(3) = "UDB_LABEL," & Chr(34) & vDB(i, 4) & Chr(34) '<~~ 2nd line 

        ReDim vJoin(4 To 7) 
        vJoin(4) = Chr(34) & vDB(i, 4) & Chr(34) 
        For j = 5 To 7 
         vJoin(j) = vDB(i, j) 
        Next j 
        sJoin = Join(vJoin, ",") 

       vR(4) = "STD_SUB_LABE," & sJoin '<~~ 3th line 

        ReDim vJoin(8 To 12) 
        vJoin(8) = Chr(34) & UCase(vDB(i, 8)) & Chr(34) 
        vJoin(9) = Chr(34) & vDB(i, 9) & Chr(34) 
        vJoin(10) = Format(vDB(i, 10), "#.000000000") 
        For j = 11 To 12 
         vJoin(j) = vDB(i, j) 
        Next j 
        sJoin = Join(vJoin, ",") 

       vR(5) = "STD_SUB_LABE," & sJoin '<~~ 4the line 
       vR(6) = "END_EQ_LABEL_DEF" '<~~ 5th line 
       k = k + 1 
       ReDim Preserve vResult(1 To k) 
       vResult(k) = Join(vR, vbCrLf) '<~~ 5 line in array vR and get to array vResult with join method 
      End If 
    Next i 
    sResult = "EQUIPMENT_ID_DEF,02,0x1," & Chr(34) & "trex" & Chr(34) '<~~ text file first line 
    sResult = sResult & vbCrLf & Join(vResult, vbCrLf) '<~~ combine 1th and other line 

    ConvertText FName, sResult '<~~ sub presedure 
End Sub 
Sub ConvertText(myfile As String, strTxt As String) 
    Dim objStream 

    Set objStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream") 
    With objStream 
     '.Charset = "utf-8" 
     .WriteText strTxt 
     .SaveToFile myfile, 2 
    End With 
    Set objStream = Nothing 

End Sub 

enter image description here

enter image description here


非常感謝,你真棒!還有一件事,你能詳細解釋一下你包含的代碼行嗎?我會很感激。謝謝! – Jesus


@耶穌,我在代碼中添加一些解釋。 –


vDB是靜態數組,vR()是動態數組。 vJion()是動態數組 –