2017-02-11 49 views


class Node(object): 
    def __init__(self, data, left=None, right=None, parent=None): 
     self.left = left 
     self.data = data 
     self.right = right 

class Tree(object): 
    def __init__(self): 
     self.root = Node(None) 

    def delete(self,newData): 
     if self.root.data == None: 
      print 'The tree is empty' 
      self.__delete(self.root, newData) 

    def __delete(self, root, newData): 
     # if newData smaller than root.data, change root to root.left, recursive call 
     if newData < root.data: 
      if root.left: 
       self.__delete(root.left, newData) 
       return False 
     # if newData larger than root.data, change root to root.right, recursive call 
     elif newData > root.data: 
      if root.right: 
       self.__delete(root.right, newData) 
       return False 
     elif newData == root.data: 
      #case 1, root has no child 
      if root.left is None and root.right is None: 
       root = None 
      #case 2, root has one child (left) 
      elif root.left is not None and root.right is None: 
       root.data = root.left.data 
       root.left = None 
      #case 3, root has one child (right) 
      elif root.right is not None and root.left is None: 
       root.data = root.right.data 
       root.right = None 
      #case 4, root has both children, 
      # find the smallest node in the right subtree, and swipe value 
      # delete smallest node in the right subtree 
       root.data = self.__minValueToRightSubtree(root.right).data 
      print "Can't find this number" 

    def __minValueToRightSubtree(self, root): 
     if root.left is None: 
      return root 
      return self.__minValueToRightSubtree(root.left) 

    def __deleteMinValueToRightSubtree(self, root): 
     if root.left is None: 
      root = None 
      return root 

這段代碼錯了,您不期待什麼?我可以告訴你,情況2和3的根刪除是錯誤的,因爲當你試圖刪除根時,你保留'root.left'和'root.right'指針。 –


嘿。因此,我認爲在這些情況下,將數據從'root.left.data'或'root.right.data'複製到'root.data',並刪除左/右節點。這段代碼沒有收到任何錯誤消息,代碼也沒有做任何事情,所以我非常無知。你能否詳細說明爲什麼第2/3個案在閱讀我的過程之後出現錯誤 –


閱讀了這個...... elif root.right不是None並且root.left是None,然後閱讀這個'root.left = None' –





 #case 2, root has one child (left) 
     elif root.left is not None and root.right is None: 
      root.data = root.left.data 
      root.right = root.left.right 
      root.left = root.left.left 
     #case 3, root has one child (right) 
     elif root.right is not None and root.left is None: 
      root.data = root.right.data 
      root.left = root.left.left 
      root.right = root.left.right 

另一個問題是更微妙的。問題是,你無法刪除root你在第1種情況下要做的方式(以及__deleteMinValueToRightSubtree幫助方法中的情況4)。您正在將None指定爲root,如果Python以與C++和Java相同的方式傳遞參數(通過引用),則可能會有效。但是Python的參數與這些語言不同。 Python參數通過賦值傳遞,這意味着你在函數中的參數是一個局部變量,綁定到調用者傳入的同一個對象。當你做root = None時,你只修改你的局部變量,而不是樹結構。



 #case 1, root has no child 
     if root.left is None and root.right is None 
      if root.parent is None: # root is the root node of the whole tree 
       self.root = None 
      elif root.parent.left is root: 
       root.parent.left = None 
      else: # elif root.parent.right is root: 
       root.parent.right = None 
     #case 4, root has both children, 
     # find the smallest node in the right subtree, and swipe value 
     # delete smallest node in the right subtree 
      min_right_node = self.__minValueToRightSubtree(root.right) 
      root.data = min_right_node.data  # no need to recurse twice 
      if min_right_node is self.right:  # we can use the same node reference for 
       self.right = None     # both steps (swiping value and deleting) 
       min_right_node.parent.left = min_right_node.right 


def delete(self,newData): 
    if self.root.data == None: # should this be testing `self.root is None`? 
     print 'The tree is empty' 
     self.root = self.__delete(self.root, newData) # use return value 

def __delete(self, root, newData): 
    # if newData smaller than root.data, change root to root.left, recursive call 
    if newData < root.data: 
     if root.left: 
      root.left = self.__delete(root.left, newData) 
      raise ValueError("Can't find this number") 
    # if newData larger than root.data, change root to root.right, recursive call 
    elif newData > root.data: 
     if root.right: 
      root.right = self.__delete(root.right, newData) 
      raise ValueError("Can't find this number") 
    elif newData == root.data: 
     #case 1, root has no child 
     if root.left is None and root.right is None: 
      return None 
     #case 2, root has one child (left) 
     elif root.left is not None and root.right is None: 
      return root.left 
     #case 3, root has one child (right) 
     elif root.right is not None and root.left is None: 
      return root.right 
     #case 4, root has both children, 
     # find the smallest node in the right subtree, and swipe value 
     # delete smallest node in the right subtree 
      root.right, root.data = __delete_min(root.right) 
      return root 
     print "Can't find this number" 

def __delete_min(self, root): # returns a (node, minimum value) 2-tuple 
    if root.left is None: 
     return root.right, root.data 
     root.left, minval = self.__delete_min(root.left) 
     return root, minval 

關於命名的最後一句話:對私有函數使用雙引號下劃線名稱是一個壞主意。該語法調用Python的「名稱集合」系統,該系統將名稱轉換爲引用定義它的代碼的類。在編寫mixin或代理類時非常有用,並且您無法提前知道哪些屬性可能會發生衝突。對於普通的代碼,它只是讓事情變得煩人。如果你想將一個方法標記爲私有,只需使用一個前導下劃線。這在語言層面上沒有做任何事情,但這是一個慣例。其他程序員(以及文檔工具)會知道以這種方式命名的函數不是公共API的一部分。 (另一個或許更弱的慣例是對大多數變量和方法使用lowercase_names_with_underscores而不是camelCaseNames。這更像是一個樣式問題,而不是那些實際上對使用代碼有害的東西,比如名稱可能會變成這樣。)


Blckknght,非常感謝!它現在真的有更多的意義,我認爲這個問題可能通過引用傳遞,但我無法解決這個問題。感謝您的洞察力,這個答案是如此翔實! –


我剛剛完成使用父方法實現代碼,並且它工作正常!只是關於你的刪除最小功能的一個簡單問題。當你返回節點並將其分配給一個新變量'min_right_node'。您是否創建了節點副本,或者實際上是否將引用返回給此變量,因爲當您傳回引用時它會有意義,所以當您調用'min_right_node.parent.left'時,它實際上會從節點中刪除該節點樹而不是刪除拷貝變量 –


我不太確定我明白你在問什麼我的實現。沒有任何地方複製節點。我在第二個代碼塊的最後一行看到錯誤。 'min_right_node.parent.left = None'應該是'min_right_node.parent.left = min_right_node.right',因爲最小節點不一定是一個葉節點(它不能有一個左邊的孩子或它不會是最小的,但它可以有一個正確的孩子)。我會編輯以糾正這一點。 – Blckknght