2015-03-13 134 views



if (strtolower($_POST['code']) != 'opencom') 
    die('Error. Please type the word 'OPENCOM' in the appropriate field again'); 

if (isset($_POST['submit'])) 
    $to = "[email protected]"; 
    $subject = "2015 Rally Registration"; 
    $VehicleType_field = $_POST['VehicleType']; 
    $PilotName_field = $_POST['PilotName']; 
    $PilotEmail_field = $_POST['PilotEmail']; 
    $PilotCell_field = $_POST['PilotCell']; 
    $CoPilotName_field = $_POST['CoPilotName']; 
    $CoPilotEmail_field = $_POST['CoPilotEmail']; 
    $CoPilotCell_field = $_POST['CoPilotCell']; 
    $VehicleInfo_field = $_POST['VehicleInfo']; 
    $VehiclePlates_field = $_POST['VehiclePlates']; 
    $POP_field = $_POST['POP']; 
    $body = "Vehicle Type: $VehicleType_field\n Pilot Name: $PilotName_field\n Pilot E-mail: $PilotEmail_field\n Pilot Cell: $PilotCell_field\n Co Pilot Name: $CoPilotName_field\n Co Pilot E-mail: $CoPilotEmail_field\n Co Pilot Cell: $CoPilotCell_field\n Vehicle Info: $VehicleInfo_field\n Vehicle Plates: $VehiclePlates_field\n Proof of Purchase: $POP_field\n"; 
    $success = mail($to, $subject, $body); 

if ($success) 
    print "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0;URL=http://www.lacesusa.org/rallythanks\"--> 
     <meta content="text/html; 
    charset = windows - 1252" http-equiv="content - type"> 
    echo "Sorry error please try again..."; 
    } ?> </body > </html > 

這是錯誤的打印:; }其他{回聲「對不起,請再試一次...」; } – A8F9F 2015-03-13 11:29:56


使用嘗試抓住並更新我的錯誤..我希望你使用它的主機..你沒有這樣做在本地.. 嘗試{$ to,$ subject,$ body}; } catch(Exception $ x){echo $ x-> getMessage();} – 2015-03-13 11:30:50


是否有語法錯誤?代碼中有太多未經轉義的引號。 – 2015-03-13 11:38:46




     if (strtolower($_POST['code']) != 'opencom') 
      die('Error. Please type the word 'OPENCOM' in the appropriate field again');      
     if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { 
      $to = "[email protected]"; 
      $subject = "2015 Rally Registration"; 
      $VehicleType_field = $_POST['VehicleType'];       
      $PilotName_field = $_POST['PilotName']; 
      $PilotEmail_field = $_POST['PilotEmail']; 
      $PilotCell_field = $_POST['PilotCell']; 
      $CoPilotName_field = $_POST['CoPilotName']; 
      $CoPilotEmail_field = $_POST['CoPilotEmail']; 
      $CoPilotCell_field = $_POST['CoPilotCell'];      
      $VehicleInfo_field = $_POST['VehicleInfo']; 
      $VehiclePlates_field = $_POST['VehiclePlates']; 
      $POP_field = $_POST['POP']; 
      $body = "Vehicle Type: $VehicleType_field \n Pilot Name: $PilotName_field \n Pilot E-mail: $PilotEmail_field \n Pilot Cell: $PilotCell_field \n Co Pilot Name: $CoPilotName_field \n Co Pilot E-mail: $CoPilotEmail_field \n Co Pilot Cell: $CoPilotCell_field \n Vehicle Info: $VehicleInfo_field \n Vehicle Plates: $VehiclePlates_field \n Proof of Purchase: $POP_field\n"; 

     if (@mail($to, $subject, $body)){ 
      print '<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0;URL=http://www.lacesusa.org/rallythanks\"> 
      <html> <head> <meta content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" http-equiv="content-type"> 
      </head> <body>'; 
     else { echo "Sorry error please try again..."; 
    } ?> 

這不是它...我在另一個頁面上使用了與<! - 完美匹配的類似代碼,唯一改變的地方是$ XXX_field的數量......這使我認爲這是一個語法錯誤,我只是找不到 – A8F9F 2015-03-13 11:46:15


它返回什麼錯誤 – Sarath 2015-03-13 11:47:37


「;}其他{回聲」對不起,請再試一次...「;}?> – A8F9F 2015-03-13 11:53:29