2010-10-14 56 views


define_index do 
    indexes :name, :sortable => true 
    indexes brand 

    has :id, kosher_id, gluten_free_id, lactose_free_id 
    has stores(:id),  :as => 'store_ids' 
    has locations(:id),  :as => 'location_ids' 
    has categories(:id), :as => 'category_ids' 
    has kosher(:passover), :as => 'kosher_passover' 


def self.for_locations_by_query(query, options = {}) 
    query, categories = @@coder.decode(query).gsub(/(\b\w+\b)/, "+\\0"), @@coder.decode(options.delete(:categories)) 
    origin, page = @@coder.decode(options.delete(:origin)), @@coder.decode(options.delete(:page)) 
    per_page, sort_order = @@coder.decode(options.delete(:per_page)), @@coder.decode(options.delete(:sort_order)) 
    distance, classifications = @@coder.decode(options.delete(:distance)), @@coder.decode(options.delete(:classifications)) 

    with      = {} 
    with[:store_ids]   = Location.all(:origin => origin, :within => distance).collect(&:store_id).uniq unless origin.blank? or distance.blank? 
    with[:category_ids]   = categories.split(',') unless categories.blank? 

    without      = {} 
    without[:kosher_id]   = 0 if classifications.split(',').include? 'kosher' 
    without[:gluten_free_id] = 0 if classifications.split(',').include? 'gluten_free' 
    without[:lactose_free_id] = 0 if classifications.split(',').include? 'lactose_free' 
    without[:kosher_passover] = 0 if classifications.split(',').include? 'kosher_passover' 

    products = Product.search(query, :with => with, :without => without, :per_page => 20, :page => 1) 
    stores = products.collect { |p| p.stores }.flatten.uniq 
    locations = stores.collect { |s| s.locations.find(:all, :origin => origin, :within => distance) }.flatten.uniq 
    locations.each { |l| l.dist = l.distance } 

    locations = locations.paginate(:page => page, :per_page => per_page) 

    return { :total_entries => locations.total_entries, :size => locations.size, :locations => locations } 

* .sphinx.conf文件 - 產品型號

source product_core_0 
    type = mysql 
    sql_host = [FILTERED] 
    sql_user = [FILTERED] 
    sql_pass = [FILTERED] 
    sql_db = [FILTERED] 
    sql_sock = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock 
    sql_query_pre = SET NAMES utf8 
    sql_query_pre = SET TIME_ZONE = '+0:00' 
    sql_query = SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE `products`.`id` * 3 + 1 AS `id` , `products`.`name` AS `name`, `products`.`brand` AS `brand`, `products`.`id` AS `sphinx_internal_id`, 485965105 AS `class_crc`, 0 AS `sphinx_deleted`, IFNULL(`products`.`name`, '') AS `name_sort`, `products`.`id` AS `id`, `products`.`kosher_id` AS `kosher_id`, `products`.`gluten_free_id` AS `gluten_free_id`, `products`.`lactose_free_id` AS `lactose_free_id`, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT IFNULL(`stores`.`id`, '0') SEPARATOR ',') AS `store_ids`, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT IFNULL(`locations`.`id`, '0') SEPARATOR ',') AS `location_ids`, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT IFNULL(`categories`.`id`, '0') SEPARATOR ',') AS `category_ids`, `koshers`.`passover` AS `kosher_passover` FROM `products` LEFT OUTER JOIN `product_stores` ON (`products`.`id` = `product_stores`.`product_id`) LEFT OUTER JOIN `stores` ON (`stores`.`id` = `product_stores`.`store_id`) LEFT OUTER JOIN `product_locations` ON (`products`.`id` = `product_locations`.`product_id`) LEFT OUTER JOIN `locations` ON (`locations`.`id` = `product_locations`.`location_id`) LEFT OUTER JOIN `category_products` ON (`products`.`id` = `category_products`.`product_id`) LEFT OUTER JOIN `categories` ON (`categories`.`id` = `category_products`.`category_id`) LEFT OUTER JOIN `koshers` ON `koshers`.id = `products`.kosher_id WHERE `products`.`id` >= $start AND `products`.`id` <= $end GROUP BY `products`.`id` ORDER BY NULL 
    sql_query_range = SELECT IFNULL(MIN(`id`), 1), IFNULL(MAX(`id`), 1) FROM `products` 
    sql_attr_uint = sphinx_internal_id 
    sql_attr_uint = class_crc 
    sql_attr_uint = sphinx_deleted 
    sql_attr_uint = id 
    sql_attr_uint = kosher_id 
    sql_attr_uint = gluten_free_id 
    sql_attr_uint = lactose_free_id 
    sql_attr_bool = kosher_passover 
    sql_attr_str2ordinal = name_sort 
    sql_attr_multi = uint store_ids from field 
    sql_attr_multi = uint location_ids from field 
    sql_attr_multi = uint category_ids from field 
    sql_query_info = SELECT * FROM `products` WHERE `id` = (($id - 1)/3) 

index product_core 
    source = product_core_0 
    path = [FILTERED]/releases/20101008215652/db/sphinx/staging/product_core 
    charset_type = utf-8 

index product 
    type = distributed 
    local = product_core 

問題行是with[:store_ids] = ... 該產品可以關聯到多個商店我ds,但它似乎只有在with[:store_ids]的最低編號爲ID的陣列中才有效。例如,與產品1000相關聯的ID是[12,15,41],如果with[:store_ids] = [15,41]則返回0結果,但是如果12在數組中,那麼它起作用。




該問題與權限和Capistrano版本目錄結構有關。該服務由root擁有,從舊版本開始運行,並且不會以用戶級別rake ts:stop停止,它需要我以root身份運行它,然後從當前版本目錄啓動服務。此時,數據正在正確顯示。
