2017-07-03 86 views

如何寫入顯示所有可能的「N」位 「A」 &「B」,其中「A」和「B」形成一對和「B」的組合的邏輯只能插,如果我們已經有一個非配對的「A」。組合中的R


when N=2, output should be ["AB"] 
when N=4, output should be ["AABB","ABAB"] 
when N=6, output should be ["AAABBB","AABBAB","AABABB","ABABAB","ABAABB"] 

你試過了什麼?另外,你能解釋更多嗎?我不明白「形成一對」(As和Bs的數量相等嗎?)或什麼是「不配對的A」意味着什麼。爲什麼「ABBA」,「BAAB」,「BABA」,「BBAA」不包括在n = 4的輸出中? – Gregor


完全失去了這個問題.. – Wen


這個問題有點不清楚,@mak。你的意思是隻有一定數量的B可以被添加來匹配字符串中已經存在的相同數量的A? –




# Number of combinations 
n <- 6 

# Create dataframe of all combinations for 1 and -1 taken n number of times 
# For calculations 1 = A and -1 = B 
df <- expand.grid(rep(list(c(1,-1)), n)) 

# Select only rows that have 1 as first value 
df <- df[df[,1] == 1,] 

# Set first value for all rows as "A" 
df[,1] <- "A" 

# Set value for first calculation column as 1 
df$s <- 1 

# Loop through all columns starting with 2 
for(i in 2:n){ 
    # Get name of current column 
    cur.col <- colnames(df)[i] 

    # Get the difference between the number of 1 and -1 for current column and the running total 
    df$s2 <- apply(df[,c(cur.col,"s")], 1, sum) 

    # Remove any rows with a negative value 
    df <- df[df$s2 >= 0,] 

    # Set running total to current total 
    df$s <- df$s2 

    # Set values for current column 
    df[,i] <- sapply(as.character(df[,i]), switch, "1" = "A", "-1" = "B") 

    # Check if current column is last column 
    if(i == n){ 
    # Only select rows that have a total of zero, indicating that row has a pairs of AB values 
    df <- df[df$s2 == 0, 1:n] 

# Get vector of combinations 
combos <- unname(apply(df[,1:n], 1, paste0, collapse = "")) 

感謝馬特的幫助..這解決了我的問題...,☺ – mak


@mak如果這是有用的,考慮[接受爲答案](https://meta.stackexchange.com/q/5234/228487)。 – zx8754