2013-02-07 58 views


CPAN installation problem " Package contains both files[bignum-0.30.tar] and directories[bignum-0.30]; not recognized as a perl package, giving up, won't make". 
Untarred RRD-Simple-1.44.tar successfully 
Package contains both files[RRD-Simple-1.44.tar] and directories[RRD-Simple-1.44]; not recognized as a perl package, giving up 
    Package contains both files[RRD-Simple-1.44.tar] and directories[RRD-Simple-1.44]; not recognized as a perl package, giving up, won't make 
Running Untarred RRD-Simple-1.44.tar successfully 
Package contains both files[RRD-Simple-1.44.tar] and directories[RRD-Simple-1.44]; not recognized as a perl package, giving up 
    Package contains both files[RRD-Simple-1.44.tar] and directories[RRD-Simple-1.44]; not recognized as a perl package, giving up, won't make 
Running make test 
    Make had some problems, won't test. 



你做了什麼? (你試圖執行的命令)? – Matteo



我有同樣的問題。 刪除~/.cpan/CPAN/MyConfig.pm並重新配置cpan(#cpan> o conf init)幫助